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Dragon Age: The Veilguard

The Profane and the Lost Quest Walkthrough

Ben Chard
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As you reach the halfway point of Act 2 in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, you’ll be able to work on finishing your companion’s personal quests and unlock some powerful skills and equipment. "The Profane and the Lost" iconThe Profane and the Lost is Davrin’s final combat quest and unlocks his Hero of the Veilguard status, keep reading to learn when you can unlock it, how to complete all of the objectives, and what rewards you can expect.

The Profane and the Lost is Davrin’s final combat quest in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Table of Contents

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"The Profane and the Lost" iconThe Profane and the Lost Quest Location
Find and Rescue the Griffons
Find a Way Through Profane Weisshaupt
Find a Way Out of the Dungeon
Defeat Isseya
Choice: Griffon Decision

The Profane and the Lost Quest Location

Once you reach the halfway point of Act 2, you’ll complete the Blood of Arlathan main quest. After you return to The Lighthouse following this quest, you’ll be able to complete the majority of your companion’s personal quest, so long as you’ve taken the time to complete their previous quests.

If you have quests to complete still, remember that you need to leave The Lighthouse and return to have the area “refresh” with the next quests, the easiest way to do this is by heading to another region like Arlathan Forest. Once you’ve accepted The Profane and the Lost, make your way to the Hossberg Wetlands and meet with Davrin in the Grey Hold, close to where Antoine is to get the ball rolling.

Find and Rescue the Griffons

When you regain control, you’ll find yourself in the Deep Roads, more specifically, the Lotus Cave. Follow the linear path down to a lift and use it, and, at the bottom, you’ll run into a Blighted Warden. Regardless of your choices here, a battle will follow against Na-Than, the Blighted Warden. Despite being classed as a boss encounter, this is nothing more than a regular battle, especially as you’ll only be fighting Na-Than alone.

Still, he has an Armor gauge you’ll need to deplete first, so make use of Heavy Attacks or abilities that deal damage directly to it. As with most Darkspawn (and Blighted) enemies, you’ll find that he’s weak to Fire but resistant to Necrotic, so look to inflict Burn on him as soon as possible. It’s entirely possible to keep him stunlocked in the corner if you’re aggressive enough. Do remember, however, that he has a shield and will use it often to block attacks from the front.

(1 of 2) Na-Than will attempt to block frontal attacks with his shield.

Na-Than will attempt to block frontal attacks with his shield. (left), You can corner him and prevent him from doing much. (right)

Find a Way Through Profane Weisshaupt

Be sure to pocket the Absorb Rune that he drops following the encounter, and then pass through the doors. As you head into the Broken Shoreline, Davrin will remark that the ruins look strangely familiar to Weisshaupt. Follow the path to the east and you’ll run into more Blighted Wardens and Darkspawn, deal with them and then eventually, you’ll enter the profane city itself.

The next area has a larger Darkspawn presence, including Alpha Hurlocks and while there are Ballista’s to be found around the area, you’re much better off fighting them near the entrance, that way you can funnel them toward you. With the area clear of any threats, climb up the ledges to the east to reach a gear chest you can loot.

Take the southern stairs and burst the first Boil, then look up and to the right of the next doorway to find the second. Go through the doorway and you’ll find yourself in the War room, with another gear chest directly in front of you. Loot it and then proceed through the large doors to trigger a scene. Once you regain control, loot the Memento in the room and continue up the stairs to the south.

(1 of 2) Climb the ledges to the left to reach this gear chest.

Climb the ledges to the left to reach this gear chest. (left), Burst the Boils to gain access to the keep. (right)

Find a Way Out of the Dungeon

As you cross the Blighted bridge, it will give way, dropping you to a ledge below, look closely though, and you’ll find another hole you can drop into. As you head through the hallways of the Darkspawn Dungeons, you’ll need to watch out for explosive Blight balls that drop from the ceiling, and take out any Boils you see.

