You’ll have to wait for quite a while until you can reach the other half of Rivain in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, but once you do, you’ll unlock multiple new quests, including many that will reward you with chests at the end of them. Dead Men Tell Some Tales is one such quest so keep reading to learn where to accept the quest, along with what rewards you can expect.
You can accept the Dead Men Tell Some Tales quest in the Lighthouse after Lair of the Dragon King.
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Dead Men Tell Some Tales Quest Location¶
As mentioned above, you’ll need to reach the later stages of Act 2 where you can access the rest of Taash’s companion quests. The quest you’re looking for is the Lair of the Dragon King, this will open up the second half of Rivain for exploration. Immediately after completing the quest, you’ll find yourself in Taash’s room back in The Lighthouse where you can find a note that begins this Quest.
Once accepted, make your return to Rivain and head to the Cliff Climb Beacon located just outside of the Lava Caves and deal with any enemies that may attack. Once the area is clear, head over to the west to find the ruins of a building and, when checking the nearby lootable, you’ll spawn a Spirit who will officially start this quest.
Find the Spirit of Adventure in the Cliff Climb area to truly begin the quest.
The First Clue¶
Your objective is to follow the Clues in order to find the final location of the !treasure although be prepared for a fight along the way. The first Clue reads “Follow from shark’s maw to leviathan’s tail and let not your spirits fail.”, and if you explored the Tide Flats earlier, you’ll immediately know what this is referring to.
Teleport to the Tide Flats Beacon and you’ll find yourself near the objective marker and as you head south, you’ll see the remains that you’re looking for. Follow this close to the shore and you’ll be attacked by a group of Undead, Undead Pirate Bosun is a Level 45 skeleton and has armor you’ll need to strip off first. Once the area is clear of the Undead, look behind the large rock near the bones to find a skeleton holding the second clue.
(1 of 2) The first clue leads to some undead in the Tide Flats area.
The first clue leads to some undead in the Tide Flats area. (left), You’ll find the second clue behind this rock once they’re defeated. (right)
The Second Clue¶
Your next clue reads “Where the rock stands tall, look for the shortest waterfall.” and your objective points toward the Dragon Beach area. Head to the Clifftops Beacon and start heading back down toward the Dragon Beach to the south, taking note of the waterfalls as you descend. As you get to the bottom, you’ll be attacked by a group of Undead Pirate Weather Mages that you’ll need to deal with. Once the area is clear, look at the lowest waterfall to spot another skeleton holding the final clue.
(1 of 2) The second clue leads to another group of undead at the bottom of the waterfalls leading to Dragon Beach.
The second clue leads to another group of undead at the bottom of the waterfalls leading to Dragon Beach. (left), Look near the lowest waterfall to spot the final clue. (right)
The Final Clue¶
Just one more clue before you can get your hands on the loot, and this time, the clue reads “My booty’s within reach, you’ll grab it at the beach.” with the objective marker pointing to the Winding Shoreline. Head to the Beacon there and make your way to the beach just south of where you first enter Rivain, you’ll be attacked by the final group of Undead enemies. You’ll need to deal with the Undead Pirate Captain, another Level 45 Skeleton with high defense and is backed up with other skeletons, you’ll especially want to deal with the Mages as quickly as possible.
The final clue leads you back to the Winding Shoreline where you’ll need to defeat the Undead Captain.
Once they’re defeated, you’ll find the Spirit of Adventure once more, speak to it and you’ll find the wall nearby will slide down, allowing you to enter the !treasure room beyond and complete the quest.
Dead Men Tell Some Tales Reward¶
You’ll be rewarded with access to a room that houses two regular chests, a unique chest, and a memento.
So what’s the reward for following all of these clues? This room will allow you to find two regular chests and a unique chest, along with a Memento for you to pocket. If you’re seeking 100% completion for each of the areas in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, this particular room and quest will massively help toward that!
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