This Assignment takes place during your first visit to the Citadel once you have met the council for the first time.
(1 of 2) You can begin Presidium Prophet just before Wards Access
You can begin Presidium Prophet just before Wards Access (left), the C-Sec Officer will ask for your assistance in asking the Hanar to leave. (right)
How to Begin¶
After visiting the Council for the first time, leave the Tower and head east towards the Wards Access and you’ll encounter a Hanar and C-Sec Officer arguing among themselves. Head on over and speak to them to begin the Assignment.
Making the Preaching Hanar leave¶
After hearing what all the commotion is about, you’ll have two methods of resolving the Assignment, this being the first. Your options are rather limited if you’re taking this on at the start of your adventure, you won’t be able to meet the Intimidate requirement at this stage. With that in mind, here are your choices:
- Saying “This is unworthy of you.” (4 points of Charm) will result in the Hanar leaving and earn +8 Paragon.
- Saying “Could I buy your permit?” will cost you 150 Credits and result in the Hanar leaving.
- Saying “There’s trouble anyway.” (7 points of Intimidate) will result on your threatening the Hanar to leave and earn +9 Renegade.
(1 of 2) Ask the Hanar to leave to obtain Omni-Gel along with Paragon or Renegade points
Ask the Hanar to leave to obtain Omni-Gel along with Paragon or Renegade points (left), while asking the C-Sec Officer to back down will result in Medi-Gel and Paragon or Renegade points. (right)
Making the C-Sec Officer leave¶
Failing to get a resolution with the Hanar or choosing to leave things open will bring up another path, asking the C-Sec Officer to leave. Once again, your options are rather limited if you’re taking this on at the start of your adventure, you won’t be able to meet the Charm requirement at this stage. With that in mind, here are your choices:
- Saying “It’s not causing trouble.” (7 points of Charm) will result in the C-Sec Officer leaving and earn +8 Paragon.
- Saying “This is dangerous.” (4 points of Intimidate) will result in forcing the C-Sec Officer leaving and earn +9 Renegade.
Regardless of how you choose to solve this dispute, you’ll also be rewarded with either Medi-Gel should you encourage the Hanar to leave or Omni-Gel should the C-Sec Officer give in.
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