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Monster Hunter Rise


Vincent Lau
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Rakna-Kadaki is a giant spider-like monster introduced in Monster Hunter: Rise. It’s first encountered during the Urgent Hub Quest, Can’t Kill It with Fire.


(1 of 2) Fighting Rakna-Kadaki at the Lava Caverns.

Fighting Rakna-Kadaki at the Lava Caverns. (left), Rakna-Kadaki’s profile in the Hunter’s Notes. (right)

We’re terribly sorry if you’re afraid of or hate spiders. Rakna-Kadaki is a web-spinning menace that you must defeat to advance to HR7.

Besides shooting web to ensnare hunters, Rakna-Kadaki can also strategically slingshot itself using its web. When simple web isn’t enough to eliminate its prey, it can opt to raze them alive with its intense flamethrowers. Yowch!


(1 of 2) Rakna-Kadaki’s parts/elemental susceptibility.

Rakna-Kadaki’s parts/elemental susceptibility. (left), Rakna-Kadaki’s ailment susceptibility. (right)

Parts Elements Ailments
Head Ice Iceblight

Attack Patterns


(1 of 2) Rakna-Kadaki makes a gasping sound and lifts it head up, followed by its front pincers.

Rakna-Kadaki makes a gasping sound and lifts it head up, followed by its front pincers. (left), It’ll then thrust its head forwards, potentially causing the Webbed status. (right)

Rakna-Kadaki makes a huge gasping sound and lifts it head up, followed by its front pincers. It’ll then thrust its head forwards, inflicting the Webbed status if you’re hit. The monster will then idle for a brief moment, as if the attack used a lot of effort.

Getting hit by Rakna-Kadaki’s web attacks will prevent you from moving, making you open to attack. You can instantly cure the Webbed status by using a Cleanser. Otherwise, if you keep moving, you’ll eventually break free.

Pincer Swipe

(1 of 2) Rakna-Kadaki raises one of its pincer claws high up.

Rakna-Kadaki raises one of its pincer claws high up. (left), It’ll then swipe that claw across, dealing minor damage. (right)

Rakna-Kadaki will position itself so one of its foreclaws is further back. Its two pincer-like claws in front of its face will be aligned diagonally, with one of them raised high into the air. Rakna-Kadaki will then quickly swipe across with the raised pincer.

Double Pincer

(1 of 3) Rakna-Kadaki will raise the pincer-like claws in front of its face.

For this attack, Rakna-Kadaki will raise the pincer-like claws in front of its face. It will extend the arms of these claws and then swipe with the first pincer, followed by the second pincer.

If you’re too close, you can go underneath Rakna-Kadaki to avoid this attack.

When Rakna-Kadaki is enraged (flames near its mouth), it likes to use this attack following a Slingshot.

Claw Sweep

(1 of 3) Rakna-Kadaki raises one of its foreclaws high up.

Rakna-Kadaki raises one of its foreclaws high up. Next, it’ll stab that foreclaw into the ground and drag it across the floor towards its nearest side. If you’re near Rakna-Kadaki’s sides, be careful as it has a deceptively wide range.

(Editor’s note: I got hit by this move more times than I’d like to admit…)

Claw Slam

(1 of 2) Rakna-Kadaki stands on its hindclaws, while raising its foreclaws high into the air.

Rakna-Kadaki stands on its hindclaws, while raising its foreclaws high into the air. (left), It’ll then fall down and slam the ground with its foreclaws. (right)

Rakna-Kadaki shuffles back and then stands on its hindclaws, while raising its foreclaws high into the air. It’ll then fall down and slam the ground with its foreclaws.

(1 of 2) Rakna-Kadaki performs a Claw Slam, Slingshot and Rachnoid Assault simultaneously.

Rakna-Kadaki performs a Claw Slam, Slingshot and Rachnoid Assault simultaneously. (left), Hmm, would that be against the rules? (right)

Note that Rakna-Kadaki can combine this move with a forward-direction Slingshot and a Rachnoid Assault, greatly increasing the attack distance. The tell is the same, but Rakna-Kadaki will also launch multiple Rachnoids in front.

Surprise Leap

(1 of 3) If you notice Rakna-Kadaki is on lower ground, keep faraway from it.

This is a situational attack that Rakna-Kadaki can perform when it’s positioned on lower ground.

