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Monster Hunter Rise


Matt Chard
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Chameleos is an elder dragon with the ability to vanish into its enviroment like a chameleon, hence it’s name. It was first introduced in Monster Hunter 2, You’ll face Chameleos in the 7 star Hub Urgent Quest “Ancient Illusion” which was added with version 2.0. Defeating him will unlock your Hunter Rank.

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Material Drops


Chameleos in the Shrine Ruins.

Chameleos can be a tricky fight due to its ability to camouflage itself in its surroundings, going almost invisible. Its arsenal also consists of various toxin-based abilities which deal double the damage of poison.


(1 of 2) Head and Tail are Chameleos’ weakpoints with its forelegs not far behind

Head and Tail are Chameleos’ weakpoints with its forelegs not far behind (left), Fire and Dragon are the best elements to use here. (right)

Parts Elements Ailments
Head, Forelegs, Tail Fire, Dragon Blast, Fireblight

Attack Patterns

Invisibility Attacks

Chameleos will cloak itself, making it almost invisible. It will then come out of its cloak momentarily to attack you. It can perform most of its attacks either in or out of its invisibility.

Chameleos will regularly go invisible, making it tough to see what attack is coming next.

Tongue Lash

(1 of 2) Chameleos will raise its head

Chameleos will raise its head (left), before unleashing a vicious lash with its tongue. (right)

Chameleos can steal your spiritbird pollen from your Petalance by lashing out its tongue at you.


(1 of 2) Chameleos will twist its neck with its mouth agape

Chameleos will twist its neck with its mouth agape (left), launching itself in a forward motion gnashing its teeth down on to you. (right)

Chameleos bite attack will take place when its head is tilted to the side with its mouth agape, shortly after, it will lunge forward and try to bite you, if it connects, it will steal some of your spiritbird pollen from your Petalance.

Rock Throw

(1 of 2) Chameleos will raise its tail

Chameleos will raise its tail (left), then slam it down, throwing three rocks at you. (right)

If you see Chameleos raise its tail, be ready to roll out of the way from the rocks he will throw at you with it. There are three rocks in total that come out at the same time.


(1 of 2) Chameleos will stand on its hind legs

Chameleos will stand on its hind legs (left), then slam down with its body. (right)

Chameleos will stand on its hind legs, then slam down with its body, down on to you. This attack can be done in and out of invisibility, and later on, twice in a row. Once it hits the ground, it’ll be stunned for a second or two, allowing you to get in some free attacks to its head.

Toxin Spit

(1 of 2) Chameleos will lean its head back, wings in the air

Chameleos will lean its head back, wings in the air (left), thrusting forward to spit a ball of toxin at you. (right)

Chameleos will lean back, twisting its head to spit a ball of toxin at you, if it hits the ground, it will leave behind a toxin mist for a short while. It can fire up to two projectiles with this attack.

Toxin Ring

(1 of 4) Chameleos will fly into the air, spraying down toxin mist into a ring on the floor

Chameleos will fly into the air before spraying toxin from its mouth on to the floor in a ring shape. I can either drop inside the ring, and flap its wings, expanding the ring, or drop to the side of the ring, and close its wings, contracting the ring.

Toxin Breath

(1 of 2) Chameleos will arch its head back

Chameleos will arch its head back (left), and spew a toxin breath attack at you. (right)

With its wings by its side, Chameleos will lean its head back with toxin foaming it its mouth, and unleash a vicious breath of toxin in a line, straight in front of it.

Toxin Hurl

(1 of 2) Chameleos will push its chest forward, toxin coming from its mouth

Chameleos will push its chest forward, toxin coming from its mouth (left), before spraying it in an upwards trajectory. (right)

Chameleos will push its chest forward with toxin foaming around its mouth before vomiting it upwards.

Erratic Toxin Hurl

(1 of 2) Chameleos will stand on its hind legs, with its chest pushed out

Chameleos will stand on its hind legs, with its chest pushed out (left), spewing out multiple balls of toxin before hurling out all over the place. (right)

Similar to Toxin Hurl, Chameleos will have its chest pushed out, but it’ll be standing on its hind legs with toxin foaming around its mouth. It’ll then spew out multiple balls of toxin around it before slowly moving forward, hurling toxin erratically around it.

Toxin Blast

(1 of 2) Chameleos will spit out four orbs of toxin

Chameleos will spit out four orbs of toxin (left), blasting the mist forward with its wings. (right)

Chameleos will spit out four balls of toxin on to the floor, then flap its wings towards the mist, blasting it forward towards you.

