The Waiting Stone is a companion quest exclusive to Lace Harding. It’ll require you to help Harding navigate the Deep Roads to meet a contact. On this page, we’ll provide you with the necessary steps to destroying the root of the blight.
Harding is on the hunt for more information.
Table of Contents¶
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Quickjump |
The Waiting Stone Quest Location |
Find the Root of The Blight |
Defeat Wrath of the Stone |
The Waiting Stone Quest Rewards |
Starting The Waiting Stone Quest¶
Once you’ve completed The Siege of Weisshaupt Main Quest, speak with Harding at the Conservatory of the Lighthouse to get this quest underway. She wants to meet with the Kal-Sharok Dwarves to continue to learn more about her abilities, so you’ll want to make your way over to the Deep Roads which can be done via fast travel or the crossroads!
Find the Root of The Blight¶
Head south through the Ancient Mineshaft until you reach the entrance to the Kal-Sharok Outpost, then deal with the horde of enemies outside to be greeted by Stalgard. Head right as soon as you enter the outpost to find the Kal-Sharok Abides Memento, then follow Stalgard until you’re unfortunately ambushed by darkspawn. Destroy the blight first to prevent the enemies from respawning, then we recommend that you take out the enemies from a distance via ranged attacks as they can explode.
(1 of 2) Destroy the blight before dealing with the enemies
Destroy the blight before dealing with the enemies (left), then use Hardings ability to move the stone and take the lift. (right)
You’re now tasked with finding the root of the blight, so head up the nearby stairs and you’ll come across a lift which is blocked by a stone. Use Hardings ability to move it out of the way and take the lift up, then head south and work your way through the Mining Tunnel until you reach a fork in the path. Head right and shoot the blight behind the wooden fences on the left and right sides of the room, then use Harding’s ability to reach the platform above and climb up.
Clear out the group of enemies in the large open room, then you’ll find the root of the blight in the center. Before you can destroy the root, you’ll need to take out the boils and that can be done by following the branches along from the root. Once you’ve destroyed the root, head through the now accessible path and slide down the ramp, then return to the fork in the path and take the left route this time.
(1 of 2) Follow the branch and shoot the boils
Follow the branch and shoot the boils (left), to destroy the root. (right)
Use Hardings ability to climb up and jump across the wooden platforms, then follow the path around to find a Frenzied Ogre. Strip its shield away via heavy attacks, then use combo-attacks/fire-based spells to deplete its health quickly. There is also another root here, so use the same steps as last time to destroy it, then return to Stalgard and follow him through the Lyrium Sanctum until you meet The Oracle.
Defeat Wrath of the Stone¶
Unfortunately, your conversation is cut short as you’re ambushed by an enemy that goes by the name of Wrath of the Stone. You’ll want to start the battle by removing its shield and this can be done by using heavy attacks, but don’t get too aggressive as you may find yourself taking a lot of damage. Once the shield has been dealt with you’ll want to start gradually depleting its health by utilizing combo attacks when they’re available and striking its elemental weakness with Necrotic attacks which can be done by either Emmrich or Lucanis.
(1 of 2) Use Necrotic attacks against the Wrath of the Stone
Use Necrotic attacks against the Wrath of the Stone (left), and keep your distance to avoid its AoE attacks. (right)
This opponent has a lot of heavy hitting attacks, but the majority of them are indicated by large AoE (Area of Effect) Markers, so you’ll want to make you stay extra vigilant and dodge to the side before they go off. While you’re waiting for your skills to recharge, we recommend sticking to ranged attacks to decrease the risk of being hit easily.
The Waiting Stone Quest Rewards¶
Once the Wrath of the Stone has been dealt with, a cutscene will occur back at the Lighthouse. Following the scene, the quest will come to a close and you’ll be rewarded with 500 XP, Scout’s Compassion and Companion Bond Increase.
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