This page offers a guide on how to complete Request 71: New Wares Yet Again in Pokémon Legends: ARCEUS (PLA).
Request 71: New Wares Yet Again.
This request is picked up from Choy, who is a merchant in Jubilife Village. Before you can complete this request, you’ll need to first complete Request 23, Request 43 and Request 61. This time Choy will ask that you collect x3 Sand Radishes to give to Tao Hua.
Where to Find Sand Radish¶
Sand Radishes can be found in Alabaster Icelands. More specifically, you can find exactly three Sand Radishes near Heart’s Crag. They’re plants with big blue leaves so should be easy to spot! Alternatively, you could complete Request 76: Mushroom Hunting with Swinub, as you’ll be rewarded x5 Sand Radishes, but that request is undertaken around Heart’s Crag so it wouldn’t really save you that much time.
Sand Radishes grow in Alabaster Icelands.
Once you’ve got x3 Sand Radishes (by whichever means), you’ll need to head down to the basement of Galaxy Hall and hand them to Tao Hua. Upon completing this request, you’ll unlock more wares at Choy’s shop.
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