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Assassin's Creed Mirage

All Dervis Artifact Locations and Rewards - Assasin's Creed Mirage

Jessica Dillon
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Dervis Artifacts are one of the collectibles you will find in Assassin’s Creed: Mirage. There are 18 in total scattered all around the map, making them tough to find. You will also need to have a good handle on the pickpocketing skill, as it’s the only way you will get the artifacts. The guide below goes over where to find all 18 Dervis Artifacts and what rewards you will receive for turning them in.

You will need to obtain eighteen artifacts to complete Where One May Haggle, or Try.

All Dervis Artifact Locations

There are a total of 18 Dervis Artifacts to find in Mirage. These can be found throughout the five major areas of the map. This requires players to utilize their pickpocketing skill, which tasks you with walking behind an NPC and completing a quick time event to take their wallet successfully. Each of the artifacts is in the purse of a marked NPC, and you will need to successfully pickpocket them to get each artifact. An artifact mark will pop up on your map when you get close to them. When you find the NPC, the marker will be floating over the NPC’s head to help you identify them from the crowd.

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You may well be here because you cannot locate a certain artifact. If that is the case, feel free to use these quick links to jump you to the point on the page that you need.

Abbasiyah Dervis Artifacts

Dervis Artifact Location NPC Description Artifact
West of the Four Markets A Woman in Green, near a bookstall Small Chinese Box
North of Hammam A man on the dock, working on netting. Round Moon Plaque
South of Hammam A man is shoveling near brick piles. Tang Censor
West of The Dome of the Ass The main yellow and black striped robe, he’s standing in a group of men. Obibanum

Four Markets Dervis Artifact

Inside the Abbasiyah territory, you will find a total of four Dervis Artifacts. Starting from north to south, the first artifact can be found slightly west of the Four Markets location. Here, a woman in green will be carrying the artifact, a Small Chinese Box.

(1 of 2) Location of the artifact near the Four Markers

Location of the artifact near the Four Markers (left), A woman near the book stall will have the Dervis Artifact. (right)

North Hammam Dervis Artifact

Next, you will want to head north to Hammam, don’t cross the water to get to the location. Instead, look around the dock across the river. Here, you will find a man working on netting that has the artifact. This will get you the Round Moon Plaque.

(1 of 2) The next artifact can be found north of Hammam.

The next artifact can be found north of Hammam. (left), The NPC holding it will be on the dock working on netting. (right)

South Hammam Dervis Artifact

Proceed a little further down, past Hammam. You will find another marker and an NPC in a brick-making workspace. He will be working away at the brick pile, pickpocket him to get the Tang Censor. Now, you will be headed to the southern border of the territory.

(1 of 2) The third artifact will be located south of Hammam.

The third artifact will be located south of Hammam. (left), This NPC will be working on bricks near some guards. (right)

Dome of the Ass Dervis Artifact

The artifact is in between The Dome of the Ass and The Great Bimaristan. You will find the artifact in a small market here. A group of men is gathered together, and the one holding it has a robe with yellow and gold stripes. After you grab the Obibanum artifact, you will be done with Abbasiyah.

(1 of 2) The last artifact in Abbasiyah is located next to the Dome of the Ass.

The last artifact in Abbasiyah is located next to the Dome of the Ass. (left), You will find it with a man who is in a meeting with three other men. (right)

Harbiyah Dervis Artifacts

Dervis Artifact Location NPC Description Artifact
Ditch Sluice of the Fief A man making bread at a table. There is a line in front of him. Scandinavian Brooch
East of the Dye Factory A man is shoveling near a trough. Money Cowrie
Dye Factory A woman working in the dye pools. Aksumite Amulet
South of the Damascus Gate Prison A man is shoveling near a hay cart. Votive Plaque

Ditch Sluice of the Fief Dervis Artifact

There are also four artifacts to find around the Harbiyah area. The first can be found at the Ditch Sluice of the Fief. Here, you will find an NPC kneading bread for a line of customers. The first customer in line is a guard, so whistle to draw him away and quickly pickpocket the man. This will get you the Scandinavian Brooch Dervis artifact.

(1 of 2) For the first artifact, head to the Ditch Sluice of the Fief.

