There are 120+ recruitable characters in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes and they are typically obtained naturally throughout the main story, but some will require you to seek them out on your own. There are some that even require you to do something extra, which is the case with Mariette. On this page, we’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to finding Mariette’s Charm in The Greatwood South.
The Quiet Bookworm Joins The Team.
Where to Find Mariette¶
Mariette can be recruited in a small port called Twinhorne East which is accessible shortly after completing the Proving Grounds Dungeon. You can find Twinhorne East by heading to the Euchrisse region and making for the settlement just outside The Greatwood. Make your way over to the center of town to find Mariette, then she’ll request that you find her long lost charm as she claims it will provide her with the necessary luck to get through her entrance exam. It can obtained by heading on over to The Greatwood-South (north of Twinhorne East) and roaming the area until you get into a battle with a Rabbit Archwitch.
(1 of 2) Head to The Greatwood-South
Head to The Greatwood-South (left), and open the treasure chest for Mariette’s Charm. (right)
You’ll need to attack the Treasure Chest via the gimmick in order to open it but it has a low chance of opening, so you’ll want everyone to do the gimmick until you’ve acquired Mariette’s Charm. If you manage to open the chest relatively early on in the round, then the remaining members will automatically attack the other enemies. Rabbit Archwitches are weak to fire, so using the Fireball Spell will make quick work of them. Additionally, they have a 7% chance of dropping a Rune of Magic which will increase the Magic Attack Stat when equipped.
Mariette Special Ability¶
Mariette is a HQ character that can run the library once it’s built and this will be extremely useful as you get further into the game, as it’ll provide you with important information about every enemy you’ve faced so far, such as weaknesses and item drop rates. There are 52 fish to catch and you can see what ones you’ve caught and how many you’re missing. Additionally, you can also hand in any faded books you may have for some lore.
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