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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

Crush Quest Investigation - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora

Scott Peers
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The Crush side quest in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora can be acquired from Nawuk, a Na’vi located just outside the Hometree in the western part of Kinglor Forest. To complete the quest, you’ll need to investigate the sighting of a human on an island to the east, near the Threaded River, where some traces of their activity can be found. You’ll then need to identify the correct human at Resistance HQ, in the far eastern part of Kinglor Forest. On this page, we’ll show you how to link all the correct clues near the fallen log and purple trees, and how to identify the human at Resistance HQ.

Speak with Nawuk to begin the Crush side quest in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.

Where to Find Nawuk Near the Hometree

The first thing you need to do before you can start this quest is reach the Hometree as part of The Aranahe Clan main quest. Once you’ve fully explored its interior, you can go outside to its southeastern side and look for Nawuk, a Na’vi who can be found standing by the dirt path. You can see the location in the screenshot below.

After speaking with Na’vi, you’ll know that you need to go to The Threaded River, a subregion of Kinglor Forest that can be seen on the map directly to the east of Hometree. The easiest way to get there from here is by fast traveling to Weaver’s Flourish, a Na’vi camp located just to its southwest, assuming you’ve discovered it already. If you haven’t, it’s a simple journey to the east, but you’re likely to encounter several hostile beasts along the way such as Viperwolf and Scarab Crawlers. Not necessarily a bad thing if you need the resources that they drop!

(1 of 2) The location of Nawuk, southeast of Hometree.

The location of Nawuk, southeast of Hometree. (left), The Crush side quest will begin after speaking with Nawuk. (right)

Investigate the Island with the Purple Trees at The Threaded River

Whatever way you get there, once you reach The Threaded River you need to aim for the island near its center. Here you’ll find the fallen log and the purple trees that Nawuk told you about, so you’ll know that you’re in the right place as your character comments on them. There are six clues that you can find on the ground here, each of which you’ll need to examine in a particular order to reveal exactly what’s happened.

(1 of 2) Look for the purple trees on the island, distinguishing it from the others.

Look for the purple trees on the island, distinguishing it from the others. (left), The island in question is at the “The” on “The Threaded River” text on the map here. (right)

How to Link the Clues Near the Fallen Log

The fallen log that Nawuk spoke of is actually an enormous tree, so it’s difficult to miss. You can loot the container beneath it for some basic supplies, and you should see the “Inside quest area” phrase marked at the top center of your screen here, indicating that you’re in the right place. To find the relevant clues, you can use your Na’vi senses by pressing and holding X on PC, R1 on PS5, or RB on Xbox.

As you look around on the ground, you’ll notice individual clues highlighted in a light teal color. However, you can’t just inspect these and then be done with it. Instead, you need to link different clues in a specific way, as follows:

  • Link the Broken Wasp Hive with the Fallen Branch

  • Link the Aircraft Skid Marks with the Rations Box

  • Link the Wide Footprints with the Tablet

The Broken Wasp Hive and the Fallen Branch are located directly next to each other, so you should be able to see them easily. The Aircraft Skid Marks are on the ground facing west, and the Rations Box is under the fallen tree almost directly opposite to the east. The Wide Footprints can be found on the ground at the northern side of the grove, while the Tablet can be found just to the southwest of them.

(1 of 5) You can see the broken wasp nest and the fallen branch next to each other here.

How to Hack the Tablet for Clues

Once you’ve linked all of the clues mentioned above together, you can interact with the tablet that you found and try to hack it using your SID (Systems Interrogation Device). This should be a fairly standard procedure for you at this point in the game, but there’s one minor twist in the mini-game since you need to navigate to two checkpoints within 20 seconds, and the second checkpoint can only be accessed as a locking device spins. All this means is that you need to force your way through after reaching the first checkpoint by continuing to push down once you reach the second one.

Speak with Alexander at the Research Area in Resistance HQ

Now that you’ve uncovered and linked all of the clues, you can interact with the tablet again to play an audio message. You’ll discover that a female human was here, attempting to compose a poem for their crush, but you don’t know who it is. To find out more, your best bet is to speak with Alexander, the tech guy at Resistance HQ, located in the eastern part of Kinglor Forest. You should be able to fast travel there using your map, since you’ve undoubtedly been there before if you’re at this point in the game.

When you’re back in the interior base at Resistance HQ, you can find Alexander on the second floor. Use your Na’vi sense to highlight the location of the research area if you need help. Unfortunately, speaking with him won’t yield much information since the tablet is broken beyond his ability to repair. All you can do now is ask around Resistance HQ to see if you can find anyone who might know more about a missing tablet.

Ask Around Resistance HQ - Speak with Priya and Anqa

This part of the quest could see you wandering throughout Resistance HQ, trying to speak with all the humans and Na’vi without much luck. You can speak to everyone present if you wish, and to be fair it’s a good way of catching up with different people to learn more about what they’re thinking and feeling, especially when it comes to somewhat suspicious Teylan!

With that said, if you just want to find the correct person to speak with in order to advance the quest, there are only two individuals that you need to interact with: Priya, who can be found in the Command Center room, and Anqa Salaam, who can be found between Maintenance and the Entry Hub. The first time you speak with each of these, you’ll only get limited information from them. However, after speaking with both, you can return to Anqa to extract a confession from her.

(1 of 3) Alexander can be found in the Research Area of Resistance HQ, and he’s the first person you should speak to.

At this point Anqa will reveal everything that happened on the island, most of which you already know thanks to your investigation. This finally confirms that the tablet belonged to Anqa all along, and that there’s no nefarious intent involved beyond her own sense of embarrassment. After the conversation you’ll be rewarded with x10 Spare Parts, x55 Stagger Rounds, and a small amount of Clan Favor with the Aranahe Clan.

More Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Guides

If you’re looking for more Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora guides, including how to get your flying Ikran mount during the Take Flight main quest, be sure to check the links below!

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  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    Luna, PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Guide Release
    5 December 2023
  • Last Updated
    23 January 2024
    Version History
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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora allows you to experience all aspects of the Na’vi lifestyle from hunting and gathering to having to defend the Western Frontier from the RDA. This guide for Avatar contains the following:

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