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A Mere Shell

This battle will become available for every character once you have beaten the Final Episode. The Keyblade Graveyard will have a new area available so go there from the World Map and the Badlands area will now be listed and this is where you can fight this superboss.

For this trophy to be awarded, you just need to beat him with any character but remember, you still need to beat him with all three characters because he is required for the trophies “The Adventurer: Terra”, “The Adventurer: Ventus” and “The Adventurer: Aqua”.

Before fighting Vanitas Remnant, make sure to have the abilities Once More and Second Chance . The recommended level before starting this is level 50 and above. See the Secret Bosses page in the Aqua’s Story section for more details.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

A Mere Shell

Defeat the Vanitas Remnant.

Trophy icon

Times Teller

Unknown or popularly known as the Mysterious Figure for players who have played KH BBS before is fought at the Land of Departure and this fight will become available after you have beaten Vanitas Remnant/Lingering Spirit.

For this trophy to be awarded, you just need to beat him with any character but remember, you still need to beat him with all three characters because he is required for the trophies “The Adventurer: Terra”, “The Adventurer: Ventus” and “The Adventurer: Aqua”. See the Secret Bosses page in the Aqua’s Story section for more details.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Times Teller

Defeat the Unknown.

Trophy icon

Darkness Will

No Heart is fought at the Mirage Arena and you must have an Arena LV of 30 in order to gain access to the Arena Mission “Peering into Darkness”.

For this trophy to be awarded, you just need to beat him with any character but remember, you still need to beat him with all three characters because he is required for the trophies “The Adventurer: Terra”, “The Adventurer: Ventus” and “The Adventurer: Aqua”. See the Mirage Arena section for more details.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Darkness Will

Defeat No Heart.

Trophy icon

Lights Will

Armor of Eraqus is fought at the Mirage Arena and you must have an Arena LV of 28 in order to gain access to the Arena Mission “Light’s Lesson”.

For this trophy to be awarded, you just need to beat him with any character but remember, you still need to beat him with all three characters because he is required for the trophies “The Adventurer: Terra”, “The Adventurer: Ventus” and “The Adventurer: Aqua”.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Lights Will

Defeat Armor of Eraqus.

Trophy icon

Savage Slayer

Every world except the Land of Departure, Mysterious Tower and the Mirage Arena has an Unversed battle mission. Unversed battle missions are initiated when you check those floating orbs with an Unversed symbol on it. Now in order to unlock the trophy, you need to get a 3-Star Rank for all battle missions. You can do this with any of the characters:


Location : Waterside (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)

Battle Mission : Attack the fireballs launched by the Flame Box! Don’t let them hit the ground, or the mission will end!

3-Star Rank Requirement : Destroy 30+ fireballs

Strategy : This is done easily by just using Magnega and Thundaga. Follow the Flame Box until it stops and just cast Magnega in front of it. That should take care most of the fireballs that it will launch. Thundaga also has a wide range and can quickly destroy the fireballs as well. Bring 3 of each of the magic commands.


Location : Ballroom (Terra/Aqua), Wardrobe Room (Ventus)

Battle Mission : Defeat as many Lone Runners as you can before the time runs out!

3-Star Rank Requirement : Defeat 30+ Lone Runners

Strategy : This is easily done then with Magnega and Thundaga commands on your deck. Magnega should draw most of these Unversed close to you then finish them off quick with Thundaga. Chase after the other ones with Thundaga as well. If you have Mega Flare, well that’s a better option.


Location : Underground Waterway (Terra/Aqua), Mine (Ventus)

Battle Mission : The area is shrouded in poison! Attacking the Vitality Vial will make it release clouds of HP! Use these clouds to say alive!

3-Star Rank Requirement : Survive for at least 2 minutes

Strategy : Fill up your command deck with Cura or Curaga before starting this. Follow the Vitality Vial and keep on hitting it until it releases its HP cloud. Sometimes this Unversed will attack you and might put you on critical HP so heal with Curaga. You can survive long enough if your command deck is filled with healing spells. Make sure you have 5 Magic Haste to hasten the cooldown of your recovery spells. If you use your finishers, you won’t take any damage so use that invincibility period as well to extend your survival time


Location : Outer Gardens (Terra/Ventus), Central Plaza (Aqua)

Battle Mission : Hit the back of the Belly Balloon’s back to deflate it! Don’t attack its stomach–that’ll cause it to inflate!

