This is a guide for the Support Request “Enigma Combat Test” in Day 1 of Chapter 2 in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero. This will include where to accept the Request and all the rewards.
Enigma Combat Test is a Request on Day 1 of Chapter 2.
How to Start Enigma Combat Test¶
Enigma Combat Test is one of the first Support Requests you’ll gain access to in Chapter 2. After gaining control after all of the scenes that kick of this chapter, you’ll find yourself in the SSS HQ. You won’t have any other main missions for this Chapter yet so you’ll need to fire up the Orbal Computer to receive your Requests for Day 1 of Chapter 2, including Enigma Combat Test.
Once you’ve got the details from the computer, make your way over to Genten Orbal Store in Central Square and speak with Wendy to find out what she wants you to do and kick off the Request.
How to Complete Enigma Combat Test¶
The actual objective of this Request is simple, head into battle against any enemy and use the Hollow Sphere Art. What makes this tricky is how to actually get the Hollow Sphere Art in the first place. If you wasn’t already aware, you can find out what Sepith value each Art requires in the Detective Notebook. Using this method, you can see that to be able to use Hollow Sphere, you’ll need Water x3, Wind x3, Mirage x5, all on a single line.
(1 of 3) You can use your Detective Notebook to learn the Sepith value you need for Hollow Sphere
If you take a look at your Quartz, you’ll notice that each Quartz offers a certain Sepith value. To achieve this, we used Elie, and set Detection and EP 1 (for Mirage Sepith), Evade 1 and Move 1 (for Wind Sepith), and finally, HP 2 (for Water Sepith). Check that you have Hollow Sphere available to use and then head for an area where you can trigger a battle, such as the Geofront or one of the numerous highways.
Once you trigger the battle, have the character who has the Art use it, this will give them the Stealth buff which will cause enemies to ignore that character for two turns or until that character makes an action. Simply win the battle from here and then make your return to Wendy to deliver the combat test results to her and complete the Request, making it ready for reporting.
Request Rewards¶
Items | Mira | DP |
– | 1500 | 4 |
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