You will encounter a lot of different characters that can join your army in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, with there actually being 119 of them. There are a few characters that have more involved requirements to be able to recruit them, with Lam being one of those. You will need to have recruited Riufan first, then do a series of steps in order to get her to join.
Lam is found in the northwestern corner of Daphan.
Lam Location¶
If you are exploring the Euchrisse region, you might have run into Lam without knowing it was her. She is found in the town of Daphan, in the eastern portion of Euchrisse, but she only appears as ??? upon speaking with her. In order to get started on recruiting Lam, you will first need to have gotten Riufan. He is located in Hishahn and requires Nowa to be level 32, then you’ll have to fight him one-on-one. For more details on that, visit the Riufan Recruitment Guide page.
With him in your party, go to the inn at your Headquarters and you’ll find Riufan on the right side. Speak to him there for a short scene, then place him into your active party. Once you’ve done that, head to Daphan and you should see another short scene upon entering the town. You can then head to Lam and speak with her, triggering another scene. You can now try to leave Daphan, going to the world map, which will trigger yet another quick scene. The final step after this will now be to go back to Lam and talk with her one last time, which will cause her to finally join your army.
(1 of 5) Speak to Riufan in the inn at your HQ to get started on Lam’s recruitment.
Lam Glitch/Bug¶
There seems to be a bug that pertains to recruiting Lam, as people have gotten as far as getting the scene upon entering Daphan, but when they speak to Lam after that, they get nothing. It’s unclear what is actually causing this bug, though, as it’s completely random. Some people are able to recruit Lam without any problems, but others aren’t able to get past the part when you speak to her with Riufan. As far as we can tell, there seems to be no way to fix this glitch, should it happen to you.
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