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Monster Hunter Rise


Vincent Lau
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Jyuratodus is a serpent-like monster that enjoys swimming and playing with mud. It first appeared in Monster Hunter World.


(1 of 2) Fighting Jyuratodus in the Flooded Forest.

Fighting Jyuratodus in the Flooded Forest. (left), Jyuratodus’s profile in the Hunter’s Notes. (right)

You’ll encounter Jyuratodus while advancing through High Rank quests. Compared to other monsters you’ve fought recently, Jyuratodus isn’t that dangerous, but it can be annoying to fight.

Jyuratodus spends most of its time swimming around, although it can also walk on land. Similar to Barroth and Almudron, many of its attacks involve mud. Hopefully you don’t mind getting a bit dirty…


(1 of 2) Jyuratodus’s parts/elemental susceptibility.

Jyuratodus’s parts/elemental susceptibility. (left), Jyuratodus’s ailment susceptibility. (right)

Parts Elements Ailments
Head, Tail Thunder Exhaust

Attack Patterns

Mud Shot

(1 of 2) If it’s walking, Jyuratodus will twists its neck.

If it’s walking, Jyuratodus will twists its neck. (left), It’ll then launch a single ball of mud forward. (right)

A simple attack where Jyuratodus shoots a ball of mud forward. It can do this while swimming or walking on two legs. If it’s swimming, it’ll rotate its body 90 degrees vertically, so only its head is above surface. Otherwise, if it’s walking, it’ll twist its neck beforehand.

Triple Mud Shot

(1 of 2) Jyuratodus dives and then re-emerges with its head up.

Jyuratodus dives and then re-emerges with its head up. (left), It’ll then perform three mud shot attacks in quick succession. (right)

This is a move that Jyuratodus annoyingly loves to spam. While swimming around, Jyuratodus will quickly dive and re-emerge with only its head out. It’ll then shoot a mud ball to one side, directly ahead and the other side, with a brief pause in-between.

When Jyuratodus is angry, each individual mud shot will spray three mud balls instead of one, making the entire attack very hard to avoid if you’re in front.


(1 of 2) Jyuratodus looks sideways.

Jyuratodus looks sideways. (left), It’ll then lurch or lunge forward to bite its prey. (right)

Jyuratodus will rear its head back, while facing sideways. Next, it’ll lurch forward and try to bite its foe.

Sometimes, this move is preceded by a subtle metallic sound. Upon hearing this, you’ll want to block or get ready to dodge. Because Jyuratodus will lunge forward a fair distance before biting.


(1 of 2) Jyuratodus sharply inhales and vapor will appear near its jaws.

Jyuratodus sharply inhales and vapor will appear near its jaws. (left), It’ll then shoot forward. (right)

Jyuratodus will sharply inhale. It’ll then charge straight ahead, with no concern for any hunters in its path. Normally, Jyuratodus will use this move while swimming, but it can do it while on land as well; afterwards, it’ll transition to swimming.

Side Bash

(1 of 2) Jyuratodus snakes its body and creates ripples in the water.

Jyuratodus snakes its body and creates ripples in the water. (left), This is followed by a side bash. (right)

Jyuratodus will snake its body, creating ripples in the water. It’ll then violently thrust its body to one side.

Tail Slap

(1 of 2) Jyuratodus lifts its tail up.

Jyuratodus lifts its tail up. (left), It’ll then swing its tail to slap anyone standing behind. (right)

For this move, Jyuratodus raises its tail high up, while looking backwards. It’s easy to guess what happens next. Jyuratodus will bring its tail down and then swing it sideways.

Mud Trench

(1 of 2) Jyuratodus tries to trap you between two rows of mud.

Jyuratodus tries to trap you between two rows of mud. (left), Here, it follows up with a side bash. (right)

This is a nasty move where Jyuratodus tries to trap you with mud. First, it’ll swim in a straight line, leaving a trail of mud behind it. Next, it’ll turn around and create a second trail of mud in the same manner. Afterwards, hoping you’re trapped, Jyuratodus will follow up with an attack such as a chomp or side bash.

If you see this move happening, you’ll want to wiredash over the mud ASAP. Or if you have Muck Resistance, you can just casually walk through the mud.

Mud Bath

(1 of 2) Jyuratodus rolls around in the water, covering itself with mud.

Jyuratodus rolls around in the water, covering itself with mud. (left), You can either attack it while it’s open or stop it with a Flash Bomb. (right)

When Jyuratodus’s mud covering is getting thin, it may start rolling around in the water to gather mud on its body. During this time, Jyuratodus is completely open to attack. You can also interrupt its playtime by throwing a Flash Bomb.

Mud Rocket

(1 of 2) If Jyuratodus has dived underground and it’s been there for a while…

If Jyuratodus has dived underground and it’s been there for a while… (left), It means a rocket is coming! (right)

Jyuratodus will dive underground and there will be an audible warning. The monster will then try to move underneath you, which you can see as bubbling mud on the surface. Afterwards, it’ll rocket up into the air. If you get hit, you’ll be sent flying.

