At the end of Deadliest Game, you find out that both Talanah and Ahsis ran after Redmaw. Go to Meridian Village and take the southwestern exit and at the first split, take the southern path. At the next split, which is at the Strider Site, go southeast and continue in that direction until you hear Aloy talk about another Tallneck. From the Tallneck symbol on your map, the location for where you have to speak to Talanah is southwest, near the Stalker Site on the map.
When you get close enough, you find that Talanah is in battle with some Outlanders, and it looks like she’ll need some help. Most of them are bow users, but there are a few melee guys in the mix, so take them out first, as they can inflict some big damage if they can close in on you. Once everyone is dead, minus Talanah of course, and their bodies are looted, speak with Talanah and then follow her. Eventually, she will stop, so break out your Focus to uncover some tracks and follow them until you happen to find both Ahsis and Redmaw.
After Ahsis gets slapped silly, it’s time to bring down Redmaw, who seems to just be an ordinary Thunderjaw, although with a battle wound or two, as it only starts out with a single Disc Launcher. Use the Tearblaster or Tearblast Arrow to knock this off, then pick it up and unleash the fury on it. With any luck, your assault with the Disc Launcher knocked off a couple parts, making the battle go a bit more smoothly. If you can knock off the cannons near the mouth, then the Thunderjaw will pretty much resort to melee attacks for the remainder of the battle, which might be good or bad, depending on your ability to dodge.
Help Talanah by killing her attackers (left). Not long after that, it’s a battle against the legendary machine itself (right).
When you get to this point, the Shadow Ropecaster is a godsend, especially since it should only take four shots to tie it down. Once it is tied down, you should be able to get a clean shot on the heart and with no mods, the Shadow Sharpshot Bow (with Triple Shot skill) should deal around 800-900 damage to the heart. It also helps that there is another target in this battle, as Talanah can cause a nice distraction here and there. She can’t die, but might become incapacitated for a few seconds. Once the beast is done, approach Talanah for a scene, then go and speak with Ahsis. Return to the Hunters Lodge in Meridian and speak with Talanah when she’s available to put an end to this quest.
Objective | Reward |
For putting a stop to Redmaw | 6,330 XP / Skill Point +1 / Extraordinary Reward Box |
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