This Assignment takes place during your first visit to the Citadel once you have met the council for the first time.
(1 of 2) Make your way to Flux
Make your way to Flux (left), you’ll find Rita at the bar who is looking for some help regarding her sister, Jenna. (right)
How to Begin¶
To begin this Assignment, you’ll have to have first gained access to the Wards after you have met the council for the first time. Once you’ve achieved that, make your way to Flux in the Upper Wards and make your way over to the bar to eavesdrop on a conversation. Speak with Rita after and she’ll give you the details about her sister, Jenna, who she’s worried about being employed over at Chora’s Den.
Talk to Jenna¶
After agreeing to come to Rita’s aid, you’ll need to make your way down to Chora’s Den in the Lower Wards and then head over to the bar to find Jenna working. Despite having many choices, this conversation is only going one way and eventually she’ll ask you to leave her alone. With nothing more to be done, attempt to leave Chora’s Den to run into Chellick who advises you to speak to him at C-Sec.
(1 of 2) You’ll find Jenna at Chora’s Den
You’ll find Jenna at Chora’s Den (left), Chellick will offer another task based on your answer here. (right)
Talk to Chellick¶
You’ll find Chellick at the C-Sec Offices, head to the nearest Citadel Rapid Transit and take it to C-Sec. From here, make your way up to the offices to the west and you’ll find Chellick, be sure to Save before speaking to him. After some initial chatter, you’ll be presented with some options:
- Saying “You don’t need her.” (7 points of Charm) results in Chellick agreeing to release her but requests your help on another task, you’ll also earn +2 Paragon.
- Alternatively, saying “Pathetic.” will result in you forcing Chellick to back down to release her and earn +2 Renegade.
If you managed to talk Chellick down but agreed to help him with his other task or were forced to help him with it for Jenna’s release, this Assignment will continue, otherwise it will end here. Be sure to take up the option to earn some more XP/Credits.
Rita’s Sister is Safe - Make the Pickup¶
You’ll only get this step of the Assignment if you agreed (or were forced) to assist Chellick with his task, remembering his words that you’re not to Arrest him or give away your identity. You’ll find Jax, the arms dealer, down in the Lower Markets so take the Citadel Rapid Transit to the Markets before saving your game. Once you approach Jax and you’ll have a few methods at your disposal:
- Saying “You’re under arrest.” or “I don’t think so.” leads to a firefight with Jax and some Renegade options with Chellick later.
- Alternatively, saying “Sure.” will lead to you completing the deal and some Paragon options, XP and Credits from Chellick later.
If you decide to deal with Jax, you’ll want to concentrate on him first and being a Krogan, you’ll want to apply Toxic and then use Biotics such as Throw, Lift and Singularity to disable him as he rushes towards you. With the Krogan dealt with, take cover and pick off the two Turian Bodyguards, a well placed Grenade can be handy here as will the environmental explosives in the area.
(1 of 4) You’ll find Jax down in the Lower Markets
Return the Shipment to Chellick¶
Regardless of your outcome with Jax, you’ll need to make your way back to Chellick at C-Sec. Once there, he’ll respond based on your methods to deal with Jax:
If you killed Jax, Chellick will be furious at the outcome and will reward no further XP or Credits but you will earn +9 Renegade.
If you played along and completed the deal with minimum fuss, Chellick will hand over some Credits and Omni-Gel while you’ll also earn XP and +8 Paragon.
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