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The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

Fishing For Ingredients!

Nathan Garvin
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Walkthrough for the request “Fishing for Ingredients!” in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.

Check the computer in the SSS HQ on Day 2 of Chapter 2 to get this request.

How to Start Fishing for Ingredients!

Fishing for Ingredients! is a request in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero, which you can pick up on Chapter 2 Day 2. To start this quest you just need to sit through all the chatter at the start of the day, and when you finally gain control of your characters, investigate the computer in the SSS HQ to accept this request.

Once you’ve got the details from the computer, make your way to East Street, enter the Long Lao Tavern & Inn and talk to Shanshan - the waitress wandering around. She’ll tell you that she is suffering from the curse of too much business, and needs you to shore up their supplies. Specifically she needs five “elongated and slender fish”. There’s some wiggle room on what type of fish she’ll accept, but they all have to be the same type of fish.

(1 of 2) You can kill enemies like Berga Bugs,

You can kill enemies like Berga Bugs, (left), to obtain Earthworms. (right)

How to Complete Fishing for Ingredients!

Shanshan will accept the following fish:

  • Snow Crab
  • Armorican Carp
  • Rockeater
  • Carp
  • Rainwater
  • Salmon
  • Eel
  • Pearlglass
  • Gluttonous Bass

That said, nothing fits the description “elongated and slender” quite like the Eel, and if you deliver five Eels you’ll earn +5 Detective Points, so you really shouldn’t even consider turning in any other type of fish.

Fortunately Eels are one of the more common “fish”, and require only Earthworms to catch. If you need to stock up on Earthworms, you can farm them from the following monsters:

  • Berga Bug (East Crossbell Highway)
  • Horned Frog (East Crossbell Highway)
  • Deathcargot (Ursula Road)
  • Ocean Drome (Ursula Road)
  • Abyss Worm (Mainz Mountain Path)
    Berga Bugs are probably the easiest to farm, but you do need to be wary about the difficulties that being too strong can pose. If you outlevel an enemy by a significant margin you’ll kill them if you strike them on the field… a difficulty you can avoid by just running into the weak enemies you want to farm without trying to ambush them.

(1 of 2) Use Earthworms to fish for Eels,

Use Earthworms to fish for Eels, (left), then turn five Eels into Shanshan to obtain the Fierce Tiger Fried Rice. (right)

Get a healthy supply of Earthworms, then seek out one of the following fishing spots:

  • Crossbell City - Harbor District
  • East Crossbell Highway - River
  • Ursula Road - Estuary
  • West Crossbell Highway - Pond

If you don’t want to stray too far afield you can simply head to the Harbor District and fish there. No matter what fishing hole you use, there’s going to be a spoiler fish that wastes your time (and Earthworms). This is usually the aptly named Gluttonous Bass, but can also include the Armorica Carp, Carp and Snow Crab… basically anything that eats Earthworms. The two best spots might just be the West Crossbell Highway - Pond and the East Crossbell Highway - River, as both only have one other fish vying for your Earthworms.

Snag five Eels from any combination of sources, then return to Shanshan and hand them over. This will complete the request, and in addition to the posted reward you should also obtain the Fierce Tiger Fried Rice recipe.

Request Rewards

Items Mira DP
Fierce Tiger Fried Rice 1500 3 (+5)
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    NIS America
  • Platforms,
    PS4, Steam, Steam Deck, Switch
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    26 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    11 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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