The crafty arachnid will approach a nearby ledge and begin to climb up. It’ll then leap back up, at an unnaturally fast speed, inflicting damage if you’re in its path. We’ve had this happen in Area 12 of the Lava Caverns.

Abdomen Swing

(1 of 2) Rakna-Kadaki will pull up its abdomen to one side.

Rakna-Kadaki will pull up its abdomen to one side. (left), It’ll then swing its abdomen to the other side, potentially launching small web balls. (right)

Rakna-Kadaki will pull up its abdomen to one side. It’ll then swing its abdomen to the other side, dealing damage to anyone nearby.

If there are Rachnoids on its abdomen, this attack may release up to three web balls, which will land on the floor.

When Rakna-Kadaki is in its Incubating state (no webbing on claws, plus enlarged abdomen), four web balls will fly out.

Back Web Balls

(1 of 2) Rakna-Kadaki shakes its abdomen and white gas will appear from its Rachnoids.

Rakna-Kadaki shakes its abdomen and white gas will appear from its Rachnoids. (left), Next, a set of web balls will launch from its abdomen. (right)

While facing away from you, Rakna-Kadaki shakes its abdomen and white gas will appear from its Rachnoids. Soon afterwards, up to 3 web balls will launch from its abdomen and fall onto the ground.

Rakna-Kadaki likes to use this after performing a Slingshot, when it’s facing away from you.

Abdomen Hammer

(1 of 2) Rakna-Kadaki walks backwards, makes a gasping sound and then lifts its abdomen.

Rakna-Kadaki walks backwards, makes a gasping sound and then lifts its abdomen. (left), It’ll then slam its abdomen down like a hammer. (right)

When you’re behind Rakna-Kadaki, beware when it walks up to and makes a big gasping sound. It’ll raise its abdomen slightly, before slamming it down on the ground. Afterwards, it’ll be wide open for attack.

Rakna-Kadaki likes to use this move after the Back Web Balls.

When Rakna-Kadaki is in its Incubating state (no webbing on claws, plus enlarged abdomen), a web ball will fly onto the ground during this attack. Also, Rakna-Kadaki will peform a second slam soon after the first. So don’t rush back in straight away!

Rachnoid Assault

(1 of 2) Rakna-Kadaki shakes its abdomen, causing up to 3 Rachnoids to land near its side.

Rakna-Kadaki shakes its abdomen, causing up to 3 Rachnoids to land near its side. (left), These Rachnoids will shoot a small web ball forward, before returning to Rakna-Kadaki’s abdomen. (right)

Rakna-Kadaki shakes its abdomen, causing up to 3 Rachnoids (small yellow spiders) to land near its side. These Rachnoids will shoot a small web ball forward, before returning to Rakna-Kadaki’s abdomen.

When Rakna-Kadaki is enraged (flames near its mouth), it can launch up to 5 Rachnoids. Also, these Rachnoids can occasionally shoot flames like Rakna-Kadaki.


(1 of 2) Sorry for the potentially horrifying picture. Rakna ejects a single Rachnoid, string attached.

Sorry for the potentially horrifying picture. Rakna ejects a single Rachnoid, string attached. (left), Rakna will then pull its body towards the Rachnoid. (right)

A single Rachnoid will eject from Rakna-Kadaki’s abdomen, in four possible directions: left, right, fowards and backwards. There will be a thread between the Rachnoid and Rakna-Kadaki, which Rakna-Kadaki will use to sling itself in the Rachnoid’s direction.

(1 of 2) Before slinging itself, Rakna-Kadaki digs a foreclaw into the ground.

Before slinging itself, Rakna-Kadaki digs a foreclaw into the ground. (left), It’ll then drag this foreclaw along its trajectory. (right)

This move doesn’t deal any damage normally, but sometimes Rakna-Kadaki will dig one of its foreclaws into the ground before slinging. When this happens, you’ll take damage if you’re caught in the path.

Web Strings

(1 of 4) Multiple strings of web start moving above Rakna-Kadaki, near its abdomen.

Watch out when multiple strings of web start moving above Rakna-Kadaki, near its abdomen. After a short while, it’ll shoot five strings of web from its mouth into the floor, then move its mouth upwards so the web strings shoot forward.

Rakna-Kadaki likes to use this after performing a Slingshot, when it’s facing towards you.