3-Star Rank Requirement : Complete the mission within 30 seconds

Strategy : Fill up your command deck with Thunder Surge and use it to attack the Belly Balloon’s back. That should take care of this mission easily.


Location : Raceway (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)

Battle Mission : Deafeat as many Ringers as you can in 2 minutes! Attack the original one to make the rest disappear! Attack the wrong one, and you’ll lose 5 seconds of the clock!

3-Star Rank Requirement : Defeat 40+ Ringers

Strategy : Honestly, there’s no real strategy for this one. You just have to keep an eye on the original Ringer and attack it and that should also make its copies disappear. If you fail to identify the original Ringer and attack one of its copies, you will still earn 1 point BUT you will lose 5 seconds as a penalty.


Location : Town Near Thebes (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)

Battle Mission : Defeat 300 Jellyshades as quickly as possible!

3-Star Rank Requirement : Complete the mission within 30 seconds

Strategy : Your best friends Thundaga and Magnega should make this mission easy to accomplish. Mega Flare can also make this mission quick to accomplish.


Location : Launch Deck (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)

Battle Mission : Attacking the Gluttonous Goo will make it drop colorful orbs! Collect as many as you can in 2 minutes!

3-Star Rank Requirement : Collect 90 to 100 orbs

Strategy : This one is a bit challenging. We recommend just attacking this Unversed with normal attacks until it releases some orbs for you to collect and the Unversed to collect. DO NOT attack it like persistently because this Unversed will also counterattack and you will lose some of the orbs you have in your possession. Attack a few times and prepare to block and counter it.


Location : Indian Camp (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)

Battle Mission : Attack the Element Cluster with the corresponding magic element!

3-Star Rank Requirement : Earn 70+ points

Strategy : Your goal here is to attack the middle part of the Element Cluster with a corresponding element. Red is Fire, Blue is Ice and lastly Yellow is Thunder. Use Fire Surge, Thunder Surge and Blizzaga for this mission. Fire Surge and Thunder Surge should rack up a lot of points for you. If you happen to enter Diamond Dust Command Style then just attack the Unversed with normal attacks instead of Blizzaga as it will still give you points.


Location : Seat of War (Terra/Ventus/Aqua)

Battle Mission : Keep the Floating Floras in the air and collect the items they drop!

3-Star Rank Requirement : Earn 350+ points

Strategy : You can easily finish this mission by using Thunder Surge so fill up that command deck with this attack command. Activating the finisher of the Command Style Rhythm Mixer at the center of these three enemies will also cause them to drop a lot of orbs.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Savage Slayer

Complete all Unversed battle missions with the highest rank.

Trophy icon


Xehanort’s Reports are scattered on different worlds and each page is obtained by a specific character. There are 13 Reports you need to collect in order to unlock this trophy, all of which can be found in our walkthrough section for the game.

Trophy/Achievement Icon


Collect all Secret Reports.

Trophy icon


In order to unlock this trophy, you need to collect all 60 stickers found in the game. Each character has 20 stickers that you will need to find. Once you have all then this trophy will be awarded. Our walkthrough section has each sticker included.

Trophy/Achievement Icon


Collect all stickers.

Trophy icon

The Adventurer Trophies

This trophy is one of the three most time consuming trophies for this trophy list. The Report section keeps tracks of every record or progress you have in the game like how far are you on the storyline, what are the Xehanort reports you have collected, your records at the different mini-games, the list of the Unversed you have encountered and the like.

Once you have a Mickey icon on every section for the Reports then the trophy will be unlocked. This is a proof that you have done everything in the game leaving you nothing else to do.


For this section, you’ll just have to complete the storyline and it should have a Mickey icon afterwards.


Each character has Xehanort Reports to collect. Refer to the main walkthrough sections for the locations of the Xehanort reports.


