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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

All Fish and Fishing Spots

Shane Williams
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If you’re trying to get all of the Trophy/Achievements in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, then you’ll need to hunt down and collect 52 fish which are scattered around Allraan. On this page, we’ll provide you their locations along with their drop rate.

The Human-Faced Fish is the rarest in the game.

Unlocking Fishing

Before you can start collecting fish in Eiyuden Chronicle, you’ll need to acquire a Fishing Rod which is done by speaking with Huang who is a chap that resides in Arenside, a town found in Grum County North. If you want some tips on how the fishing mechanic works, then check out our Fishing System Explained page.

You’ll notice that some fish have a higher rarity which means they’re less likely to show up, so we recommend that you unlock the rod upgrades in the Mission Guild as this make will make it easier to catch the larger fish. If you want to find out what fish you have or haven’t caught, then you’ll want to unlock the Library.

Every Fish Location

As mentioned above, there are 52 fish scattered across the various fishing spots in the game. If you don’t get all the fish on your first attempt then you’ll need to wait around 5 minutes for the fish to respawn.

Every Fishing Spot Location

There are 21 Fishing Spots spread across Allraan, so we recommend that you try and catch all the fish at each spot when you reach them otherwise you’ll find yourself having to spend hours catching fish at the end of the game.

Grum County-North

The Grum County-North Fishing Spot is located near the entrance of Arenside.

Fish Probability
Moss Tadpole 19.23%
Tigerloach 19.23%
Shovel Lobster 15.38%
Melon Sweetfish 15.38%
Webclaw Turtle 11.53%
Fountain Minnow 19.23%

Grum County 1

The first Grum County Fishing Spot can be found on a small patch of water to the west of Altverden Village.

Fish Probability
Moss Tadpole 18.51%
Tigerloach 18.51%
Fruitigil 18.51%
Melon Sweetfish 14.81%
Drill Turtle 11.11%
Fountain Minnow 18.51%

Grum County 2

The second Grum County Fishing Spot can be found to the east of Eltisweiss.

Fish Probability
Fruitigil 5%
Porter Chub 20%
Drill Turtle 15%
Death-Scythe Salmon 10%
Big-Mouthed Pelican Perch 5%
Fountain Minnow 25%

Kyshiri Village Area

This Fishing Spot can be found to the southwest of Kyshiri Village.

Fish Probability
Moss Tadpole 18.51%
Tigerloach 18.51%
Shovel Lobster 14.81%
Fountain Minnow 18.51%
Lantern Catfish 18.51%
Flat Snakehead 11.11%

Outside HQ

This fishing spot can be found by exiting the castle via the southern exit and then making your way to the southernmost portion of the “near your castle” area.

Fish Probability
Tigerloach 15.62%
Ironcarp 15.62%
Shovel Lobster 12.5%
Melon Sweetfish 12.5%
Hammerhead Bass 9.37%
Webclaw Turtle 9.37%
Fountain Minnow 15.62%
Flat Snakehead 9.37%


(1 of 2) Head to the southwest of seaside cavern.

Head to the southwest of seaside cavern. (left), to find the fishing spot. (right)

This fishing spot can be found by heading to the southwest of the Seaside Cavern (hidden behind a rock).

Fish Probability
Curry Mackerel 12.5%
Extra Hot Curry Mackerel 10%
Crested Puffer 12.5%
Boost Mullet 12.5%
Armored Mackerel 10%
Saber Squid 10%
Eight-Eyed Octopus 7.5%
Coral Grouper 7.5%
Twinhead Eel 5%
Wheel-Eye Bream 5%
Super Chili Moray 5%
Lion Amberjack 2.5%


(1 of 2) Head to this location in Hishahn

Head to this location in Hishahn (left), to find the fishing spot. (right)

This fishing spot can be found to the south of the armor shop in Hishahn.

Fish Probability
Boost Mullet 29.41%
Spotted Ohagi Crab 23.52%
Great Stealth Remora 17.64%
Brilliant Filefish 17.64%
Elder Mackerel 11.76%

Hishahn Palace

(1 of 2) Head to the northwest of the Hishahn Palace

Head to the northwest of the Hishahn Palace (left), to find the fishing spot. (right)

This fishing spot can be found in the northwest corner of the Hishahn Palace area.

Fish Probability
Spotted Ohagi Crab 13.79%
Twinhead Eel 6.89%
Drill Turtle 10.34%
Fountain Minnow 17.24%
Lantern Catfish 17.24%
Meteor Carp 13.79%
Flat Snakehead 10.34%
Sawgar 6.89%
Alligator Pirarucu 3.44%

The Seaside Cavern

This fishing spot can be found inside the The Seaside Cavern dungeon which is located to the east of Hishahn.

Fish Probability
Crested Puffer 16.66%
Scissor Seabass 16.66%
Shock Saury 13.33%
Armored Mackerel 13.33%
Eight-Eyed Octopus 10%
Great Stealth Remora 10%
Wheel-Eye Bream 6.66%
Lion Amberjack 3.33%
Magma Tuna 3.33%
Golden Demon Marlin 3.33%
Armadillo Shark 3.33%


(1 of 2) Head to the west side of the top floor.

Head to the west side of the top floor. (left), to find the fishing spot. (right)

This fishing spot can be found to the far west of the top floor in Dabavin.

