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The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

Chapter 3 Day 3 - Missing Tourists

Nathan Garvin
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This page covers the urgent request “Missing Tourists” during Chapter 3, Day 3 in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.

(1 of 2) Travel to Armorica Village to get the request started,

Travel to Armorica Village to get the request started, (left), then cross the newly repaired bridge to reach the Ancient Battlefield. (right)

How to Start Missing Tourists

You can pick up this urgent request at the start of Chapter 3, Day 3, and as with all urgent requests you’ll need to complete it to advance the main questline. That being the case, you should complete the side requests [Serial Theft Investigation] and [East Crossbell Highway Monster Extermination], first.

How to Complete Missing Tourists

Proxy Puppet
Curia Balm

When you’re ready to get started, make your way to Armorica Village, which requires you to exit Crossbell City via East Street, trek through East Crossbell Highway, then take Old Armorica Road… or you could just catch a bus right outside of Crossbell City, if you wish.

When you reach Armorica Village, head to the Ash Tree Inn and talk to Gofan, who will be standing near the counter, and after he gives you the details, Lloyd will smother a potential complication with his typical brand of cooperative diplomacy. Once that’s done, return to the Old Armorica Highway and make your way to the third screen (the area adjacent to Armorica Village) and cross the newly repaired stone bridge to the east.

(1 of 2) After crossing the bridge, loot two chests to score a Proxy Puppet,

After crossing the bridge, loot two chests to score a Proxy Puppet, (left), and some Curia Balm. (right)

Immediately after crossing the bridge you’ll be able to nab two chests that eluded you on your first trip down the Old Armorica Road. The first one is to the north after crossing the bridge while the second is uphill to the east. Don’t get too excited, however, as they just obtain a Proxy Puppet and a Curia Balm.

Exit to the east to reach the Ancient Battlefield.

This is a fairly large field dungeon, with ten new monsters to fight and Analyze and a great amount of treasure. That said, for this page we’re going to focus on completing this request and largely avoid the distractions that the Ancient Battlefield has to offer. The Ancient Battlefield will be covered in greater detail on its own page, so if you want to kill two birds with one stone, just follow the link provided, but you’ll need to return here later anyways to get two chests that’ll be left behind when we finish the request, and do so some fishing, so if you want to just ignore the enemies and treasure for now, that’s fine too.

This first screen has two exits, one to the east, and one to the southeast; when you come to a fork a short distance to the east you’ll either have to head uphill to the northeast, or downhill to the southeast. Go southeast to reach the southeastern exit, as the eastern exit will just lead to this dungeon’s fourth screen, which is blocked by a gate at this time.

(1 of 2) Make your way to the second screen of the Ancient Battlefield to trigger a scene,

Make your way to the second screen of the Ancient Battlefield to trigger a scene, (left), then continue deeper into the Ancient Battlefield, taking a brief detour to turn a lever and open a gate. (right)

Exit to the southeast and you’ll reach the area’s second screen, which is less complex than the last screen. Just make your way south, then east up some stairs to trigger a scene. Once it ends, continue east up a second flight of stairs, and when you reach the third flight of stairs, ignore them and head through a doorway to the right of the stairs to reach the Underground Passage.

Descend the stairs and you’ll eventually reach a sewer section, which consists of three walkways linked by stone bridges. Work your way north through the sewer to find a door at the far end and exit to find yourself in another stairwell. Ascend the stairs and exit to return to the surface.

You’ll find yourself in the fourth area of the Ancient Battlefield (the three Underground Passage screens collectively being considered the third area), on some ancient battlements. Make your way north, then down some stairs to the west and south to reach a courtyard. Go up another flight of stairs to the south, turn west and bypass or defeat a [Zu] enemy, then interact with a lever to open the nearby gate, which leads back to the first area. Shortcut, activated!

Return to the courtyard, then head east to find an area transition leading to the fifth area. You won’t get to explore any, as a scene will trigger as soon as you enter, after which you’ll find yourself in a battle with several [Blade Fangs].

(1 of 3) Blade Fangs are capable of inflicting heavy damage with their physical attacks,

Boss - Blade Fangs

Enemy Lv Elemental Effectiveness Drops
Blade Fang 26 Earth_Elemental.png 150 Water_Elemental.png 200 Fire_Elemental.png 175 Wind_Elemental.png 150 U-Material

These ancient beasts aren’t much more powerful than the [Sepith Demons] and [Bubbly Scissors G] you fought during earlier requests, having around 350 STR, 250 DEF and over 100 ADF. The Blade Fangs, however, have nearly twice as many HP (6400) and there are four of them. Worse still, you can expect these beasts to chomp you for 600~ per attack, and if you have four of them biting you a turn… that’s not the arithmetic of success.

Despite all that, this fight isn’t all that difficult. The Blade Fangs can’t move very far, they’re vulnerable to all four core elements (especially water and fire) and vulnerable to most debuffs, save for Deathblow and Petrify. Use Randy’s Crash Bomb to Blind them, greatly reducing their offensive output, and have Tio and Elie pelt the enemies with spells to quickly whittle down their HP. Randy’s S-Break is also fairly potent, as these enemies are susceptible to Burn, and can sustain around 1000 damage per turn from it.

(1 of 2) Use S-Breaks to deal damage and inflict debuffs - Burn will deal around 1,000 damage per turn.

Use S-Breaks to deal damage and inflict debuffs - Burn will deal around 1,000 damage per turn. (left), Blade Fangs are also vulnerable to most elements, especially water and fire. (right)

You don’t actually have to win this fight, as you’ll be saved by another deus ex Arios whether you win or lose. You’ll gain +3 Detective Points for winning, however, so do your best, and don’t forget to Analyze these enemies.

Once the battle is over, one way or another, you’ll get a few scenes both at the site of the battle, and then back at Armorica Village, where you’ll finish up the request. Now that you’re done with this request, it’s time to explore the Ancient Battlefield properly. Even if you already looted the area and fought and Analyzed enemies as you went, there are still two chests in the dungeon’s fifth area, which you weren’t able to explore earlier.

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2000 5 (+3)
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    NIS America
  • Platforms,
    PS4, Steam, Steam Deck, Switch
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    26 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    11 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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