The Game Records will keep track of the following:

  • Arena Missions

  • Mini-Games

  • The Command Board

  • Ice Cream Beat

  • Rumble Race

  • Fruitball

  • Break the Urns
    Hit Counts

  • Hit Counts for the D-Link finishers

  • Hit Counts for every Shotlock commandsUnversed Missions

Once you have completed the storyline, the character files that you should be missing are Monstro, Vanitas Remnant, Unknown, Armor of Eraqus and No Heart. You should have a Mickey Icon for this section once you have defeated those five enemies at the Mirage Arena. If you still don’t have a Mickey Icon then you may be missing the characters from Pooh’s book so check that book at Merlin’s House at Radiant Garden.


You shouldn’t have trouble with this section because there aren’t any missable enemies here. If you don’t have a Mickey icon yet here after completing the storyline, the ones you are missing are found at the Mirage Arena.


You’ll be able to complete this section when going for the trophy Pâtissier.


Completing this section requires you to have all the commands in the game.


If you follow our guide, you will have no trouble finding all the treasures for this section.


You should be able to complete this when going for the trophy Collector. Make sure that you also have 140 points for proper placement of the stickers.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

The Adventurer Aqua

Complete Reports with Aqua.

Trophy icon
Trophy/Achievement Icon

The Adventurer Terra

Complete Reports with Terra.

Trophy icon
Trophy/Achievement Icon

The Adventurer Ventus

Complete Reports with Ventus.

Trophy icon

Perfect Shot

Shotlock is performed by pressing and holding to target enemies and pressing to perform the attack. Do this 50 times to unlock the trophy. This is cumulative across all playthroughs.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Perfect Shot

Use Shotlock 50 times.

Trophy icon

Justice and Dark

Pete D-Link is obtained if you have encountered Captain Justice or Captain Dark on the Command Board mini-game by stepping on the special panels. He will only start showing up after clearing the story at Disney Town.

You cannot get this D-Link though if you are playing the Command Board at the Mirage Arena or by playing against Pete on the Toon Board. You’ll have to play the Command Board game outside of the Mirage Arena in order to get this D-Link then after that, just use Pete’s D-Link 10 times to get the trophy.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Justice and Dark

Use the Pete D-Link 10 times.

Trophy icon


The Rhythm Mixer Command Style is unlocked when you get 140 points in the Sticker Album. While using a basic or level 1 command style, you can activate a second command style by raising the command gauge and the conditions in activating it is met.

Rhythm Mixer is an advanced command style or a level 2 command style that is activated by using Thunder-based, Mine-based and Strike-based commands. Alternately, you can also use the ice cream Daisy Sorbet to activate the Command Style immediately then press Start to open the main menu in order remove the active Command Style. Activate this Command Style 20 times to unlock the trophy.

Trophy/Achievement Icon


Use the Rhythm Mixer Command Style 20 times.

Trophy icon

The Warrior Trophies

Terra has 15 Finish Commands that you need to learn in order to unlock this trophy. Below is the list of the Finish Commands that Terra can learn and the requirements on how to unlock it. Each character has similar requirements for their finishers so this is an example.

LV1 Finish Commands

Finish - Terra’s starting finish command

LV2 Finish Commands

Heat Slash 1 - Unlocked by using Firestorm Command Style 8 times

Rising Rock 1 - Unlocked by earning 2000 CP by defeating enemies

Gold Rush - Unlocked by collecting 1000 munny

LV3 Finish Commands

Ramuh’s Judgement - Unlocked by using Thunderbolt Command Style 12 times

Rising Rock 2 - Unlocked by earning 4200 CP by defeating enemies

Twisted Hours - Unlocked by having a total of 7000 steps

Surprise 1 - Unlocked by collecting 1400 munny

LV4 Finish Commands

Dark Star 1 - Unlocked by defeating 420 enemies

Heal Strike - Unlocked by taking 5 lethal/critical damage

Random End - Unlocked by having a total of 8000 steps

Surprise 2 - Unlocked by collecting 5200 munny

LV5 Finish Commands

Dark Star 2 - Unlocked by defeating 550 enemies

Explosion - Unlocked by earning 6400 CP by defeating enemies

LV6 Finish Command

Demolition - Unlocked by earning 10000 CP by defeating enemies

Trophy/Achievement Icon

The Warrior Aqua

Learn all of Aqua's Finish Commands.

Trophy icon
Trophy/Achievement Icon

The Warrior Terra

Learn all of Terra's Finish Commands.

