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The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

East Crossbell Highway Monster Extermination

Nathan Garvin
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Walkthrough for the request “East Crossbell Highway Monster Extermination” in Chapter 3, Day 3 in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.

Check the computer in the SSS HQ on Day 3 of Chapter 3 to get this request.

How to Start East Crossbell Highway Monster Extermination

East Crossbell Highway Monster Extermination is a request in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero, which you can pick up on Chapter 3 Day 3… not to be confused with a request of the same name in Chapter 2, Day 2. To start this quest you just need to sit through all the chatter at the start of the day, and when you finally gain control of your characters, investigate the computer in the SSS HQ to accept this request.

Before you start this request you may want to make sure your HP/EP/CP are full, as it’ll make your life much easier. You may also want to equip Luminous Glasses and Tinkle Earrings, as they prevent Blind and Sleep, respectively, two debuffs your enemy will inflict regularly.

(1 of 2) Crash Bomb will inflict Blind, one of the few debuffs the Bubble Scissors G isn’t immune to.

Crash Bomb will inflict Blind, one of the few debuffs the Bubble Scissors G isn’t immune to. (left), Don’t feel bad about using debuffs - they’re more than willing to do the same. (right)

How to Complete East Crossbell Highway Monster Extermination

This is a pretty simple monster extermination request - no dealing with clients, no investigation, no conditions, just find the target monsters - in this case a pair of [Bubbly Scissors G] - and kill them.

Make your way to the second screen of the East Crossbell Highway and once there follow the road until you reach the bridge in the middle of the area. At this bridge, turn right (south) and head downhill to find the Bubbly Scissors G enemy waiting for you at the dead end. As is the case with most extermination targets, you can’t ambush it, so just approach to start a fight on even terms when prompted.

Enemy Lv Elemental Effectiveness Drops
Bubbly Scissors G 24 Earth_Elemental.png 100 Water_Elemental.png 0 Fire_Elemental.png 100 Wind_Elemental.png 190 Bewitch (Quartz)

(1 of 2) Use S-Breaks,

Use S-Breaks, (left), and wind-based Arts to defeat the Bubble Scissors G enemies. (right)

The Bubbly Scissors G enemies aren’t marvels, stat-wise, but they make up for their mediocre stats with powerful attacks. They have three “bubble” attacks, all of which are potent AoEs which will deal around 500~ damage to all characters struck, and depending on the type of attack used they’ll inflict Blind, Sleep or Speed Down. Getting struck by two of these attacks will set you back over 1,000 damage, which should be cause for concern. Fortunately Elie’s Holy Bullet can wash away the pain, provided she’s not debilitated, and in general that’ll be one of this fight’s deciding factors. If your enemies can debilitate you regularly, you’re going to have a bad time, if not, this fight will go much more smoothly.

The Bubbly Scissors G enemies have fairly high DEF, which doesn’t preclude physical attacks, but it does make using Arts more appealing. If you needed further incentive, the Bubby Scissors G enemies are weak to wind (+190% damage), but immune to water damage. While they’re resistant to most status effects, they are susceptible to Blind and Freeze, so using Randy’s Crash Bomb will make this fight much easier.

Start out the fight with Crash Bomb, pelt the slimes with AoE wind arts and S-Breaks, and heal with Holy Bullet when necessary. If you’re immune to Sleep and/or Blind, this should go smoothly, and once both enemies are defeated, this job will be complete. The Bubble Scissors G enemies will both drop a Bewitch Quartz when defeated.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    NIS America
  • Platforms,
    PS4, Steam, Steam Deck, Switch
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    26 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    11 March 2023
    Version History
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