Your Room is your personal space to escape the mayhem of Kamura Village. These rooms have been available in previous Monster Hunter Games, but Rise allows you to do much more with it.
Overlook of Your Room.
Room Customization Options¶
Upon entering your room you’ll find a Buddy board, Item Box and the Housekeeper. This friendly little Palico can allow you to change your room’s interior as well as letting you manage your Meowcenaries, Argosy and Buddy Dojo!.
Available Room Decorations¶
As you progress through the story you’ll gain access to the following decorations for your room: Hanging Scrolls, Carvings and Pictures. Below you’ll find a list of the available items and how to get them.
- Hanging Scrolls
Hanging Scrolls can be purchased from Rondine at the Argosy after killing the particular monster 10 times. However, some scrolls can only be unlocked by meeting other requirements, such as defeating Magnamalo in the Village Quest for the Slayer of Malice Scroll.
Name | Description |
Izuchi Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Great Izuchi in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Baggi Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Great Baggi in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Kulu Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Kulu-Ya-Ku in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Wroggi Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Great Wroggi in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Arzuros Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting an Arzuros in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Lagombi Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Lagombi in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Volvidon Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Volvidon in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Aknosom Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting an Aknosom in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Ludroth Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Royal Ludroth in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Barroth Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Barroth in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Khezu Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Khezu in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Tetranadon Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Tetranadon in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Bishaten Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Bishaten in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Pukei Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Pukei-Pukei in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Jyura Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Jyuratodus in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Basarios Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Basarios in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Somna Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Somnacanth in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Rathian Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Rathian in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Barioth Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Barioth in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Kadachi Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Tobi-Kadachi in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Magnamalo Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting Magnamalo in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Anjanath Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting an Anjanath in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Nargacuga Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Nargacuga in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Mizutsune Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Mizutsune in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Goss Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Goss Harag in Master Hojo’s distinctive style.a |
Rathalos Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Rathalos in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Almudron Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting an Almudron in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Zinogre Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting an Almudron in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Tigrex Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting an Almudron in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Diablos Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting an Almudron in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Rakna-Kadaki Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Rakna-Kadaki in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Rajang Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting a Rakna-Kadaki in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Ibushi Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting Ibushi in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Narwa Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting Narwa in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Apex Arzuros Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting an Apex Arzuros in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Apex Rathian Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting an Apex Rathian in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
Apex Mizutsune Scroll | A hanging scroll depicting an Apex Mizutsune in Master Hojo’s distinctive style. |
The Leader | A scroll hanging in your room. They say Hojo’s smile brings luck, after all… |
Fast Friends | A hanging scroll depicting the Kamura gang. Everyone is striking a cute pose. |
Slayer of Malice | A hanging scroll presented to the savior of Kamura, who slew Magnamalo. |
- Carvings
Carvings are another form of decoration that can be purchased from Rondine and can be put inside your room. To unlock these you’ll need to find all Hidden Relics which are scattered around the five areas.
Name | Description |
Arzuros Carving | A reward for collecting Shrine Ruins notes. No fish escapes its keen eye! |
Magnamalo Carving | A reward for collecting all Shrine Ruins notes. It drips with spite and aggression. |
Tetranadon Carving | A reward for collecting Frost Island notes. Looks real ready to throw down. |
Goss Harag Carving | A reward for collecting all Frost Island notes. Looks real ready to chop it up. |
Bishaten Carving | A reward for collecting Flooded Forest notes. All it lacks is fruit to lob about. |
Somnacanth Carving | A reward for collecting all Flooded Forest notes. Oddly hypnotic to behold. |
Izuchi Carving | A reward for collecting Sandy Plains notes. All for one and one for all! |
Almudron Carving | A reward for collecting all Sandy Plains notes. Somehow, someway, it looks slimy. |
Aknosom Carving | A reward for collecting Lava Caverns notes. There’s a fiery quality about it. |
Rakna-Kadaki Carving | A reward for collecting all Lava Caverns notes. Creepy and crawly beyond belief. |
- Other Decorations
Outside of Hanging Scrolls and Carvings, you can also acquire other interesting decorations which are listed below:
Name | Requirement |
Lucky Felyne | Unlocked through the Lottery |
Wheeled Canyne Toy | - |
Bombadgy Pot | - |
Kamura Twins | - |
Golden Hojo Cast | - |
Cohoot Lottery | - |
Mini Toadversary | - |
Mini Submarine | - |
Felyne Daruma | - |
Moofy Doll | - |
Pure Machalite | - |
Crystal Cluster | - |
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