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Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition

Prologue: Normandy After Eden Prime

Nathan Garvin
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The third part of the prologue mission, it’ll start after you interact with the Prothean Beacon at the Spaceport in Eden Prime.

After the ensuing scenes you’ll be back on the Normandy, and shortly after you wake up you’ll have to navigate a conversation with Kaiden/Ashley (whichever one decided to ogle the Prothean Beacon, which is dependant on the gender of your Shepard) and Doctor Chakwas. Your responses here don’t matter, nor do they matter when Captain Anderson shows up and ushers the other two off. You’ll get two Codex Entries and a new objective, but before you go talk to Joker and press on with the story, you might as well chat the crew of the Normandy up.

Before you leave the Medical room, search the Aid Station on the wall for another Codex Entry.

Codex Entries
Primary - Citadel and Galactic Government / Citadel
Secondary - Citadel and Galactic Government / Citadel Station Statistics
Primary - Weapons, Armor, and Equipment / Medi-Gel

(1 of 3) On the Normandy, you’ll have the opportunity to talk to your crew,

Exit the Medical room and talk to the people around the Mess Hall. Doctor Chakwas has some information on biotics, and you can get a bit of Paragon or Renegade if you pick the Paragon (upper right) and Renegade (lower right) responses while talking to Kaiden and Ashley. Once done, search your Shepard’s Locker for another Codex Entry and perhaps some loot.

Paragon +2 or Renegade +2
Paragon +2 or Renegade +2
Codex Entries
Primary - Technology / Biotics
Secondary - Technology / Biotics: Biotic Amps
Secondary - Humanity and the Systems Alliance / Systems Alliance: N7

After you’re done terrorizing the crew up here, take the elevator down to Engineering, where fresh meat awaits. When you arrive, head down the ramps and through the doors to reach the engine room, where you can examine a terminal - the “Field Integrity Monitor” - and the “Element Zero Core” beyond it for two Codex Entries. Once done, head back to the Vehicle Bay and examine the “M35 Mako”, then talk to the Requisitions Officer for two more Codex Entries.

The Requisitions Officer probably isn’t selling much of interest right now, and if he is, you can’t afford it. Still, he’ll tell you about Licenses, and you might want to consider grabbing the Grenade Upgrade and Medigel Upgrade, which will upgrade your capacity for both grenades and Medi-Gel, respectively.

Codex Entries
Primary - Ships and Vehicles//Vehicles: M35 Mako
Primary - Technology / Element Zero (“Eezo”)
Primary - Technology / Mass Effect Fields
Primary - Technology / Omni-tool

Ride back up to the Quarters, then head upstairs to the Command Deck, which is where you spent all your time previously on the Normandy. Search the “NAVMANUAL 1.4.1” monitor on the CIC, then head into the Comm Room and examine the “FTL Comm Link”, both of which yield a Codex Entry.

With that, you’re done scavenging the Normandy for Codex Entries… for now. Head on up to the Bridge and talk to Joker to move on to the Citadel.

Codex Entries
Secondary - Humanity and the Systems Alliance / Systems Alliance: Military Jargon
Secondary- Technology / Communications

The Normandy arrives at the Citadel.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release
    13 May 2021
  • Last Updated
    17 August 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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The guide for Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough containing coverage of all Assignments, detailed breakdown of all the important choices, class builds and much more!

  • Full coverage of all the Main Missions.
  • Every Assignment covered.
  • In-depth look at the major choices and consequences of each.
  • Full details on how to romance Ashley, Kaiden or Liara
  • Class builds to get the most out of your chosen class.
  • Details on every Talent.
  • How to spec your squad.
  • Breakdown of all Paragon and Renegade opportunities.
  • Trophy/Achievement guide.

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