Follow the path through the dungeons, taking out the Darkspawn and you’ll eventually come across another gear chest for you to loot. Pocket your spoils and you’ll reach some stairs to the west leading out of the dungeons, although you will need to deal with a horde of Darkspawn first.

As you reach Garahel’s Point, you’ll finally run into Assan so make use of his ability to hit the Blight Abscess above you to the west and burst the Boil to drop a ladder. Climb this, loot the gear chest to your left, and then follow the path to the northwest to reach another area full of Darkspawn you’ll need to take out. The biggest threat here is the Unstoppable Berserker, so focus your attention on it first.

(1 of 3) Your meeting with the First Warden will change based on the decision you made during the Siege of Weisshaupt.

Take note of the quest markers here, each one indicates a Blight Boil you’ll need to burst and the enemies will keep spawning here, so after the main threats are taken care of, get to work on those Boils. Once the gate is open, break the pots nearby to restock on your Potions and then head through the confront Isseya.

Defeat Isseya

The Gloom Howler is in the middle of her ritual, and you’ll need to put a stop to her if you’re to save the Griffons. Begin by bursting all of the Boils that not only surround Isseya in the center, but the ones that lead to it, doing so will stop the ritual and begin the battle against her.

Isseya, like most Darkspawn, is weak to Fire and resistant to Necrotic and she’ll also have a Barrier that you’ll need to deplete via ranged attacks or abilities that deal direct damage to it. Unlike a lot of battles recently, the arena for this one will change as the battle develops, but you’ll never have plenty of space to move about in. To make matters worse, Isseya has the ability to shoot Blight tendrils at you, these will persist and cut off more of the battlefield.

Avoid standing in these for any prolonged period of time, you’ll suffer the Blighted status that will see you take continuous damage. Fortunately, Isseya doesn’t stay in once place for too long, so she’ll force you to keep on the move regardless. You’ll also need to deal with Blighted Wardens throughout the battle, ignore them unless you get overwhelmed. Isseya will also rain down Blight Balls from the sky after releasing the tendrils, these will explode upon impact and inflict anyone it touches with the Blighted status.

(1 of 4) Isseya relies on using tendrils to deny you space.

At 75% health remaining, Isseya will retreat and new Boils will spawn, quickly take them out to have Isseya show herself once more. She will also recharge her Barrier whenever she does this too, so don’t forget to deplete it once again. At 50%, she’ll retreat to the back of the hall, and you’ll need to burst more Blight Boils again before you can resume the assault on Isseya.

The remainder of the battle can get chaotic as there will be more Darkspawn to content with and Isseya will deny you space more often with her tendrils. If you have an Ultimate available to you at this point, use it straight away to whittle down some of the Darkspawn to allow you to focus on finishing the job against Isseya.

Choice: Griffon Decision

Once the battle is over, you’ll find yourselves back in Arlathan Forest with a major choice to make, should the Griffons stay with the Grey Wardens, or become Sentinels of Nature? This is an important choice, as this will decide what skill and armor Davrin gets for his Hero of the Veilguard status once this conversation is over. You can find the outcome in the table below:

Choice Skill Armor
They Belong with Grey Wardens Defender Veilguard "Grey Benefactor" iconGrey Benefactor (Detonation damage causes Fire instead, Detonations cause +25% more Fire damage for each stack of Burning)
Become Sentinels of Nature Battlemaster Veilguard Wildwood Benefactor (Detonating staggered enemies deals Stagger to all enemies and Stagger from Detonating is increased by 10% for each enemy hit)

Your choice will determine the fate of the Griffons.

There you have it; you now know how to complete Davrin’s The Profane and the Lost quest and what rewards you will get for each of his two major choices at the end. All that’s left to do now is see out his final, non-combat quest to obtain his Trophy/Achievement.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    27 October 2024
  • Last Updated
    3 February 2025
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Dragon Age is back, The Veilguard is the latest entry in Bioware’s epic series. In pursuit of the Dreadwolf, an ancient evil is unleashed on Northern Thedas and it’s up to The Veilguard to put a stop to it. This guide will cover the following aspects of the game:

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