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Waking Snow White

After the opening scene loot the Poison and Payback Surge from the chests then enter the Cottage and grab an Attack Recipe from another chest. Go south from here in to the Deep Woods where you’ll find three more chests holding a Potion, Ether and Hi-Potion . Move on to the Flower Glade where you’ll find a chest with a Hungry Crystal and the world’s Prize Pods. In the next area, the Courtyard, you will find four more chests. You can get the Dwarf Woodlands Map, Picnic Basket Sticker, Fleeting Crystal , and Potion but not the Fission Firaga at this time.

Enter the Underground Waterway where you will find gated off areas. To open them you must hit the wheels and dash through to reach the prizes. Equip a dash command like Sliding Dash and hit the first wheel. Dash through the gate and fight off Unversed then loot the chest for a Shimmering Crystal . Hit the next switch and jump down through the gate. You can grab the chest here for a Fleeting Crystal and then make another run to the far chest that holds a Fire .

Once you have everything move to the Vault. Use the Fire command to light the furnace in the corner to reach the chests in this area. Loot them all for a Balloon Letter, Potion, Magnet and Shimmering Crystal . The Bubble Sticker is currently out of reach so head to the Magic Mirror Chamber next.

Hitting the wheels (left) opens up gates where prizes are located. Payback moves (right) are great if you keep getting hit.

BOSS - Spirit of the Magic Mirror

The Spirit of the Magic Mirror is a fairly easy boss. Its primary form of damage comes from its illusions where it will use several attacks. The Fireball attack is easy to guard with Barrier, but the White Fireball will need to be dodged because it will also cause Confusion. The two primary illusions are the Reflection and Sidestep. Reflection has the Magic Mirror form several copies in a circle around Aqua, while the real Magic Mirror has a wry smile as opposed to the menacing glare. This move can also be used in a line of copies where you’ll need to maneuver down the path dodging Fireball attacks along the way. Sidestep is a quick attack where the Magic Mirror moves side to side leaving a reflection.

Dash attacks are useful in this fight so you can quickly close the gap and ranged magic helps as well. During Reflection just avoid taking damage because when the real Magic Mirror reveals itself you’ll be able to go on the offensive.

This wall of mirrors (left) is a gauntlet of fireballs. Keep running and dashing to the end. You should also watch out for the Mirror’s reflect attack (right) where it whooshes from side to side.


Prize Category Name
Power Up Deck Capacity +1
Dimension Link Snow White
Keyblade Treasure Trove

After the scene you are taken back to the World Map. Venture to the Enchanted Dominion.

Unversed Mission - Survival Bottle

Location : Underground Waterway

Reward : Illusion S

1 Star : 0’00“00 - 0’59“59

2 Star : 1’00“00 - 1’59“59

3 Star : 2’00“00+

The trick here is to load up on a bunch of Cure commands and have a long Shotlock like Meteor Shower or Ragnarok so you can reach the Survival Bottle. The poison will kill you quickly so chase down the Survival Bottle and use Finishers often since you are immune during them (same with Shotlocks). Use a Cure when you can’t reach the Survival Bottle in time and dash to keep up. Just watch out when the Survival Bottle dashes at you, Guard then counter!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
    PS3, PS4
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 January 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia

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Kingdom Hearts II begins where Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days leave off. Sora and his companions have been asleep for about a year, regaining their memories. When Sora awakens, he eventually arrives in Twilight Town, the place where a mysterious boy, Roxas, lived before he suddenly left. Gaining new clothes and powers, Sora began his journey anew, unaware of the events that have taken place in Chain of Memories. Sora continues his quest by unlocking paths to new worlds, learning of Nobodies and fighting the Heartless, as well as facing the remaining members of the mysterious Organization XIII. As the game progresses, Sora learns about Roxas and how much they have in common.

Birth By Sleep is the origins of the series’ hero and villain, Sora and Xehanort, and delves deep into the mysteries of Xehanort’s bleak past and forgotten memories as well as how Sora and Riku came to wield the Keyblade in the first place. It deals with three Keyblade Wielders: Terra, Aqua and Ventus and each character has their own scenario.

Kingdom Hearts II and Birth by Sleep will take you to many places and we have them all covered here. Inside you will find:

  • Complete walkthrough coverage for both Kingdom Hearts 2 and Birth By Sleep.
  • Side quests covered in detail from Absent Silhouettes to Atlantica.
  • Gummi ship missions and details.
  • Mirage Arena covered extensively.
  • Mini-games discussed and much, much more.

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