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Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition

UNC: Listening Post Alpha

Ben Chard
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This Assignment can be accepted at any point after you deal with the event’s at Noveria’s Rift Station. It takes place on an Uncharted Planet that you must explore with the Mako.

(1 of 2) Head to the Erebus system once you’ve completed the mission on Noveria

Head to the Erebus system once you’ve completed the mission on Noveria (left), then land on the planet Nepmos. (right)

How to Begin

Before you can begin this Assignment and gain access to the star cluster it is situated in, you must complete the events at Noveria’s Rift Station. Once completed, make your way to the Erebus system in the Styx Theta cluster and you’ll receive a transmission, beginning this Assignment.

Deal with the Rachni Waves

Once you’ve accepted the Assigment, head to the Erebus system and land on the planet Nepmos. Once planetside, make your way to the southeast to find the Listening Post and as soon as you arrive, you’ll notice a battle is underway with the Rachni. Stay in the Mako and blast them away with ease, then exit and speak with Lieutenant Durand in the center of the barricade.

She’ll plead for your assistance and you’ll be given two options for how to set up here. The first is to remain in the Mako and continue blasting them that way, or you can use the Mako to give power to the generators, activating the turrets. With the changes to the Mako in Legendary Edition, it’s much easier to simply stick to the Mako, parked between the center and right barricades to defeat the Rachni. Use your primary fire to deal with them and switch to the cannon if you see a few grouped up together. You’ll need to deal with two large waves here before the Rachni stop attacking, at which point Durand will point out that they’ve found where the Rachni are coming from.

(1 of 2) Stick to the Mako to deal with the waves of Rachni Soldiers

Stick to the Mako to deal with the waves of Rachni Soldiers (left), you’ll get time between each wave to repair the Mako and save your game if needed. (right)

Destroy Rachni Base

Open your map now and you’ll discover the location of the Rachni Infested Mine, far to the west of your current location so drive the Mako over and enter the mine. Make your way down to the main room and you’ll spot Rachni Holes around the room, when you or your squadmates approach one of these, Rachni will come crawling out so be careful as you explore the room and take these out, there a total of 20 of them in this room but it’s well worth taking the time to kill them for the XP they grant, just remember to keep your distance to avoid them spewing Toxic your way.

(1 of 2) Rachni Soldiers will attack when you approach these nests

Rachni Soldiers will attack when you approach these nests (left), use Biotics to disable the deadly Rachni Brood Warriors. (right)

With the room clear, you’ll find two tunnels in the back that you can explore further. The tunnel to the north will lead to a room with three regular Rachni and a deadly Rachni Brood Warrior, these fearsome foes add Biotics to their arsenal so back up to the entrance of the tunnel to take them out and use Biotics such as Singularity should you have it available. Once that room is clear, head to the other tunnel and you’ll need to deal with four regular Rachni and another Rachni Brood Warrior. Employ the same tactics as the other room and as soon as the second Rachni Brood Warrior falls, the Assignment will complete.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release
    13 May 2021
  • Last Updated
    17 August 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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The guide for Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough containing coverage of all Assignments, detailed breakdown of all the important choices, class builds and much more!

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  • Every Assignment covered.
  • In-depth look at the major choices and consequences of each.
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