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Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Something's Coming

Nathan Garvin
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Grey Wardens are a bit of a mixed bag - by inflicting themselves with blight they grow more sensitive to it, allowing them to detect darkspawn and hear the call of the Archdemon. The new blight unleashed by the Evanuris continues to evolve, and in the Hossberg Wetlands - abandoned by the gods following the defeat during Fire and Ice, the blight has started answer to the calls of another entity. Whatever this entity is, the blight never responds to anything good, and finding out what it is and destroying it becomes the order of the day… for both sensitive Antoine’s peace of mind and the security of what remains of the Hossberg Wetlands. This page will provide a walkthrough for the side quest "Something's Coming" iconSomething’s Coming in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Page Breakdown

Starting Something’s Coming

To start this quest you’ll need to complete the main quest Blood of Arlathan, and possibly have previously completed the side quest ["Something Wicked" iconSomething Wicked]. After "Blood of Arlathan" iconBlood of Arlathan you’ll need to complete the transitional quest The Words of the Wolf where you’ll talk with Solas in your dreams, after which you’ll have a group chat. Once that’s over with, search the Library for the scroll A Letter from the Hossberg Wetlands to start this quest. Just make your way to the Hossberg Wetlands and talk to Evka and Antoine to get things moving.

(1 of 2) After completing “Blood of Arlathan” and enduring a lot of chatter in the Lighthouse, read the scroll “A Letter from the Hossberg Wetlands” to start this quest.

After completing “Blood of Arlathan” and enduring a lot of chatter in the Lighthouse, read the scroll “A Letter from the Hossberg Wetlands” to start this quest. (left), Talk to Antoine in the Hossberg Wetlands to discover that his senses have picked up something unusual in the blight. (right)

Reach the Redoubt

The only lead you really have for this quest is that the source of this blight anomaly - which the game kindly names for us as a “Blight Eruption”, so that’s what we’ll call it going forward - lies near the old Grey Warden Redoubt. Fast travel south to the Castle Grounds beacon and destroy any darkspawn you find as you slog your way north - nothing out of place so far, these ruins are crawling with darkspawn pretty much as a rule, and there are no novel strains or unusually large groupings here to draw your attention.

Continue southwest to the Inner Courtyard and you’ll finally find something of note - numerous blight tendrils sealing a blight passage, doubtlessly connected to various blight cysts that need to be popped. Again, not uncommon, but whenever there are blight cysts to be popped, that means something questy and blighty is at hand. There are roughly seven blight cysts you can pop, but some of them on the ground here just serve to spawn darkspawn, which will make hunting for the five blight cysts preserving the blight tendrils easier to do. Pop the spawner cysts and defeat the darkspawn that spawn (probably darkly), the most noteworthy of which are two Alpha Hurlocks. Put them down, be sure to nail one more blight cyst on the side of a tower above the blight passage you ultimately need to get through, then head up a short flight of stairs to the south and erase yet another blight cyst.

Continue south up some ruined stairs and a ramp caused by the collapse of some ruins to reach a segmented walkway lined with ballistae. The siege weapons are of little use to us now, so just work your way northwest, jumping gaps and destroying blight cysts - there are two up here, and both are shielded from the south, so you’ll have to get around them to pop them. Once all the blight cysts are gone the blight passage below will become vulnerable. Destroy it (you can even use the ballistae, if you feel they’re being wrongly left out), then drop down and pass through the blight passage.

(1 of 3) Head to the Grey Warden Redoubt to find some blight tendrils.

Destroy the Blight Eruption

Through the blighted passage you’ll reach a new area, The Blight Eruption, which is also the name of the target. If you were expecting something cool, like a dragon, a particularly nasty ogre, an unusually willful emissary or even just a grumpier-than-average Hurlock… well, that’s not the case. The Blight Eruption is just a big blight cyst festering on some ruins. After some chatter, approach it and darkspawn will arrive to protect their new, unworthy master.

These include Alpha Hurlocks, Alpha Hurlock Spikers and Ghouls, but they’re just distractions for the real target - blight cysts. Defeat the notable darkspwan and when you’re just dealing with endlessly respawning Ghouls, hunt down the blight cysts scattered about - no tricky ones here, they’re all on the ground floor. Once they’re all gone an Alpha Ogre will spawn, but this isn’t the source of the trouble, just a somewhat stronger than average darkspawn for you to beat up.

(1 of 4) Defeat the darkspawn guarding The Blight Eruption,

Kill it, destroy a blight passage leading up to The Blight Eruption, and when prompted place some Alchemical Flame, which you apparently have handy for some reason. Once done, head towards the objective marker and you’ll automatically ignite the Alchemical Flame and destroy The Blight Eruption.

Fast travel back to Lavendel and from there make your way west to find Evka and Antoine, who are busy checking out some changes in the area that began immediately after your conquest over the overgrown bight cyst, which apparently includes the reemergence of some native flora. They also mentioned that some of the larger blight tendrils in the area receded, and as far as you’re concerned this means new areas have opened up, allowing you to get the last bits of treasure in the Hossberge Wetlands. After chatting with Evka and Antoine the quest will end, earning you 2,250 EXP, +400 Grey Wardens Strength and the Brona’s Blood Bouquet decor.

(1 of 2) Update Antoine and Evka at the Sheltered Glade to complete the quest,

Update Antoine and Evka at the Sheltered Glade to complete the quest, (left), and note that new areas and treasures are now accessible in the Hossberg Wetlands. (right)

You don’t have to look far for these new treasures, as one can be found right in this Sheltered Glade where Evka and Antoine dally. Loot a chest and grab some of the new flowers that have bloomed. For more information on the loot you can plunder here, check out the page All Chests and Puzzles in the Hossberg Wetlands. Also be sure to check out the page In Peace Achievement/Trophy Guide for an obscure achievement you can obtain by collecting flowers in some of these newly opened locations in the Hossberg Wetlands.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    27 October 2024
  • Last Updated
    3 February 2025
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Dragon Age is back, The Veilguard is the latest entry in Bioware’s epic series. In pursuit of the Dreadwolf, an ancient evil is unleashed on Northern Thedas and it’s up to The Veilguard to put a stop to it. This guide will cover the following aspects of the game:

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