This Assignment can be accepted at any point after you gain access to the Galaxy Map for the first time. It takes place on an Uncharted Planet that you must explore with the Mako.
(1 of 2) Make your way to the Attican Beta’s Herclues system to receive a transmission
Make your way to the Attican Beta’s Herclues system to receive a transmission (left), then land on the planet Eletania. (right)
How to Begin¶
Once you gain access to the Galaxy Map for the first time, plot a course for the Attican Beta cluster and the Hercules system within to receive a transmission from the Alliance, requesting your assistance with tracking down a Lost Module. Plot a course now for Eletania to begin exploring the planet.
Track the data Module¶
Once planetside, open the map and you’ll find a marker with the location of the Downed Recon Probe over to the northeast of your starting location. Drive over and you’ll find the wreckage where upon examining it, you’ll discover that a monkey-like creature has taken off with it, prompting you to search the nests around this planet.
At this point, if you’re intending to use the Paragon exploit, be sure that you don’t accidently kill any of these creatures, you’ll also receive Renegade +4. If you don’t want to waste time searching all of the nests, make your way to the nest located in the north of the map, the east of the two nests located here. You’ll spot an abandoned mine just begging to be searched.
Once inside, make your way to the end of the this structure and search the eastern of the two tunnels to the east. The Moneky at the far end of this room will contain the module. If you’re going for the exploit, save your game as soon as you get the module and then reload it, speaking to the moneky again will give the +6 Paragon again everytime you interact with it, allowing you to max your Paragon right here.
Regardless of what you decide to do, with the module in hand, return to the main room to find yourself under fire from the Geth. There’s plenty of explosives here that you can make use of and be sure to remain in cover as you pick them off. You’ll have to fight your way through a horde of Geth as you make your way out of the mine and back to the Mako.
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