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Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition

UNC: Rogue VI

Ben Chard
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This Assignment takes place once you’ve reached Level 11 (on Legendary Edition mode) and access a new system from the Galaxy Map. This assignment leads to the new Specializations for your chosen Class.


How to Begin

Before you can even begin this Assignment, you’ll first have to ensure you reach Level 11 (on Legendary Edition mode). This can be achieved in any number of ways and if you’ve been focusing on side content over the main missions, you can access this before you ever set foot on Therum, Feros or Noveria. Once you are Level 11, make your way to the Galaxy Map and access a new system, you should receive an transmission from Admiral Hackett, explaining the situation and asking for your assistance. Once accepted, make your way over to the Sol system in the Local Cluster to find and land on Luna.

Engage VI

Once planetside, open your map and make your way to the Alliance Training Ground to the southwest. Once you get close, you’ll see three facilities, each of which have two Turrets that you’ll want to deal with first. Once you’ve defeated them all, choose a bunker to get started on, the order in which you clear these out has no significant difference as the defense are based on how many you have cleared.

Destroy VI Conduits

In the first bunker that you enter, once you reach the main room, you’ll need to deal with a group of Advanced Assault Drones, tricky foes if they manage to all attack at once. Instead, make use of Tech abilities from the likes of Tali and Garrus and then lure them back to the previous room, allowing you to take them out in less quantities. Once the room is clear, head to the back of the facility and you’ll find two rooms to the side, each containing four VI Conduits. Keep your distance and shoot them to take down the first bunker and activate the first round of defenses, Toxic Gas. This is largely negligible so long as you have ample supply of Medi-Gel and keep your distance when shooting the Conduits.

The second bunker you enter will feature the same layout as the first but with the addition of Advanced Rocket Drones, these are far deadlier than their Assault counterparts. Once again, the same tactic of luring them back to the entrance works well and once you clear the main room, head to the back to find the next set of VI Conduits. Once you destroy one of the Conduits, the second round of defenses will start, Kinetic Barriers will appear around the bunker, including in front of the conduits. You can take them down with a few shots so they shouldn’t pose too much of a threat.

The final bunker once again has the same layout as the others but you’ll be dealing with kinetic barriers over the doors from the start. You’ll have an additional two Rocket Drones in the mix here and as you approach the barrier to the main room, you’ll spot the whole group waiting for you. Retreat once again towards the first few rooms of this bunker and make use of any Power Junctions some of the drones may pass. With the main room clear, proceed to the back and deal with the last of the VI Conduits. As a final defense mechanism, you’ll have to deal with another group of Drones that spawn in the room opposite you.

The Assignment will complete at this point and you’ll get a notification that you’ve unlocked a Specialization for your Class. Take time to consider which one to choose, this option can’t be undone so consider taking a look at some of our build pages to give you an idea of what you should consider.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release
    13 May 2021
  • Last Updated
    17 August 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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The guide for Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough containing coverage of all Assignments, detailed breakdown of all the important choices, class builds and much more!

  • Full coverage of all the Main Missions.
  • Every Assignment covered.
  • In-depth look at the major choices and consequences of each.
  • Full details on how to romance Ashley, Kaiden or Liara
  • Class builds to get the most out of your chosen class.
  • Details on every Talent.
  • How to spec your squad.
  • Breakdown of all Paragon and Renegade opportunities.
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