This Assignment takes place during your first visit to the Citadel once you have met the council for the first time.
(1 of 2) You’ll need to scan for the MSV Majesty in the Strennus system first
You’ll need to scan for the MSV Majesty in the Strennus system first (left), then head down to Xawin to discover the mercenary camp. (right)
How to Begin¶
There are several ways to begin this Assignment, with the earliest being from Garoth on the Citadel:
Head to the Citadel Tower on the Presidium after your first Council Meeting to find Garoth standing near the stairs leading to the fountain, this begins the Assignment as UNC: Privateers and earn +2 Paragon.
While visiting Noveria as part of the main story, you’ll come across a computer at Synthetic Insights that you can hack where you’ll receive a report, this begins the Assignment as Missing Person.
Finally, you can head directly to Horse Head Nebula and make your way to the Strennus System. Here you can scan the MSV Majesty near Planet Xawin, this begins the Assignment as UNC: Privateers.
Once accepted, you must complete this Assignment before you complete Virmire as it’ll become unavailable at that point.
Go to Xawin¶
Once you’re ready, make your way to the Strennus System in Horse Head Nebula and move your cursor to the left of Xawin to discover the MSV: Majesty which, when scanned, will point you towards the nearby planet (Xawin). Before you depart, consider making sure you have access to the Biotics such as Lift, Throw and Singularity, being able to disable your enemy will come in useful for the battle ahead.
Once you’re planetside, take a look at your map to discover the base can be found to the northwest so drive the Mako towards it and save your game. Once you approach the base, you’ll be assaulted by both Mercenaries and Turrets so keep moving while dealing with the Turrets first before using a well placed shot centered on the Mercenaries in front of the entrance and the two positioned behind the base. Once the area is cleared out, park the Mako and enter the facility.
(1 of 3) Keep your distance and use the Mako to deal with the Turrets around the base
Once you enter, be sure to save your game and then open the door to be rushed by a group of Mercenaries. Retreat back into the entrance room to tempt the Krogans into running towards you, then make use of Lift, Throw and Singularity to take them down, using the explosives in this room to aid in the destruction. Once they initial wave is down, you should be left with just two Snipers, make use of the nearby cover and finish them off to clear the area.
Head upstairs and open the crates for some loot, then make your way into the nearby room to discover a Secure Storage Locker (average), an Aid Station, a computer for a Codex entry and finally, Captain Willem’s body. Examine the body to update the Journal and then leave the facility and head back to the Normandy.
Talk to Garoth¶
Make your way back to the Citadel and head to the Presidium Tower to find Garoth once more and deliver the bad news. As you deliver the news, you’ll have a few choices on how you respond:
- Saying “This must be hard on you.” will earn +2 Paragon.
- Saying “You were fooling yourself.” will earn +2 Renegade.
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