After turning Ghilan’nain mortal, but being unsuccessful at defeating her, she’s (unsurprisingly) angry at you and your band of misfits. Now, she’s got Seartooth Vyrantus and Corius the Icetalon to defeat you, meaning you’ll have to take on not one, but two dragons in the Fire and Ice quest for Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Saving the world isn’t an easy task.
The first part of the fight is dealing with one dragon on its own, while the second part is having to keep track of two very different but equally dangerous dragons. Here’s how to survive and defeat the Fire and Ice Dragons. Before entering the quest, or if you’re able to return to The Lighthouse again, we recommend heading to The Caretaker and adding stagger upgrades to your weapons.
Fire and Ice Dragons Attacks¶
Here are some of the attacks to look out for from both dragons:
- Ranged Attacks: Both dragons have dangerous ranged attacks that could spell death to those not prepared. For example, Corius the Icetalon will shoot multiple ice balls at once, requiring a good timing with your dodge.
- Slam Dunks: Both dragons can slam on the ground with force that risks your health depleting. While one gives a red ring to indicate the attack, the other is a simple dive attack that only has a little wind up. If you see a dragon’s head coming towards you, dodge fast.
- Tail Whip: With the dragons’ weakness being their legs, it can be easy to find yourself in the range of this attack. If you’re close to either dragon, they’ll use their tail to whack you, so be sure to do small dodges before going back to staggering the dragons.
First Dragon Strategy¶
The first dragon you’ll fight depends entirely on your decision to Save Treviso or Minrathous after completing the A Warden’s Best Friend main quest. Your choice also affects the second part of this quest, too.
If you decided to save Treviso, the first dragon you’ll fight is Corius the Icetalon, but choosing to save Minrathous will bring back the ferocious Seartooth Vyrantus as the first encounter.
Only one dragon appears at the start of the boss fight.
Regardless of your earlier decision, the strategy remains the same. Your focus is on attacking the dragon’s legs in an attempt to stagger it. You do more damage on the legs that are glowing, indicating they’re weaker than the rest of the limbs. After doing enough damage, the dragon will collapse, and you’ll have a few moments to attack a glowing point on the dragon’s chest - do this urgently, as this will deplete the dragon’s health faster.
Be sure to use your companion’s detonation abilities often, as this will stagger the boss faster. There are a few green jars around the arena, so if you’re low on health, make sure to break them open for some more health potions. After completing the boss fight, a cutscene will play, and you’ll have to tackle two dragons in the next part.
Fire and Ice Dragon Boss Strategy¶
Ghilan’nain’s appearance is never a good thing, and now, you’re at the mercy of two dragons. Fortunately, the strategy remains the same, as you focus on each dragon’s legs. There’s just another one’s attacks to watch out for. We suggest keeping your attacks and companions focused on one dragon, killing one quicker than the other and making the latter part of the boss fight a lot easier.
After taking one boss down to half health, a cutscene will play. Depending on your choice to save Treviso or Minrathous, you’ll have Viago or The Viper arrive with assistance, with poisoned ballista bolts or enhanced ballista bolts respectively. Regardless of your choice, the strategy is similar.
(1 of 2) Two dragons means double the problems. Fortunately, a helping hand will arrive.
Two dragons means double the problems. Fortunately, a helping hand will arrive. (left), Focus on one dragon at a time, and wait for some assistance when a dragon is at half health. (right)
Use the skills screen - R1, RB, or Tab on PS5, Xbox, and PC respectively (,
) - to use your allies’ ballista bolts to do strong damage against a dragon. Combined with your detonation abilities, you’ll soon stagger each of the bosses.
Once you take down one dragon, only one remains, and the boss fight becomes a lot easier. Keep focusing on the legs and using your skills to stagger the dragon, attack the chest, and find yourself winning the boss fight in no time!
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