For the first artifact, head to the Ditch Sluice of the Fief. (left), The NPC you’re looking for will be making bread. Whistle to move the guard in front of him and grab the artifact. (right)

East of the Dye Factory Dervis Artifact

Your next target is located south of the Ditch Sluice of the Fief, across from the Dying Factory. This time, it will be an NPC that is shoveling. Grab the Money Cowrie.

(1 of 2) There is an artifact east of the Dyeing factory.

There is an artifact east of the Dyeing factory. (left), The artifact on the east is held by an NPC with a shovel. (right)

Dye Factory Dervis Artifact

You will now want to head to the Dyeing Factory itself. Just outside of the dye area, you will find an NPC wearing a brown robe and working in the dye, pickpocket him to get the Aksumite Amulet.

(1 of 2) There is an artifact on both the east and one inside of the Dyeing factory.

There is an artifact on both the east and one inside of the Dyeing factory. (left), Head to the area around the dyeing factory, the artifact is held by a worker. (right)

Damascus Gate Prison Dervis Artifact

The final NPC for this area is located south of the Damascus Gate Prison. This will be another NPC that is working with a shovel near a hay cart. Pickpocket him to receive the Buddhist Votive Plaque. This will complete all the Dervis artifacts in the Harbiyah area.

(1 of 2) The area south of the Damascus Gate Prison will hold the last artifact.

The area south of the Damascus Gate Prison will hold the last artifact. (left), The man you are looking for is shoveling near a hay cart. (right)

Karkh Dervis Artifacts

Dervis Artifact Location NPC Description Artifact
South of the Harbor Camp A man under a large tree, between two other NPCs. Jade Comb
West of Al-Mi’dhana Al-’ateeqa A man on the dock. He is standing near a rug. Glass Weight
West of the Cook’s Quarter A man standing under a large tree, usually between two other NPCs. Decorated Shell
West of the Monastery of the Virgin A man dressed in green, usually looking towards the alley wall. Ivory Chess Piece

Harbor Camp Dervis Artifact

Karkh is another area with four Dervis Artifacts. Start at the Harbor Camp. Your first NPC will be south in between some buildings, under a large tree, between two other NPCs. Swipe his purse to get the Jade Comb Dervis Artifact.

(1 of 2) Head to the Harbor Camp for the first Karkh artifact.

Head to the Harbor Camp for the first Karkh artifact. (left), The artifact will be a bit south, held by an NPC under a large tree. (right)

Al-Mi’dhana Al-’ateeqa Dervis Artifact

The second artifact is near Al-Mi’dhana Al-’ateeqa and head west. Here, you will find an NPC working on the dock. Get behind him and take the Glass Weight artifact.

(1 of 2) Head west of Al-Mi’dhana Al-’ateeqa.

Head west of Al-Mi’dhana Al-’ateeqa. (left), You are looking for an NPC near a rug on the river dock. (right)

Cookmen’s Quarter Dervis Artifact

Head west to the Cookmen’s Quarter for the third artifact. The NPC holding it is west of the building, looking at some pots. Pickpocket him to grab the Decorated Shell Dervis Artifact.

(1 of 2) The second artifact is west of the Cookmen’s Headquarters.

The second artifact is west of the Cookmen’s Headquarters. (left), You will find it with an NPC standing under a tree. (right)

Monastery of the Virgin Dervis Artifact

The last Dervis Artifact is located east of the Monastery of the Virgin. This NPC will be dressed in green and hanging around an ally. Grab his purse to get the Ivory Chess Piece artifact. This will complete the Karkh artifact set.

(1 of 2) You will now look east of the Monastery of the Virgin.

You will now look east of the Monastery of the Virgin. (left), An NPC in yellow will be your next target. (right)

Round City Dervis Artifacts

Dervis Artifact Location NPC Description Artifact
West of the Postal Bureau A man on a rooftop. He is standing in front of a flower bed. Sillan Christian Cross
South of Harem A man wearing black. He is inspecting some fruit. Ceaser Dervis
East of the Shurta Headquarters A woman dressed in green in the market square. Pyxis

Postal Bureau Dervis Artifact

There are a total of three artifacts for you to find in the Round City. You will want to start at the north end and work your way down on the west side of the city. The first artifact is located near the Postal Bureau. The NPC you are looking for is on the west side of the Postal Bureau on a rooftop. A guard is also present here. Jump into the flower and use them as cover to pickpocket the man. You will receive the Sillan Christian Cross artifact.

