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The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

Prologue Day 1 - Exploring the Geofront

Ben Chard
Nathan Garvin
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This page covers the main quest in Day 1 for the Prologue in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero. This will include any missables that become available during this main quest.

The first day of the Prologue takes place in the Geofront.

Key Information


Icon Item Location
Earth_Quartz.png Defense 1 Quartz Story related
Wind_Quartz.png Evade 1 Quartz Story related
Water_Quartz.png HP 1 Quartz Story related
Fire_Quartz.png Attack 1 Quartz Story related

Lloyd’s Crossbell Return

The game opens with you being introduced to the four main characters of Trails from Zero, Lloyd, Elie, Tio, and Randy. Once you regain control, you’ll find yourselves in some ancient ruins without any context (don’t worry, you’ll learn more about this later) and there’s no way to go but straight forward until you trigger another scene.

At this point, the introduction will take over in full force, you’ll awake on the train to Crossbell and you’ll have plenty of scenes that set the tone for the adventure to come. Once you gain control at the CPD, speak to the receptionist to trigger more scenes, and meet the rest of your new team. You’ll soon find yourself outside the Geofront where Chief Sergei will hand over the Detective Notebook, the Combat Notebook and four different Quartz to set to your new Orbments (these can only be set in one place). Once you’ve taken a look at your new toys, head over to the door and unlock the key to get your first job underway.

Exploring the Geofront A Sector

Enemy Lv Elemental Effectiveness Drops
Needle Rat 3 Earth_Elemental.png 175 Water_Elemental.png 175 Fire_Elemental.png 175 Wind_Elemental.png 175 Marbled Steak, King Potato
Cacoroaches 3 Earth_Elemental.png 140 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 160 Wind_Elemental.png 100 Royal Leaf, Milled Flour
Frost Slime 3 Earth_Elemental.png 155 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 175 Wind_Elemental.png 145 Clear Gelatin, Warmer
Grave Bat 3 Earth_Elemental.png 175 Water_Elemental.png 150 Fire_Elemental.png 175 Wind_Elemental.png 125 Fresh Herb, Sesame Oil
Tear Balm
Smoke Ball (5)
Earth, Water, Fire, Wind Sepith (20)
Reviving Balm
All Sepith (20)
Tear Balm
Battle Scope (5)

Head down the stairs and you’ll reach an Orbment Charging Station, you can use these to recover your HP and EP for free by selecting Rest. Once you set through the next door, you’ll be given the option of having a tutorial for battles. If this is your first time playing Trails from Zero or the Trail in the Sky series, you should consider taking the tutorial, otherwise feel free to pass.

(1 of 2) Take the tutorial if this is your first time playing the Trails series

Take the tutorial if this is your first time playing the Trails series (left), remember to scan every new enemy you come across (right)

You’ll find a Needle Rat in this first corridor, and it should go down with simple attacks, in fact, unless you’re doing the tutorial and are forced to use Arts or S-Crafts, you should just attack in this dungeon. This will allow you to hopefully stockpile CP for the battle at the end.

After defeating the Needle Rat, you’ll find a chest to the east in the next room containing a Tear Balm. Like most things in Trails from Zero, there is an achievement for opening every chest in the game so be sure to keep on the lookout for every chest. Continue following the linear path and you’ll encounter your first Frost Slime, these are strong against physical attacks (Tio’s attack is considered an Ether attack) but if you get the jump on them, you should be able to still defeat them with everyone attacking.

You’ll reach an intersection following this room, defeat the Cacoroaches, open the nearby chest for five Smoke Grenades and then take the southeast exit to find another chest, this one housing 20 Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind Sepith.

(1 of 4) Tear Balms can be used to restore your HP

Return to the intersection and take the other door, a Grave Bat awaits you in the next corridor and then head through the eastern door in the next room (you can’t climb this ladder for now). The next corridor has two monsters to defeat, deal with them both and then open the chest to obtain a Reviving Balm. The door here leads to a lift that will take you down to the next floor.