Toxin Slam

(1 of 2) Chameleos will lean forward, head lowered to the ground

Chameleos will lean forward, head lowered to the ground (left), before quickly lunging forwards, and slamming down toxin with its wings. (right)

Chameleos will lean forward, and lower its head before lunging at you, and slamming its wings to the floor, creating toxin mist in the process.

Toxin Drop

(1 of 2) Chameleos will fly into the air, dropping a toxin payload

Chameleos will fly into the air, dropping a toxin payload (left), which’ll expand in a circular patter from its impact. (right)

Chameleos will fly above you, and drop a toxin ball which’ll hit the ground and expand in a mist like structure.

Tongue Lunge

(1 of 2) Chameleos will lean its head forward

Chameleos will lean its head forward (left), before lunging in, and attacking you with its tongue. (right)

Similar to the Tongue Lash attack, Chameleos will lunge towards, and attack you with its tongue, stealing your spiritbird pollen.


As Chameleos employs a lot of attacks that can do toxin, it makes sense to get some resistance to it, whilst also taking the Dango Immunizer food from the Dangos you eat before the hunt, which’ll speed up blight recovery. For your weapon, make sure it has the Fire or Dragon element on it, as that is what it’s weakest too, failing that, lightning will work in a pinch. Before going in to the hunt, make sure you’ve got the max amount of Antidotes you can take, because you’ll need it. Same as always. Bring max potions/megapotions, and some flash bombs to take Chameleos out of invisibility as well as to aid you with some emergency healing if needed.

Chameleos will regularly go in and out of invisibility, leaving only a faint outline of itself, flash bombs can take it out of this if it’s facing your direction, otherwise watch carefully to not get surprised by a quick attack. Toxin is the name of the game here, this works similarly to poison, but it does double the damage over time, outright carting you, if you are already low on health. Its toughest attacks to avoid is most likely its Toxin Ring attacks, because if you’re not paying attention, it can either expand or contract the ring depending on where it lands, so if it lands inside the ring, it will blow the mist outwards, if it lands outside the ring, the ring will contract, sucking you in, if you’re near it.

Another thing to be careful about, is its ability to steal some of your pollen from your Petalance by using its Tongue and bite attacks. This’ll buff it with whatever one it steals which is as follows:

  • Red - Gives it attack up

  • Yellow - Gives it defense up.

  • Green - Will heal it a little.

When it becomes enraged (steam blowing out of its mouth) you’ll see a small cloud of steam by its mouth, even when its invisible, making it easier to track. On the flip side, its attacks are faster, and it’ll use some new abilities, like the Erratic Toxin Hurl. This will make it spew multiple balls of Toxin all over the place before hurling beams of toxin all around itself whilst moving forward, keep your distance when you spot this, because it can deal major amounts of damage as well as inflict you with toxin. Finally, most of its attacks are easily avoidable providing you stay mobile.

Material Drops

Chameleos’ material drops.

Target Rewards

Material Drop Rate (%)
Chameleos Hide+ 21%
Chameleos Claw+ 28%
Chameleos Wing 26%
Chameleos Tail 12%
Chameleos Gem 3%
Fucium Ore 10%

Broken Part Rewards

Material Drop Rate (%)
Chameleos Hide+ Horn - 17%, Wing - 20%
Chameleos Wing Wing - 80%
Chameleos Gem Horn - 3%
Chameleos Spike Horn - 80%


Material Drop Rate (%)
Chameleos Hide+ Body - 36%, Tail - 17%
Chameleos Claw+ Body - 29%
Chameleos Wing Body - 12%
Chameleos Tail Tail - 80%
Chameleos Gem Body - 2%, Tail - 3%
Chameleos Spike Body - 21%

Dropped Materials

Material Drop Rate (%)
Chameleos Hide+ 30%, 50%
Chameleos Claw+ 30%
Chameleos Gem 1%
Fucium Ore 14%
Elder Dragon Blood 15%, 20%
Dragon Treasure 40%
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, Switch
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    28 March 2021
  • Last Updated
    26 May 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This guide for Monster Hunter Rise includes:

  • A detailed How to play Section
  • Complete Companion coverage - everything you need to know about Palicos and Palamutes.
  • Full coverage on Kamura Village, Requests, Village, Rampage and Hub Quests.
  • In depth info on every Monster.
  • A detailed Weapons and Armor section.
  • Information on every Armor Skill.
  • Full breakdown on every location.

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