This Assignment takes place during your first visit to the Citadel after you have recruited Tali and delivered a report to Ambassador Udina.
(1 of 2) You’ll find Samesh Bhatia outside the Embassy after recruiting Tali
You’ll find Samesh Bhatia outside the Embassy after recruiting Tali (left), Samesh will inform you about his wife’s body. (right)
How to Begin¶
Once you’ve finished the events at Chora’s Den and delivered your report to Ambassador Udina, you’ll find yourself back at the Embassy. As you attempt to leave, a man will call out to you near reception. Speak to him to learn about the details of his plight and agree to assist him to begin the Assignment.
Talk with Diplomat¶
As Samesh explains, he wants his wife’s body to be released so he can give her the respect she deserves with a proper burial. He mentions a certain Bosker is the person in charge of the matter and directs you to the Embassy Lounge nearby. Make your way over to the bar and you’ll spot Bosker leaning up against the wall, speak with him and you’ll be presented with a number of options:
- Saying “This isn’t right.” (2 points of Charm) will result in you winning Bosker over and earn +8 Paragon.
- Alternatively, saying “I’m releasing the body.” (2 points of Intimidate) will result in you demanding Bosker to release the body and earn +9 Renegade.
(1 of 3) Head to the Embassy Lounge to find Bosker
Make a Decision¶
If you’d like to take an alternative route through this Assignment however, you can agree with Bosker and convince Samesh of the greater good, choose any of the other options and return to him. At this point, you get some new choices:
- Saying “This is important.” (3 points of Charm) will win Samesh over and earn +8 Paragon.
- Alternatively, saying “This is war.” (3 points of Intimidate) will force Samesh to see reason and earn +9 Renegade.
All of the other choices lead to giving you more time to make a decision or raise your Charm and Intimidate skills. You cannot complete this Assignment without completing a Charm or Intimidate skill check so you may have to leave this at this stage until you have the opportunity to raise them.
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