Fish Probability
Curry Mackerel 20%
Scissor Seabass 20%
Shock Saury 16%
Saber Squid 16%
Coral Grouper 12%
Elder Mackerel 8%
Super Chili Moray 8%


(1 of 2) Head to the south of Imershi’arc

Head to the south of Imershi’arc (left), to find the fishing spot. (right)

This fishing spot can be found at the southernmost point of Impershi’arc.

Fish Probability
Crested Puffer 35.71%
Armored Mackerel 28.57%
Brilliant Filefish 21.42%
Super Chili Moray 14.28%

Little Sandfish Island

This fishing spot can be found in the center of the Great Sandy Sea (which is reached via the shi’arcraft).

Fish Probability
Sand Goby 29.41%
Mewing Gurnard 23.52%
Hippo Halibut 17.64%
Anchor Ray 17.64%
Wolf Coelacanth 11.76%

Big Sandfish Island

This fishing spot can be found in the south of the Great Sandy Sea (which is reached via the shi’arcraft).

Fish Probability
Sand Goby 22.72%
Mewing Gurnard 18.18%
Cow Flounder 18.18%
Hippo Halibut 13.63%
Anchor Ray 13.63%
Wolf Coelacanth 9.09%
Dragon Seahorse 4.54%


This fishing spot can be found over to the western side of Yarnaan.

Fish Probability
Fruitigil 1.73%
Porter Chub 17.39%
Hammerhead Bass 13.04%
Death-Scythe Salmon 8.69%
Lantern Catfish 21.73%
Flat Snakehead 13.04%
Alligator Pirarucu 4.34%

Norristar (Central)

This fishing spot can be found to the southeast of Athrabalt.

Fish Probability
Ironcarp 25%
Webclaw Turtle 15%
Drill Turtle 15%
Big-Mouthed Pelican Perch 5%
frostbite Smelt 25%
Icicle Trout 15%

Norristar (North)

This fishing spot can be found to the northwest of Athrabalt.

Fish Probability
Fountain Minnow 25%
Frostbite Smelt 25%
Rune Clione 5%
Ice Char 20%
Icicle Trout 15%
Snowball Taimen 10%

HQ Fishing Spot 1

The HQ Fishing Spot 1 can be found to the right of the southern exit of the HQ Town (first one on the left).

Fish Probability
Moss Tadpole 10.1%
Tigerloach 10.1%
Fruitigil 10.1%
Shovel Lobster 8.08%
Porter Chub 8.08%
Melon Sweetfish 8.08%
Webclaw Turtle 6.06%
Drill Turtle 6.06%
Death-Scythe Salmon 4.04%
Big-Mouthed Pelican Perch 2.02%
Fountain Minnow 10.1%
Lantern Catfish 10.1%
Flat Snakehead 6.06%
Human-Faced Fish 1.01%

HQ Fishing Spot 2

The HQ Fishing Spot 2 can be found to the right of the southern exit of the HQ Town (second one from the left).

Fish Probability
Curry Mackerel 7.4%
Extra Hot Curry Mackerel 5.92%
Crested Puffer 7.4%
Boost Mullet 7.4%
Spotted Ohagi Crab 5.92%
Armored Mackerel 5.92%
Saber Squid 5.92%
Eight-Eyed Octopus 4.44%
Great Stealth Remora 4.44%
Coral Grouper 4.44%
Brilliant Filefish 4.44%
Twinhead Eel 2.96%
Elder Mackerel 2.96%
Wheel-Eye Bream 2.96%
Super Chili Moray 2.96%
Lion Amberjack 1.48%
Ironcarp 7.4%
Hammerhead Bass 4.44%
Meteor Carp 5.92%
Sawgar 2.96%
Alligator Pirarucu 1.48%
Human-Faced Fish 0.74%

HQ Fishing Spot 3

The HQ Fishing Spot 3 can be found to the right of the southern exit of the HQ Town (third one from the left).

Fish Probability
Scissor Seabass 38.46%
Shock Saury 30.76%
Magma Tuna 7.69%
Golden Demon Marlin 7.69%
Armadillo Shark 7.69%
Human-Faced Fish 7.69%

HQ Fishing Spot 4

The HQ Fishing Spot 4 can be found to the right of the southern exit of the HQ Town (this is on the pier).

Fish Probability
Sand Goby Human-Faced Fish
Mewing Gurnard 17.39%
Cow Flounder 17.39%
Hippo Halibut 13.04%
Anchor Ray 13.04%
Wolf Coelacanth 8.69%
Dragon Seahorse 4.34%
Human-Faced Fish 4.34%

HQ Fishing Spot 5

The HQ Fishing Spot 5 can be found to the right of the southern exit of the HQ Town (this is on the pier).

Fish Probability
Frostbite Smelt 31.25%
Rune Clione 6.25%
Ice Char 25%
Icicle Trout 18.75%
Snowball Taimen 12.5%
Human-Faced Fish 6.25%
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    505 Games
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    22 April 2024
  • Last Updated
    22 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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A spiritual successor to the Suikoden series, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is a classic JRPG that gives you the opportunity to recruit over 100 characters throughout your journey. Nowa, a boy from a small village, travels to the city to become a member of the Watch, only to be suckered into a plot to stop an empire from utilizing Rune-Lenses to expand their power and reach.

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