This Assignment takes place during your visit to the Citadel after the events at Virmire. The Normandy is grounded, giving your the opportunity to accept this Assignment.
(1 of 2) Head towards Flux to find Charles Saracino on the Citadel
Head towards Flux to find Charles Saracino on the Citadel (left), choosing to support him or not will award you morality points. (right)
How to Begin¶
Once you’ve completed the events at Virmire, you’ll be back on the Citadel once more and gain control after Captain Anderson asks you meet you in the Zakera Wards. Make your way over to the door leading to Flux and you’ll run into Charles Saracino, who calls you over.
Speaking to Charles Saracino¶
This whole Assignment plays out in this one conversation and how you reply will impact on whether you obtain Paragon or Renegade points, it will also be mentioned in Mass Effect 2. Eventually, you’ll be given two options when speaking to him:
- Saying “I won’t support you.” will deny him your support and earn +2 Paragon.
- Alternatively, saying “You have my support.” will grant him your support and earn +2 Renegade.
There’s nothing else to this Assignment, following your conversation, the Assignment will be added and completed in your Journal, with the reprecussions played out in Mass Effect 2.
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