When Rakna-Kadaki is tired, it’ll slowly shoot a single web string instead, which is very easy to dodge.

Web Recover

(1 of 3) Rakna-Kadaki plants its abdomen on the ground.

When Rakna-Kadaki has lost its claw webbing, it will plant its abdomen on the ground and shoot web around itself from its mouth. Getting too close will cause you to be Webbed. Afterwards, Rakna-Kadaki will enter the Incubating state, where its abdomen has grown in size due to the extra webbing.

After Rakna-Kadaki has losts its abdomen webbing (after using Proximity Flames or naturally), it will again shoot web around itself from its mouth. Except this time, the webbing will spread to its claws used for walking instead, returning it to its Webbed Claw state.

Side Flamethrower

(1 of 2) Red gas will appear from one of Rakna-Kadaki’s sides.

Red gas will appear from one of Rakna-Kadaki’s sides. (left), After a short while, Rakna-Kadaki will expel flames from that side. (right)

Rakna-Kadaki will punch the ground with one of its foreclaws and there will be an ignition sound. Red gas will appear from one of Rakna-Kadaki’s sides. After a short while, Rakna-Kadaki will expel flames from that side. Be sure to move away or block the flames.

Beware that Rakna likes to use this after performing a Slingshot.

When Rakna-Kadaki is in its Incubating State (enlarged abdomen), it will walk sideways while expunging flames, like some kind of exterminator.

Sweeping Flamethrower

(1 of 3) Rakna-Kadaki stretches its head up like a periscope.

This is a very dangerous move, preceded by Rakna-Kadaki standing still and stretching its head upwards, like a submarine periscope. As soon as you see this, either get away or go under the monster.

Rakna-Kadaki will look down and to one side and start breathing flames into the floor. It’ll then raise its head, causing the flamethrower to shoot outwards. Next, it’ll turn around to the other side, causing the flamethrower to sweep across the floor.

After a brief pause, Rakna-Kadaki will shoot another flamethrower and sweep it back to the initial side. During this attack, Rakna-Kadaki will menacingly move forward.

Proximity Flames

(1 of 2) Red gas spreads underneath Rakna-Kadaki.

Red gas spreads underneath Rakna-Kadaki. (left), After a short while, Rakna will set fire to the area underneath it. (right)

Rakna-Kadaki can use this attack during its Incubating State (enlarged abdomen). It’ll lift its abdomen and there’ll be an igniting sound, as red gas surrounds Rakna-Kadaki from all sides. After a short while, Rakna will set fire to the area underneath it.

This attack will remove the webbing around Rakna’s abdomen, ending its Incubating state. However, don’t run in immediately because Rakna will use Web Recover to change forms.

Mega Flamethrower

This is Rakna-Kadaki’s strongest move, which it can use when enraged (flames from its mouth). There are two variants of this, depending on where you’re fighting Rakna-Kadaki.

(1 of 4) Rakna-Kadaki performs the Proximity Flames attack while shaking its body more than usual.

If fighting outside, Rakna-Kadaki will initially perform the Proximity Flames attack, but you’ll typically receive an audible warning. If you don’t or can’t hear the warning, Rakna will be shaking up and down when the red gas appears.

After the first set of flames underneath it, Rakna will shoot a powerful flamethrower towards the ground, then swing it around 360 degrees. Either stay faraway or move towards Rakna to avoid this flamethrower.

(1 of 3) Rakna-Kadaki shoots up during the Proximity Flames attack.

If you’re inside, Rakna-Kadaki can shoot upwards after the Proximity Flames attack and hang from the ceiling. It’ll then shoot a sweeping flamethrower from high up, performing two full rotations. Again, stay back or run underneath.


(1 of 2) If you’re caught by a web attack, you’ll be unable to move.

If you’re caught by a web attack, you’ll be unable to move. (left), Use a Cleanser to cure yourself or shake around like crazy! (right)

To make this fight easier, we suggest aiming for high Fire Resistance. This will weaken the impact of Rakna-Kadaki’s flamethrower attacks; if your total resistance is over 20, you’ll be immune to fireblight too. Remember that you can use Dango, Decorations and Talismans to supplement your elemental resistances.

Also, just in case, bring a stack of Cleansers. If you get ensared by Rakna-Kadaki’s web-based attacks, you can use these to instantly break free. Otherwise, you’ll be in danger of being pummeled or scorched. Most of Rakna’s web moves are easy to dodge, but mistakes happen, plus its Web Recover move can catch you by surprise.

