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The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

East Crossbell Highway Monster Extermination

Nathan Garvin
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Walkthrough for the request “East Crossbell Highway Monster Extermination” in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.

Check the computer in the SSS HQ on Day 2 of Chapter 2 to get this request.

How to Start East Crossbell Highway Monster Extermination

East Crossbell Highway Monster Extermination is a request in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero, which you can pick up on Chapter 2 Day 2. To start this quest you just need to sit through all the chatter at the start of the day, and when you finally gain control of your characters, investigate the computer in the SSS HQ to accept this request.

Before you start this request you may want to make sure your HP/EP/CP are full, as it’ll make your life much easier.

(1 of 2) You can find the Savage Horn on the eastern end of the fourth screen of the East Crossbell Highway,

You can find the Savage Horn on the eastern end of the fourth screen of the East Crossbell Highway, (left), just approach the Savage Horn to start a fight. They cannot be ambushed. (right)

How to Complete East Crossbell Highway Monster Extermination

This is a pretty simple monster extermination request - no dealing with clients, no investigation, no conditions, just find the target monsters - in this case a pair of [Savage Horns] - and kill them.

You’ll find these Savage Horns on the fourth screen of the East Crossbell Highway, which you can reach by taking the bus to the “Bus Stop (Fork)” destination, then exit to the southeast. The Savage Horns are along the far eastern end of the map, just before the exit to the fifth screen of the East Crossbell Highway. Just approach the giant bovine beast and you’ll be prompted to start the fight - no ambushing this foe.

Enemy Lv Elemental Effectiveness Drops
Savage Horn 18 Earth_Elemental.png 75 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 125 Wind_Elemental.png 100 Intimidation (Quartz)

(1 of 2) The Savage Horns can perform an attack with the same name,

The Savage Horns can perform an attack with the same name, (left), which will deal heavy damage to all foes in a line. (right)

While there’s only two of these Savage Horns, they’re both durable (2,708 HP and 208 DEF on normal difficulty) and powerful (230 STR). This will allow the Savage Horns to deal around 400~ damage per normal melee attack, and if they perform their namesake charge attack they’ll deal around 700~ damage. Worse still, this attack will hit all characters in a line, so you should avoid providing opportunities for the Savage Horns to hit more than one character at a time, even if it means wasting a turn moving. You’ll naturally want to use Tear/Teara to heal whenever your HP drop low - by now you should have enough Quartz to ensure most of your party has access to some healing.

(1 of 4) Use Analyze to obtain the bestiary information for these monsters.

As for your own offense, the Savage Horns are strong to earth and weak to fire, but the aforementioned vulnerability to fire is only 125% - a useful weakness to exploit, but not something that’s going to give you an overwhelming advantage. Using S-Breaks to whittle down one of your foes comes highly recommended, as it’ll halve your enemy’s offensive output. You’ll also want to burn a turn Analyzing one of these critters, as they have a unique bestiary entry. Crash Bomb is somewhat useful, as the Blind it inflicts will mitigate the damage dealt by normal attacks, but the Savage Horn charge doesn’t seem to be affected.

Defeat the Savage Horns and you’ll obtain a chunk of Intimidation Quartz from each of them, which makes enemies more likely to flee… probably not something you want to happen under most circumstances.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    NIS America
  • Platforms,
    PS4, Steam, Steam Deck, Switch
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    26 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    11 March 2023
    Version History
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