Simply keep moving and you should easily avoid this attack. Or if you’re quick with your hands, you can throw a Sonic Bomb in Jyuratodus’s direction. If it connects, Jyuratodus will be forced out of the ground and become stunned for a while.

Run and Gunk

Jyuratodus can use this move when it’s walking on two legs. The cheeky bugger will perform a mud shot like normal, but immediately afterwards, it’ll turn its head and walk to a different position, where it shoots a second mud ball. Then it’ll walk elsewhere and shoot a third mud ball.

Double Tail Spin

(1 of 2) Jyuratodus turns its head backwards.

Jyuratodus turns its head backwards. (left), Next, it’ll do a 180 degree spin, followed by another. (right)

You may recognize this move from the likes of Rathian. While Jyuratodus is walking, it may look backwards and turn its tail in. Afterwards, it’ll do a 180 degree spin, thwacking unsuspecting hunters with its tail. It’ll then follow up with a second tail spin.

If you’re right underneath Jyuratodus, you can avoid this attack completely. However, since Jyuratodus is slightly shorter than monsters such as Rathian, it’s a bit harder to get into position. So you’re generally better off keeping your distance.

Hip Check

(1 of 2) Jyuratodus leans back.

Jyuratodus leans back. (left), Then it thrusts its hip sideways. (right)

Jyuratodus can use this move when it’s walking on two legs. It’ll lean to one side, then violently thrust its body to the opposite side.

Belly Flop

Jyuratodus can use this move when it’s walking on two legs. It’ll do a short hop forward, landing on its belly. Afterwards, it’ll stand up again. There doesn’t seem to be a tell for this–and it’s probably too fast to react. However, the hitbox is very small, so you should be OK if you’re not directly in front.


(1 of 2) Put on these bad boys…

Put on these bad boys… (left), And all your mud worries will be a thing of the past! (right)

Before jumping into the fight, we strongly recommend having gear that provides Water Resistance. If your total Water Resistance is over 20, you’ll be immune to Waterblight from Jyuratodus’s mud shots. There’s the High Rank Tetranadon armor or you could make do with the Low Rank Almudron armor.

Speaking of mud, do yourself a favor and equip the Bone Greaves S, which confers Muck Resistance 2, preventing mud from slowing you down. Even if it has lower Defense than your other gear, the mobility is worth it.

(1 of 2) Bring Sonic Bombs to stun Jyuratodus when it’s underground.

Bring Sonic Bombs to stun Jyuratodus when it’s underground. (left), You’ll then have plenty of time to smack it silly. (right)

As for the fight itself, since it’s still early High Rank, it’s not really that challenging, so long as you’re somewhat cautious. Jyuratodus doesn’t have many dangerous moves and its attacks aren’t very damaging. If anything, it’ll probably just take a long time since High Rank monsters have way more HP.

The main thing to be aware of is Jyuratodus’s Mud Rocket attack, where it submerges completely and chases you while underground. So long as you’re moving, you can avoid this easily. Besides running from Jyuratodus, if you have time, try to chuck a Sonic Bomb its way, as this will force it above ground and stun it.

Material Drops (High Rank)

Jyuratodus’s High Rank drops.

Target Rewards

Material Drop Rate (%)
Jyuratodus Carapace 12%
Jyuratodus Scale+ 34%
Jyuratodus Fang+ 14%
Jyuratodus Fin+ 9%
Monster Keenbone 12%
Torrent Sac 16%
Wyvern Gem 3%

Capture Rewards

Material Drop Rate (%)
Jyuratodus Carapace 33%
Jyuratodus Scale+ 19%
Jyuratodus Fang+ 25%
Jyuratodus Fin+ 19%
Wyvern Gem 4%

Broken Part Rewards

Material Drop Rate (%)
Jyuratodus Carapace Leg - 100%
Jyuratodus Scale+ Tail - 100%
Jyuratodus Fang+ Head - 100%
Jyuratodus Fin+ Back - 100%


Material Drop Rate (%)
Jyuratodus Carapace Body - 27%
Jyuratodus Scale+ Body - 37%
Jyuratodus Fang+ Body - 15%
Jyuratodus Fin+ Body - 20%
Wyvern Gem Body - 1%

Dropped Materials

Material Drop Rate (%)
Jyuratodus Carapace 0%, 30%
Jyuratodus Scale+ 37%, 50%
Jyuratodus Fang+ 12%, 20%
Wyvern Gem 1%, 0%
Wyvern Tear 25%, 0%
Large Wyvern Tear 25%, 0%
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, Switch
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    28 March 2021
  • Last Updated
    26 May 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This guide for Monster Hunter Rise includes:

  • A detailed How to play Section
  • Complete Companion coverage - everything you need to know about Palicos and Palamutes.
  • Full coverage on Kamura Village, Requests, Village, Rampage and Hub Quests.
  • In depth info on every Monster.
  • A detailed Weapons and Armor section.
  • Information on every Armor Skill.
  • Full breakdown on every location.

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