Trophy icon
Trophy/Achievement Icon

The Warrior Ventus

Learn all of Ventus's Finish Commands.

Trophy icon


First off, the Break Time attack command is found at Disney Town. It’s located on Pete’s Rec Room. Upon arriving in the large area of that room, you should spot a giant pinball mini-game. You need to hit 4 blue-green like bumpers in order to release the seal blocking a treasure chest at the middle of that pinball mini-game and that chest contains the Break Time attack command.

For the trophy itself it is very simple. Just use the command and you will be tasked on pressing it a couple of times. The trophy should pop afterwards. This is the same for all three characters.

Trophy/Achievement Icon


Unleash Break Time with Terra.

Trophy icon
Trophy/Achievement Icon


Unleash Break Time with Ventus.

Trophy icon
Trophy/Achievement Icon


Unleash Break Time with Aqua.

Trophy icon


Each character has 8 ice creams that you need to create but for this trophy to unlock, you only need to create all 8 ice creams for 1 character. Huey, Dewie, and Louie from the world Disney Town sells these ones but you need to create the ice creams flavors first. Ice creams are used to immediately activate a certain Command Style. Some ice creams are only unlocked by a certain character since some Command Styles are only available to that certain character so you will have to do this across all your playthroughs.

The ingredients needed for the ice creams are dropped by the Unversed called Prize Pod and these enemies have a specific spawn point on each world with the exception of the Land of Departure, Keyblade Graveyard and the Mysterious Tower since these Unversed don’t appear on those worlds. Check the walkthrough for each area to find out how to defeat them.

Trophy/Achievement Icon


Create all flavors of ice cream.

Trophy icon

Command Board Conqueror

Command Board is a mini-game that you can play at the Mirage Arena or by going to a save point and accessing it at the menu. You can also play this outside of a world.

Basically the goal is to collect the required amount of GP for that board and once you have collected the specified amount, you must beat your opponents to the starting block in order to win the game.

There are 7 playable boards that you must play on and win in order to unlock this trophy. Keyblade Board, Royal Board, Spaceship Board, Toon Board, Skull Board are unlocked once you complete the storyline for the worlds Land of Departure, Castle of Dreams, Deep Space, Disney Town and Neverland. Hunny Pot Board is unlocked when you examine Pooh’s book which you should be familiar with if you played the previous Kingdom Hearts games and this is found at Merlin’s House. The last board called Secret Board which is another version of the Land of Departure is unlocked after winning on the first 6 boards.

Take note that there is a D-Link and some Commands which you will only be able to get on some Command Boards. You cannot get these though if you play the Command Board at the Mirage Arena.

Special Rewards

  • Pete D-Link - Awarded at the end when Captain Justice or Captain Dark is encountered when you or your opponents land on the Special Panels
  • Ragnarok Shotlock - Star Panel at the Keyblade Board and Secret Board
  • Focus Block (Terra/Ventus Only) and Focus Barrier (Aqua Only) - Star Panel at the Royal Board
  • Meteor Shower Shotlock - Star Panel at the Royal Board
  • ?Lightning Ray Shotlock - Star Panel at the Spaceship Board and Secret Board
  • Photon Charge Shotlock - Star Panel at the Skull Board
Trophy/Achievement Icon

Command Board Conqueror

Win each playable Command Board.

Trophy icon


Ice Cream Beat is a mini-game that you can play at Disney Town. If you played Ven’s story then you should be familiar with the mini-game. There are 5 songs that you need to play and you must get a Fantastic Rating for each song. The last song Hand in Hand is unlocked once you have obtained a Fantastic rating for the first 4 songs. After you have beaten Hand in Hand with a Fantastic rating then this trophy will be unlocked. See the minigame section for more details.

Trophy/Achievement Icon


Obtain a Fantastic rating for each song in Ice Cream Beat Master Mode.

Trophy icon

Rapid Racer

Rumble Race is a mini-game that you can play at the Mirage Arena or at Disney Town. If you played Terra’s story then you should be familiar with the mini-game. There are 4 courses that you need to compete on and you need to take the first place for each courses in order to unlock the trophy. Check out the minigame section for more details.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Rapid Racer

Finish first in all Rumble Racing courses.

