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The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

Prologue Day 2 - Quarrel Arbitration

Ben Chard
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This page covers the second main quest in Day 2 for the Prologue in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero. This will include any missables that become available during this main quest.

You’re tasked with quelling a gang outbreak on Day 2 of the Prologue.

Key Information


Quest Availability DP
Michel’s Test After speaking to Wazy and Wald in their respective hideouts 5


Item Location
Bravery Badge Detective Rank Promotion Reward
Information Quartz Detective Rank Promotion Reward

Downtown District Disturbance

Enemy Lv Elemental Effectiveness Drops
Saber Viper - Nail Bat 4 Earth_Elemental.png 100 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 100 Wind_Elemental.png 100 Battle Scope, Cooling Spray
Saber Viper - Knife 4 Earth_Elemental.png 100 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 100 Wind_Elemental.png 100 Smoke Grenade, Relaxant
Testament - Iron Pipe 4 Earth_Elemental.png 100 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 100 Wind_Elemental.png 100 Battle Scope, Tear Balm
Testament - Slingshot 4 Earth_Elemental.png 100 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 100 Wind_Elemental.png 100 Smoke Grenade, S-Tablet

No sooner have you dealt with the monster in the Geofront, Chief Sergei instructs you to quell a disturbance between gangs in the Downtown District. Before you continue on, make sure you have Battle Scopes on you and recover your HP (if you have the mira, you can recover your CP too).

Once you’re ready, head to the Downtown District to trigger a scene in which you find the two gangs squabbling. Shortly after you intervene, you’ll be presented with a DP choice, choose the first option, “Reveal your Detective Notebook” to obtain 1 DP. After more back and forth, you’ll eventually be thrust into battle against both gangs!

(1 of 3) Choose the first option for bonus DP

All four of these enemies are separate entries in the Combat Notebook, so be sure to use a Battle Scope or Analyze on every single one of them. Once that’s out of the way, you may have noticed that they’ve bunched up. If you have CP for Randy or Tio, this is a great time to use their S-Breaks and hit more than one at a time.

All four of the gang members aren’t weak to any of the elements (or strong for that matter) so it’s a far better plan of action to stick with regular attacks. Hold on to Elie’s S-Break and use it if you find a few of your characters with low HP although this is unlikely as they won’t use much more than regular attacks against you. If you want to save some mira, try to build up Lloyd’s CP to 200 for a future battle.

Speaking to Wazy and Wald

Once the battle is over, you’ll be introduced to both leaders of the gang, Wazy and Wald, who inform you they have no desires to de-escalate the situation and you’re presented with the next DP choice once they depart. Choose the second option, “Handle it ourselves” to obtain 2 DP.

(1 of 2) Choose to handle the situation yourself

Choose to handle the situation yourself (left), and remark about the wounds of the victims for more bonus DP. (right)

Your first task in trying to get to the bottom of the incident is to pay the Testament leader, Wazy, a visit at his hideout. Head to the west of the Downtown District to find Trinity, and head inside. Once again, during this conversation, another DP choice is available. Choose the second option, The wounds on the victim for another 2 DP as Lloyd begins to get an idea of what is going on with this case.

Now before you go off and speak to Wald, there are some preparations you should first make. Ensure that Lloyd has the following equipped on him:

  • Hard Breaker (Gironde in Central Square)
  • Denim Jacket (Times Department Store in Central Square)
  • Fine Sandals (Times Department Store in Central Square)

Be sure to report your current completed Requests too, if you’ve completed every DP event to date, you’ll get your first promotion which will reward you with the Bravery Badge, an accessory that increases your STR and prevents the Seal status. You’ll also want to make sure you have at least one Battle Scope and a few Tear Balms (10 should be plenty if you’re playing on higher difficulties), along with slotting Attack 1 and Action 1 on him (feel free to take Randy’s Attack 1 for now). Your final piece of preparation should be to ensure you have max CP for Lloyd, you can do this by fighting enemies in Geofront or use Hotel Millennium in the Entertainment District (this will set you back 800 mira).

