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Assassin's Creed Mirage

Ali Baba’s Estate - The King of Thieves - Assassin’s Creed Mirage

Scott Peers
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This investigation begins immediately after the initial [Ali Baba Investigation - A Dance With Thieves](Ali Baba Investigation - A Dance With Thieves “Ali Baba Investigation - A Dance With Thieves”). You’ll find yourself at the Forty Thieves Hideout if you’re starting it from that point, with Murjana having gone back to Baghdad to bury her father. You need to meet Murjana at the Ali Baba Estate in southern Baghdad, where you’ll learn that the thieves are not entirely dealt with yet. On this page, we’ll show you how to mark the houses to lure out the thieves in Baghdad, and how to kill the King of Thieves in the Forty Thieves Hideout.

Ali Baba’s Estate investigation, Assassin’s Creed Mirage. Pictured: Basim and Murjana.

Secrets, Spoken and Unspoken

As mentioned above, the first thing you need to do here is meet Murjana at her father’s estate - the Ali Baba Estate - in southern Baghdad. She’s preparing to bury her father’s body there, and after a lengthy cutscene you’ll discover a mark from the thieves which reveals that they are now hunting Murjana as well. Basim comes up with a plan to lure out and ambush the thieves in Baghdad, but to execute it you’ll need to mark some abandoned buildings with the thieves’ mark.

Where to Apply the Thieves’ Mark

To begin the process of marking the abandoned houses, just head southeast from Ali Baba’s Estate and use Eagle Vision to highlight any doors with an “X” on them. All you need to do is approach the doors and interact with them to apply the mark. You need to mark a total of four doors before you can trigger the ambush. After marking all four, go to the mission marker on the wooden beam to the northwest, and wait there for nightfall.

(1 of 3) Meet Murjana at the Ali Baba Estate in southern Baghdad.

Kill the Invading Thieves

As night descends, you’ll see the thieves enter the neighborhood where you marked the houses. They’ll be confused for a while, since there should only be one marked house, and no one is at home in the houses that have been marked. Now is your chance to strike, so all you need to do is assassinate each one of the thieves in the area. You should be able to do this without being seen, since there’s plenty of foliage and other building materials for you to hide around.

Once you’ve assassinated all the invading thieves, head northwest, back to the Ali Baba Estate, to check on Murjana. You’ll find her engaged in a fight with some thieves, so you need to deal with them before a cutscene with Murjana will start. During the scene, Basim and Murjana will resolve to find and kill the King of Thieves, thereby ending their violence for good. This will require returning to the Forty Thieves Hideout, located southwest of Baghdad, to infiltrate their base of operations.

(1 of 2) You can use Eagle Vision to highlight the location of all the invading thieves.

You can use Eagle Vision to highlight the location of all the invading thieves. (left), Be sure to help Murjana after killing the thieves around the marked houses. (right)

Kill the King of Thieves at the Forty Thieves Hideout

The King of Thieves can be found at the Forty Thieves Hideout, which is located in the desert to the southwest of Baghdad. If you haven’t activated any of the synchronization points in the area, the fastest method will be to ride there by horse or camel. You’ll find that the forces outside of the hideout have been replenished, so you’ll have to assassinate the patrols here before you can enter the interior of the hideout. When you’re ready, approach the large doors near the southern side, and interact with them to trigger a cutscene which will see the doors opened.

How to Kill the King of Thieves

Now that you’re inside the Forty Thieves Hideout, you’ll find a number of guards along the path to the main chamber. You can take these out quietly, then enter the chamber through the gate. There are multiple guards here, with the King of Thieves at the back of the chamber. He’s a much more dangerous foe than any you’ve likely faced so far, so you’ll need to be ready for a potentially tough fight. If he fights you head-on, almost all of his hits will inflict a damage-over-time fire effect that will gradually drain your health, in addition to any other hits that you take.

The easiest way to kill the King of Thieves is to sneak up on top of the tent poles in the main chamber, then position yourself directly above him. Be sure to take out the guards on the higher ground first, which you can do by turning right from the main entrance, then circling the entire chamber. If you can pull off the assassination of the king after that, you’ll neutralize his much greater damage output, while giving you a chance to finish off the rest of the guards.

(1 of 4) The location of the Forty Thieves Hideout, in the desert southwest of Baghdad.

Once you’ve killed the King of Thieves and all the others, a cutscene will play during which Murjana appears. Here Basim will part ways with her for now, and you’ll have an opportunity to loot the entire chamber of its riches before you leave. There’s a considerable amount of Dirham and other materials to be found here, so it’s well worth doing.

More Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guides

If you’re looking for more AC Mirage guides, be sure to check the links below.

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  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    4 October 2023
  • Last Updated
    29 December 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a return to the classic style for the series, with Basim Ibn Ishaq as the protagonist, who was first introduced in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It will showcase the humble beginnings of Basim as a street thief, to his rise as a member of the Hidden Ones, and an assassin.

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