(1 of 2) The first artifact is west of the Postal Bureau.

The first artifact is west of the Postal Bureau. (left), You will find a man on the rooftop standing in front of the flower bed; use this as a cover to grab his purse. (right)

Harem Dervis Artifact

The next target is a bit easier and is located south of Harem. He’s dressed in black and staring at some fruit. Go ahead and take his purse to get the Coptic Ceaser Dervis Artifact.

(1 of 2) Next, you will head a bit south of Harem.

Next, you will head a bit south of Harem. (left), You will see two men chatting; one of them has the artifact. (right)

Shurta Headquarters Dervis Artifact

For the final artifact, make your way to the eastern part of the Round City. You will want to go past the Shurta Headquarters towards the guard wall. Here, you will find a woman dressed in brown. She holds the Pyxis artifact. After you grab this, the Round City Dervis Artifacts will be done.

(1 of 2) for the final artifact, head east past the Shurta Headquarters.

for the final artifact, head east past the Shurta Headquarters. (left), You will see an NPC dress in emerald in the marketplace. (right)

Wilderness Dervis Artifacts

Dervis Artifact Location NPC Description Artifact
West of the Winter Palace A man wearing black clothing. He is usually looking at the wall. Staurotheke
South of the Excavation Site A man surrounded by cats. Kissi Penny
Jarjaraya A man in brown, he’s speaking in a group. Byzantine Bracelet

Winter Palace Dervis Artifact

Like with the Round City, the Wilderness holds three artifacts. Start at the northern end of the map. Here, you will find an NPC in dark clothing facing the wall near a door. Walk up and take his purse to get the Staurotheke.

(1 of 2) For the first Wilderness artifact, head up to the Winter Palace.

For the first Wilderness artifact, head up to the Winter Palace. (left), The artifact is southeast of the Winter Palace with an NPC in the courtyard. (right)

Excavation Site Dervis Artifact

The next target is in the southwest part of the map. You will find him living alone with a herd of cats near the Excavation Site. The cats won’t tell on you, so walk up behind him to take his purse. You will receive the Kissi Penny Dervis Artifact.

(1 of 2) You will be heading towards the west border of the map near the Excavation Site.

You will be heading towards the west border of the map near the Excavation Site. (left), There will be an NPC to the east surrounded by cats. (right)

Jarjaraya Dervis Artifact

The last artifact is located the furthest south in Jarjaraya. This can be tricky as a man and his guards are walking around the area with the artifact. If you get too close to them, then you will be attacked. Wait for them to pass and head into the small courtyard. Here, you will see a group of men, one of them holding the Byzantine Bracelet. This will complete your Dervis artifact collection. All that’s left to do is visit Dervis and obtain them for rewards.

(1 of 2) The last artifact is located in Jarjaraya.

The last artifact is located in Jarjaraya. (left), You will find the artifact in a small courtyard. The NPC is in a group of men. (right)

Dervis Artifact Quest and Rewards

If you want to receive a reward for collecting all eighteen artifacts, then you need to speak with Dervis near the Dye Factory. You will meet him shortly after you have completed the tutorial. He will task you with finding every artifact, and he has three tiers of rewards for you to claim as you find them. These rewards are all tied to his quest, Where One May Haggle, or Try to, will be complete. The table below goes over each reward and at what tier you will receive it.

Artifact Cost Reward
Three Artifacts x120 Components, x70 Leather, x70 Steel Ingot
Six Artifacts x180 Components, x110 Leather, x110 Steel Ingot
Nine Artifacts x180 Components, x110 Leather, x110 Steel Ingot, Treasure Hunter Costume

(1 of 5) You will find Dervis near the Dye Factory.

The Treasure Hunter Costume can be found in the costume section of your inventory. It will change the overall look of Basim and can be switched out at any time. After your turn in all 18 artifacts, Where One May Haggle, or Try To will be complete.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    4 October 2023
  • Last Updated
    29 December 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a return to the classic style for the series, with Basim Ibn Ishaq as the protagonist, who was first introduced in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It will showcase the humble beginnings of Basim as a street thief, to his rise as a member of the Hidden Ones, and an assassin.

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