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Assassin's Creed Mirage

Find the Missing Brother Investigation - AC Mirage

Scott Peers
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The Ahmad Ibn Musa investigation in Assassin’s Creed Mirage has one major objective running throughout it: to find the missing brother. This will lead you to Ahmad’s Workshop at the House of Wisdom, then to the Excavation Site in the Wilderness, and finally to Doctor Hassan’s laboratory at The Great Bimaristan in Baghdad. On this page, we’ll show you where to find Ahdmad’s Workshop, the location of the Excavation Site, and how to find and assassinate Doctor Hassan.

Ahmad Ibn Musa Investigation, Assassin’s Creed Mirage.

The House of Wisdom - Investigate Ahmad’s Office

The first task in this mission is to investigate Ahmad’s Office in the House of Wisdom, located in the western part of Baghdad, in the Abbasiyah region. You can see the location in the screenshot below.

Speak with Fazil Fahim

When you first arrive at the House of Wisdom, you’ll find a scene of burnt books in the center. Speak with the old man named Fazil Fahim to learn more about what happened. While the burning of the books remains a mystery, you know that you need to investigate Ahmad’s workshop for now.

Where to Find Ahmad’s Workshop

Ahmad’s Workshop is easy enough to find. All you need to do is speak with a man named Kahraman, who can be found next to the burnt pyre of books. He’ll tell you that the workshop is just behind him, so all you need to do is open the door and step inside. However, as you reach the door, Nehal will appear and a cutscene will begin. It won’t last long, and you’ll soon be able to explore the workshop freely.

Inside the workshop you’ll find a number of items which provide clues for the investigation. You can use Eagle Vision to highlight them if necessary, but the most difficult clue to find is hidden behind some movable bookshelves on the western side of the room. Just move these out of the way by pushing one forward, then dragging the other to the side. You can then inspect the clue in the form of a mysterious diagram on the other side.

(1 of 3) Inspect the clues in Ahmad’s Workshop, and move the bookcases to reveal the diagram.

Speak With Hamid Al-Haleem and Defeat the Ambush

There are no clues here to reveal the whereabouts of Ahmad, but soon enough a man named Hamid Al-Haleem will enter the room. He’ll give the impression that he may be able to help, but as you follow him outside, be ready for an ambush. You’ll need to kill two Swordsmen and one Captain here. You can deal with the former easily enough by parrying their attacks, then retaliating with a killing blow. For the Captain, you’ll need to get behind him to inflict damage, and use throwing knives if you have the Armor Piercing perk.

After dealing with the enemies, you’ll be able to speak with Hamid again, and this time he’ll tell you the truth. You’ll learn about a dig site located in the Wilderness region, but the exact location won’t be shown on your map. We’ll show you how to find it below.

(1 of 3) Speak with Hamid when he appears in Ahmad’s workshop, then follow him outside.

Find the Missing Brother Investigation - Assassin’s Creed Mirage

This next phase of the investigation forms the main part of it. You’ll need to travel to a place known only to you as the “Excavation Site”, or the “Dig Site”, then search for clues about Ahmad Ibn Musa there.

Where to Find Hamid’s Map - Excavation Site Map

You may have noticed that Hamid spoke of a map for the excavation site, but it’s not immediately obvious where you can find it. To view it, go to the investigations tab and select “Excavation Site” in the Ahmad ibn Musa case. Click on “view details”, then hover over the Excavation Site Map clue under “related clues” at the bottom. You can select this to view the map, as shown in the screenshot below. It gives you a rough idea of where to find the excavation site in relation to Baghdad, but we’ll give you a more precise location below.

The Excavation Site Map mentioned by Hamid.

Ahmad Ibn Musa - Location of the Excavation Site

The excavation site, also known as The House of Wisdom’s Dig Site, is located in the Wilderness region, to the southwest of Baghdad. You’ll find a synchronization viewpoint around the “H” in “Baghdad” on the world map. Go here first, then turn south and keep going until you reach the excavation site. You’ll soon begin to see smoke and wooden cranes in the distance, both of which mark the location of the site. If you still need help, you can see the exact location in the screenshot below.

When you reach the excavation site, you’ll be prompted to investigate the area by using your falcon to scout it, but you can also use Eagle Vision to highlight a number of opportunities. Using both methods will reveal the location of three chests, and a group of mercenaries who can be found on a wooden platform on the southern side. You should speak with these mercenaries first, since you can convince them to help you if the guards attack by giving them a Power Token.