(1 of 2) Turn in your current completed Requests to obtain the Bravery Badge

Turn in your current completed Requests to obtain the Bravery Badge (left), then ensure Lloyd has the following equipped. (right)

Once all of this is done, save your game and then head over to Wald’s hideout, which you’ll find to the east of the Downtown District. Make sure you make a save here, as you may need to reload, and then speak with the boy in red to eventually get access to the hideout. You’ll meet with Wald here and soon; you’ll be thrust into a 1v1 battle with him.

Boss: Wald

Lloyd will have to face Wald in a 1v1 battle.

Enemy Lv Elemental Effectiveness Drops
Wald 6 Earth_Elemental.png 100 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 100 Wind_Elemental.png 100

Interestingly, this is not a battle that you need to win, but if you want the bonus DP, you need to not only win the battle, but do so in 32 turns or less. Thankfully, this turn limit is incredibly generous as you’ll have more issues surviving unless you made the above preparations.

On your first turn, you’ll want to use a Battle Scope to ensure Wald is scanned. On your next turn, use a regular attack and follow it up by cutting in with Lloyd’s S-Break. From this point on, you’ll want to alternate between regular attacks and using your S-Break as it becomes available, remembering to use a Tear Balm when necessary.

Even with the above equipment, Wald is powerful. His regular attacks hit for around 100 HP, Neck Hang will deal around 180 HP, and Ogre Slash will hit for around 90 HP and inflict MOV Down. For this reason alone, never let your HP drop below 200 and use a Tear Balm (which should recover all of your HP at this stage of the game). If you’ve done the preparation, it shouldn’t take too long to defeat Wald, this is much tougher if it catches you off-guard. Your reward for beating Wald in 32 turns of less is another 3 DP.

(1 of 5) Be sure to scan Wald at the start of the battle

Solving the Case

Following your victory, Wald will divulge his information and you’ll leave the building, only to meet with Grace who appears to have more information for you. Return to East Street and enter the Long Tao Tavern, the first building on your right. Speak with Grace to learn more about the current ongoing events.

Before heading back to the SSS, however, there are two more important matters to take care of. First, return to Wald’s hideout, Ignis, and speak to Huey to learn about an ambulance, this will award you with another 1 DP. Leave and return to East Street, then enter the Bracer’s Guild and speak to Michel to begin the Hidden Request, Michel’s Test, be sure to answer all the questions correctly for an Action 1 Quartz and a total of 5 DP.

(1 of 4) Speak to Huey to learn about the ambulance and score some bonus DP

Return to the SSS, remember to report your Request completion, and then head into Chief Sergei’s office to give him everything you’ve found so far. He will point you in the direction of a colleague of his over on West Street. Head there and enter Grimwood Law Office above Morge’s Bakery to trigger some scenes and learn some vital information. Return to the SSS once more and before you get the meeting started, be sure that all of the optional Requests are complete and reported, this is your last chance for this Day and Chapter.

During the meeting, you’ll get another DP Choice, choose the third option, “The presence of Heiyue” to obtain 3 DP. Plenty of scenes will take place following this, and once you regain control, you’ll gain the option of selecting someone from the team to accompany you on following a Mafioso. There is a hidden bonding system in Trails from Zero, and although your choice here has no immediate impact aside from giving the chosen character The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero Screenshotx3, make a mental note of your choice if you want to max out every character’s Bond in one playthrough.

Character Bond Event
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero ScreenshotThe Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero ScreenshotThe Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero Screenshot The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero Screenshotx3 Choose a character to accompany you.
Enemy Lv Elemental Effectiveness Drops
Mafioso - Machete 6 Earth_Elemental.png 100 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 100 Wind_Elemental.png 100 Battle Scope, Tear Balm
Mafioso - Pistol 6 Earth_Elemental.png 100 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 100 Wind_Elemental.png 100 Smoke Grenade, S-Tablet

The two of you and Wazy will eventually corner two Mafioso’s and a battle will follow. You’ll have control of Wazy here too, and with the three of you, this battle should be a pushover. Just don’t forget to use a Battle Scope (or Analyze) to add two more entries to your Combat Notebook. Even more scenes will follow your victory and eventually, the Prologue will come to an end.

Chapter DP Total Cumulative DP Total
5 41
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    NIS America
  • Platforms,
    PS4, Steam, Steam Deck, Switch
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    26 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    11 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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