This page gives a detailed analysis of the Golden Cricket enemy found in Geofront - A Sector.
Enemies will be added to your Combat Notebook upon encountering and defeating them in battle. However, the info provided is pretty barebones, but more information will be added as you fight more. If you use a Battle Scope or Tio’s Analyze Craft, then you will unveil all of the information on that particular. When you have fully unlocked the info on a particular enemy, you will see a red checkmark next to their entry in the Combat Notebook. It’s generally easier to use the item or Craft, since there are plenty of enemies you only encounter once. You will need check marks for every single enemy in the game in order to unlock The Usual Suspects trophy/achievement.
This giant, golden insect causes a cacophony to wear down its prey. This is the enemy you face during the Geofront A2 Sector Monster Extermination support request in the Intermission chapter. Note that you will only have two characters for this battle, plus KeA will be a guest, so make sure she doesn’t get KO’ed during the fight. The Golden Cricket uses Dissonance as its main attack, which has three different forms, with no way to really tell the difference until it hits you. One absorbs CP and inflicts the Move Down debuff, a second inflicts the DEF Down debuff and does damage, and the third inflicts the STR Down debuff and inflicts damage. All of them are AoE, so be careful in the battle.
Level |
HP |
Experience |
Items Dropped |
29 |
5408 |
47 |
U-Material |
491 |
313 |
0 |
100 |
42 |
Elemental Efficacy¶
Earth |
Water |
Fire |
Wind |
175 |
190 |
200 |
165 |
Sepith Gained¶
Earth |
Water |
Fire |
Wind |
Time |
Space |
Mirage |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
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