Trophy icon


Fruitball is a mini-game found at Disney Town. If you played Aqua’s story then you should be familiar with the mini-game. There are 3 opponents that you need to beat for this trophy to be unlocked. Your first opponents are Unversed called Bruisers and after you beat them, Chip and Dale are the next ones and finally the last round is Captain Justice or Captain Dark. After you beat the last round then this trophy is awarded.

Trophy/Achievement Icon


Beat all opponents in Fruitball.

Trophy icon

Pawn of the Arena

We recommend starting the Mirage Arena missions once you have beaten the game and you are level 50+ and you have some of the best commands and abilities in the game.

For this trophy, there are 3 one-star missions that you need to complete:

One-Star Arena Missions

Day of Reckoning

Wheels of Misfortune

Risky Riches - Unlocked at Arena LV8 or you can buy Risky Ticket to challenge this early

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Pawn of the Arena

Complete all one-star missions in the Mirage Arena.

Trophy icon

Knight of the Arena

For this trophy, there are 3 two-star missions that you need to complete.

Two-Star Arena Missions

Weaver Fever

Sinister Sentinel - Unlocked at arena LV3 or you can buy Sentinel Ticket to challenge this early

Dead Ringer - Unlocked at Arena LV5 or you can buy Ringer Ticket to challenge this early

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Knight of the Arena

Complete all two-star missions in the Mirage Arena.

Trophy icon

Queen of the Arena

For this trophy, there are 3 three-star missions that you need to complete.

Three-Star Arena Missions

Combined Threat - Unlocked at Arena LV7 or you can buy Threat Ticket to challenge this early

Treasure Tussle - Unlocked at Arena LV15 or you can buy Treasure Ticket to challenge this early

Harsh Punishment - Unlocked at Arena LV10

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Queen of the Arena

Complete all three-star missions in the Mirage Arena.

Trophy icon

King of the Arena

For this trophy, there are 4 four-star missions that you need to complete.

Four-Star Arena Missions

A Time to Chill Unlocked at Arena LV13

Copycat Crisis - Unlocked at Arena LV17

Keepers of the Arena - Unlocked at Arena LV20

Monster of the Sea

Trophy/Achievement Icon

King of the Arena

Complete all four-star missions in the Mirage Arena.

Trophy icon

Keepers of the Arena

You should be able to unlock this trophy while doing King of the Arena. Keepers of the Arena has 9 rounds. See the Mirage Arena section for help.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Keepers of the Arena

Win the Keepers of the Arena battle in the Mirage Arena.

Trophy icon

Villains Vendetta

Villain’s Vendetta is an Arena Mission that is unlocked when you reach Arena LV25. This mission will require you to defeat all Arena Bosses that you have previously fought against. See the Mirage Arena section for details on how to beat this mission.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Villains Vendetta

Win the Villains' Vendetta battle in the Mirage Arena.

Trophy icon
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
    PS3, PS4
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 January 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia

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Kingdom Hearts II begins where Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days leave off. Sora and his companions have been asleep for about a year, regaining their memories. When Sora awakens, he eventually arrives in Twilight Town, the place where a mysterious boy, Roxas, lived before he suddenly left. Gaining new clothes and powers, Sora began his journey anew, unaware of the events that have taken place in Chain of Memories. Sora continues his quest by unlocking paths to new worlds, learning of Nobodies and fighting the Heartless, as well as facing the remaining members of the mysterious Organization XIII. As the game progresses, Sora learns about Roxas and how much they have in common.

Birth By Sleep is the origins of the series’ hero and villain, Sora and Xehanort, and delves deep into the mysteries of Xehanort’s bleak past and forgotten memories as well as how Sora and Riku came to wield the Keyblade in the first place. It deals with three Keyblade Wielders: Terra, Aqua and Ventus and each character has their own scenario.

Kingdom Hearts II and Birth by Sleep will take you to many places and we have them all covered here. Inside you will find:

  • Complete walkthrough coverage for both Kingdom Hearts 2 and Birth By Sleep.
  • Side quests covered in detail from Absent Silhouettes to Atlantica.
  • Gummi ship missions and details.
  • Mirage Arena covered extensively.
  • Mini-games discussed and much, much more.

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