Varga recognises the weapon as her own before it was stolen, but she’s happy for you to keep it and even happier to upgrade it for you. This time, she needs the snout of a Fire Bellowback. So, activate the errand from the quest menu and get going! You’ll be doing it alone this time as Varga returns to Longnotch to wait for your return.
(1 of 2) Go to the Bellowback site
Go to the Bellowback site (left), Take down a Fire Bellowback (right)
Follow the trail to the Bellowback site (or fast travel if you prefer) to find a single Fire Bellowback stalking the hills with a Shell-Walker. Remember how Varga modified your Icerail to have explosives? Why don’t you try it out? Two explosives and a few arrows will be enough to burst the fire sac on its back – pretty impressive!
(1 of 2) Loot the Bellowback for the Snout component
Loot the Bellowback for the Snout component (left), Head back to Varga in Longnotch (right)
Finish it off and scavenge it for the Bellowback Snout. When you’re done here you can fast travel right back to Longnotch to speak with Varga again. She’ll upgrade the Forgefire, and then you can be on your way with your all-new and improved weapons!
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