There are two exits here, so take the northwest exit first and through the corridor to a large room. You’ll find multiple monsters here along with a chest to the north containing 20 of All Sepith. Make your return to where the lift is and take the other exit out of this room.

Anri and Ryu

Another small corridor leads to a small room with a Grave Bat and another chest containing another Tear Balm. As you enter the next large room, you’ll hear a voice crying, head into the nearby vent to find a child by the name of Anri. You’ll soon learn another kid is somewhere in the Geofront, and you’ll be presented with a choice. Choose the second option, “Search for the other boy with him” to obtain 2 DP.

Anri will join as a guest, and you’ll learn that he’ll be in battle with you while he remains a guest. Guests have HP and should they fall in battle, you’ll get a Game Over so protect them at all costs. Before taking the western exit, return to the vent, head through to the other side, and you’ll find another chest at the end, this one containing a Lighter, your first Accessory. Equip this to either Lloyd or Randy as it will prevent the Freeze status, useful for an upcoming battle.

(1 of 2) Choose the second option here to obtain 2 DP

Choose the second option here to obtain 2 DP (left), return to the vent after and exit out the other side to obtain a Lighter. (right)

The next corridor leads to a room with two monsters and a chest containing the final chest for this section, inside you’ll pocket five Battle Scopes. Before pressing on, take a look at your Combat Notebook and ensure that all four entries have a tick next to them, if not, head back and use Battle Scopes or Tio’s Analyze to scan them.

You’ll find another Orbment Charging Station here, make use of it and then enter your menu and use the Tactics option to push all of your party to the front row. Now, make sure to save your game before heading through the door, as you’ll encounter a battle with a hidden DP requirement. Go through the door and you’ll be given a choice, choosing the “Attack the monsters from behind!” option will give you an ambush on the enemy, but you actually want the enemies to be closer to you so choose the “Draw the monster’s attention!” option instead.

Boss: Frost Slime

Enemy Lv Elemental Effectiveness Drops
Frost Slime 3 E - 155, WA - 100, F - 175, WN - 145 Clear Gelatin, Warmer

Although the music alludes to this being a boss battle, it really is just a battle against five Frost Slimes. The difficulty in this battle is to ensure that you defeat the Frost Slimes without Anri or Ryu are not hit a single time to obtain the hidden 3 DP. If you decided to ambush the Slimes, they’d almost certainly attack Ryu on their first turn however with you drawing their attention, Lloyd and his team are the closest targets to them, causing them to aim for you. Make sure you move towards them to make sure that one of your characters is the closest target to them.

Remember that Slimes are strong against physical attacks, so you’ll want to use Arts with Lloyd and Elie. Hopefully you saved your CP and can use both Randy and Tio’s S-Breaks to deal massive damage in a large area. Tio’s S-Craft especially can take out at least three of them in one fell swoop. Beyond this, this battle shouldn’t cause any major issues so long as you ensure that the boys are not hit at all, if they are, reload your game and try again.

(1 of 3) Choose to draw the attention of the slimes

Following your victory, more scenes will trigger, and you’ll be introduced to the local Bracer celebrity, Ario MacLaine. Eventually, you’ll find yourself at the SSS HQ where Chief Sergei will give everyone the night to decide if the SSS is where they want to be. Once you regain control, it’s time to check in your new colleagues, so visit them in the following order:

  • Head to the rooftop to get a view from the building and meet a cat
  • Go to Room 301 to speak to Elie
  • Go to Room 302 and enter to see that Tio isn’t there
  • Go to Room 202 and speak to Randy
  • Head down to the ground floor to find Tio near the Orbal Computer
  • Leave the building

More scenes will follow and you’ll end your first day back in Crossbell.

Previous DP Total New DP Total
0 5
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    NIS America
  • Platforms,
    PS4, Steam, Steam Deck, Switch
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    26 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    11 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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