This is a guide for the Support Request “Vacancy Verification” in Day 2 of the Prologue of The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero. This will include where to accept the Request and all the rewards.
Vacancy Verification is a Request in the Prologue.
How to Start Vacancy Verification¶
Vacancy Verification is one of the first Support Requests you’ll gain access to in the Prologue. After completing the tutorial by speaking to Fran at the CPD in the Administrative District you’ll need to return to the SSS and use the Orbal Computer to report the results. This will then unlock the first batch of Support Requests in Trails from Zero.
Once you’ve got the details from the computer, make your way over to the Administrative District and enter City Hall found to the north of the district. Inside, speak with the Receptionist Shion to get the Request underway.
How to Complete Vacancy Verification¶
Your task is to assist the city with finding out where there are vacancies at the various housing across Crossbell City. This Request is more designed as another way of getting your more used to the hub in Trails from Zero.
Residential District: When entering this area via the Entertainment District, you’ll find a large gate with vines all over it. Examine it to mark down the first vacancy.
East Street: Your target is the building next to the Bracer’s Guild, which just so happens to be the Fisherman’s Guild (which is obviously not vacant). Head inside and you’ll learn of another place nearby which may fit the description. Head to the building to the left of the Bracer’s Guild and go up the stairs to find a vacant room on your left.
Downtown District: As soon as you enter the district, you’ll see Lotus Heights to your right. Go inside to trigger a scene and learn about the vacant room on the second floor, examine it to tick the final objective off your list.
Once you’ve done all three of the tasks given to you, make your return to the City Hall in the Administrative District and deliver the report to Receptionist Shion, this will complete the Request and make it ready for reporting.
Request Rewards¶
Items | Mira | DP |
– | 1000 | 3 |
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