Despite being the 7-star Urgent Quest monster, Rakna-Kadaki isn’t terribly tricky. It does have a wide variety of attacks, but it’s not exceptionally aggressive or fast and many of its attacks can be fairly easily avoided. Generally, you’re quite safe if you keep to the sides or behind the giant spider.

(1 of 2) Break the webbing from two of Rakna’s claws and it’ll lose all its webbing and topple over.

Break the webbing from two of Rakna’s claws and it’ll lose all its webbing and topple over. (left), Bash it around a bit, but get ready to move away when it gets up. (right)

As you fight Rakna-Kadaki, try to focus on attacking two of its four claws. If you damage a claw enough, you will remove the thick webbing from it. Remove the webbing from two claws will cause Rakna-Kadaki to lose the webbing from all four claws and topple over. Rendering it defenseless for a while.

Once Rakna-Kadaki has lost its claw webbing, it will change modes. In place of its webbed claws, its abdomen will enlarge in size. In this Incubating state it will lose its Slingshot and Rachnoid Assault attacks. However, it will now walk during its Side Flamethrower attack and gain access to the Proximity Flames attack.

Eventually, Rakna-Kadaki’s abdomen will become exposed again. At this point, it’ll revert back to its initial Webbed Claw state and the cycle repeats.

(1 of 2) The abdomen is a fairly safe area to attack, if you remember to dodge the hammer.

The abdomen is a fairly safe area to attack, if you remember to dodge the hammer. (left), When you deal enough damage, the Rachnoids attached to the abdomen may fall off. (right)

If you want, you can also attack the abdomen, which Rakna-Kadaki frequently leaves exposed, especially after an Abdomen Hammer. Doing so can reduce the number of Rachnoids on the abdomen, weakening some of Rakna’s attacks. However, it will regain all its Rachnoids after cycling from Incubating to Webbed Claws forms, so it’s not efficient in the long run.

Throughtout the fight, be cautious of Rakna-Kadaki’s flamethrower moves, which are arguably the most dangerous. The Side Flamethrower has relatively short range and isn’t too deadly. However, the Sweeping Flamethrower and (especially) the Mega Flamethrower can cause a lot of pain.

The key to not becoming a human BBQ, without having to stand faraway all the time, is making efficient use of your webbing–in other words, your wirebugs. For the Sweeping Flamethrower, launch yourself into the air or behind Rakna. As for the Mega Flamethrower, it’s probably safest if you wiredashed away from Rakna.

Material Drops (High Rank)

Rakna-Kadaki’s High Rank drops.

Target Rewards

Material Drop Rate (%)
Rakna-Kadaki Carapace 17%
Rakna-Kadaki Silk 12%
Rakna-Kadaki Glowgut 17%
Rakna-Kadaki Sharpclaw 25%
Rakna-Kadaki Spike 10%
Monster Broth 19%

Capture Rewards

Material Drop Rate (%)
Rakna-Kadaki Carapace 25%
Rakna-Kadaki Silk 17%
Rakna-Kadaki Sharpclaw 33%
Rakna-Kadaki Spike 15%
Monster Broth 10%

Broken Part Rewards

Material Drop Rate (%)
Rakna-Kadaki Carapace Head - 50%
Rakna-Kadaki Silk Head - 30%, Legs - 80% (x2)
Rakna-Kadaki Glowgut Glowgut - 60%
Rakna-Kadaki Sharpclaw Claw - 100%
Rakna-Kadaki Spike Glowgut - 40% (x2), Legs - 20%
Monster Broth Head - 20%


Material Drop Rate (%)
Rakna-Kadaki Carapace 33%
Rakna-Kadaki Silk 13%
Rakna-Kadaki Glowgut 16%
Rakna-Kadaki Sharpclaw 24%
Monster Broth 14%

Dropped Materials

Material Drop Rate (%)
Rakna-Kadaki Carapace 0%, 60%
Rakna-Kadaki Silk 40%, 30% (x2)
Rakna-Kadaki Spike 10%, 10%
Drone Substance 10%, 0%
Queen Substance 40%, 0%
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, Switch
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    28 March 2021
  • Last Updated
    26 May 2021
    Version History
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