After speaking with the mercenaries, you’ll be free to locate and search all three of the chests. If you weren’t able to locate them by scouting with your falcon, use Eagle Vision to locate a nearby worker, who will tell you about them. You’ll need to sneak through the camp and avoid being detected by the guards, but it should be easy enough to assassinate any who are in your way.

(1 of 4) Speak with the worker to learn about the chests.

As you explore the excavation site, you’ll soon find that two of the three chests contain no clues. The chest that contained the clue for us was located behind a barrier, as shown in the screenshot above. You’ll need to move this to gain access to the chest. Inside the chest you will find the Doctor’s Letter, which leads you to the next stage of the investigation.

Ask Doctor Hassan (Al-Azhdaha) about Ahmad

The next phase in the investigation will set you on your search for Doctor Hassan. We’ll show you exactly where to find him at the Bimaristan in Baghdad.

Where to find Doctor Hassan in the Bimaristan

To find Doctor Hassan, you’ll need to start by traveling to The Great Bimaristan, located in the southern part of the Abbasiyah region of Baghdad, as shown in the screenshot below. Once there, you’ll need to be careful to avoid the many guards in and around the grounds. You need to get to the main square of the Bimaristan, where Doctor Hassan’s office is located, then read the note on the wall next to the door to advance the mission objectives.

(1 of 2) You can see the location of the Excavation Site at Basim’s marker here. The quest marker in Baghdad also marks the location of the Bimaristan.

You can see the location of the Excavation Site at Basim’s marker here. The quest marker in Baghdad also marks the location of the Bimaristan. (left), Read the note outside Doctor Hassan’s office in the Bimaristan. (right)

After reading the note, Basim will comment that he needs to find a way into Doctor Hassan’s office. A new mission objective will now appear:

  • Find the Head Nurse to get the key

Where to Find the Head Nurse

To find the head nurse, turn around from the door to Doctor Hassan’s office and use Eagle Vision as you look into the hallway opposite. You should be able to see the head nurse highlighted, with a key icon above her head. You need to get close to her and steal the key. If you need help with how to pickpocket, check our guide for that here.

Now that you have the Bimaristan Office Key, go back to Doctor Hassan’s office door and use the key to open it. Once inside, use Eagle Vision to highlight various objects in the room to gather more clues about Doctor Hassan’s whereabouts. You’ll need to interact with the following:

  • A mask which symbolizes the Order of the Ancients
  • The Efficacy of our Discovery note

Both of these items can be found on tables inside the office, and once you’ve read them you’ll have the proof you need that Doctor Hassan is a member of the Order of the Ancients. You won’t have a clear objective from this point until you leave the office.

(1 of 4) Use Eagle Vision to locate the Head Nurse in the hallway opposite Doctor Hassan’s office.

Eavesdrop on the Doctors

After leaving Doctor Hassan’s office, you’ll notice some doctors gathered in the square outside. Sit on the nearby bench to blend in, then eavesdrop on their conversation to learn more about where Hassan might be. You’ll soon learn that Doctor Hassan keeps his laboratory locked up, and your next task is to find out why.

Where to Find Doctor Hassan’s Laboratory

To find Doctor Hassan’s laboratory, you’ll need to climb to the top of the Bimaristan, which is essentially on the roof. Use Eagle Vision to locate the laboratory entrance if necessary. It will be locked when you first arrive, but you can gain entrance by going around the back and climbing up the scaffolding. This will lead you to an open window, where you can jump inside to find Doctor Hassan. Now is your chance to assassinate him quietly, before he calls the guards.

After killing Doctor Hassan, Ahmad Ibn Musa will make an appearance. It seems he was unwittingly working for the doctor, and he has some explaining to do. The cutscene will end with Ahmad being admonished by Basim, and all that remains from this point is for you to leave the Bimaristan to end the mission.

(1 of 3) Climb the scaffolding at the back of Doctor Hassan’s laboratory.

More Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guides

If you’re looking for more AC Mirage guides, be sure to check the links below.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    4 October 2023
  • Last Updated
    29 December 2023
    Version History
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Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a return to the classic style for the series, with Basim Ibn Ishaq as the protagonist, who was first introduced in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It will showcase the humble beginnings of Basim as a street thief, to his rise as a member of the Hidden Ones, and an assassin.

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