The Boat Heist is an early-game side quest that’s part of the contract board. This isn’t a difficult quest to complete if you have a decent handle on stealth, but some players may find it a bit annoying. This is especially true if you are trying to complete the mission without being detected by the guards. The guide below goes over how to complete The Boat Heist contract without being detected.
The Boat Heists task you with stealing a boat from a restricted area.
When Does The Boat Heist Contract Become Available?¶
The Boat Heist is an early-game contract that you can acquire soon after you complete the Zeroing In main quest. To claim this contract, head to the bureau and check the contract board. If you are ready to start it, pick it up off the board and go to the contract section of your menu to track its location.
How to Steal The Boat Without Being Noticed¶
For The Boat Heist contract, head to the Ditch Sluice of the Fief. Once there, you will be headed into a restricted zone. As you will see if you use your falcon, the boat is well guarded. If you want to complete the mission without being detected, then you will need to start assassinating guards. Start at the top of the area and work your way down. Throwing Knives is a helpful tool here and will help you complete this contract quickly.
Once you have dealt with the guard, go to the path above the gate. Here, you will find a lever to raise the gate out of the water, clearing the bath for the boat. Once this is done, hop in the boat and begin sailing it downstream. You will be leaving it under a dock away from the restricted area. Once it’s under the dock, you will receive your reward for completing the mission.
The Boat Heist Rewards¶
Once you deliver the boat, you will receive 45 components, 115 leather, and two Merchant Favor tokens. If you complete the mission without being seen, then you will also receive 65 Dirhams and two additional Merchant Favor tokens. After you receive your rewards, The Boat Heist contract will be complete.
Other Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guides¶
If you’re looking for more side content to do, then check out our other Mirage guides below.
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