Surrender is one of three Wilderness Enigmas that you can find in Mirage. Once you learn how to track them down, they are quick collectibles that you can easily get within an hour of gameplay. Surrender is the northern Enigma, so you will need to do quite a bit of riding to get it. The guide below goes over where to find the clue for the Surrender Enigma, and where to find the treasure in the northern part of the Wilderness.
The Surrender Enigma is one of three Wilderness Enigmas that you can find in Mirage.
How to Find the Surrender Enigma in AC Mirage¶
This Enigma is located past the Gate of Tahir on the other side of the river. Once through the gate, go to the Tomb of Zubaydah and the yellow marker for an Enigma will pop up on your map once you are close enough. You are looking for a scroll that is sitting on top of a grave. You will know you are at the right item when you have to hold the button in to pick it up. You will quickly realize that this is only the first part of the puzzle.
(1 of 4) Once you are close enough, you will be able to see the Enigma marker on your map.
When you examine the new clue in your inventory, you will be greeted by a crude drawing. Even if you have explored the map a bit, this drawing is incredibly confusing as it has a town and a lion. This could refer to dozens of locations in the game, so most players understandably get a bit confused by the strange note. In the section below, we will go over the meaning of the note and how to ultimately find the treasure.
Where to Find the Treasure for the Surrender Enigma¶
The note refers to the northernmost town of Ukbara. This is a town that has some of its buildings sunk into the nearby river. If you haven’t been there, then scroll to the top of your map, you will see a large desert along with an oasis, the town of Ukbara is right above this. We recommend you hop on your mount to make this journey go by just a little bit quicker.
Once you reach Ukbara, head north through the town until you see the sunken buildings. One of the furthest buildings from the shoreline, which sits in the middle of the area, is the one you want. You will need to make your way over to it to see the treasure. It will be glowing on the ground next to a pot, so it’s easy to spot. Pick it up and you will now have the decorative item, the Rebel’s Talisman. If you wish to equip it, simply hop into your inventory and switch your talisman over.
Other Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guides¶
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