Points of interest for the Grissom system in the Armstrong Nebula cluster.
Missions / Assignments |
UNC: Geth Incursions |
Tali and the Geth |
Points of Interest¶
Location | Points of Interest |
Benda | League of One Medallion |
Zaherux | Light Metal |
Solcrum | UNC: Geth Incursions |
Solcrum | Tali and the Geth |
Solcrum | Crashed Probe (loot) |
Solcrum | Light Metal |
Solcrum | Rare Element |
Solcrum | Rare Element |
Solcrum | Matriarch’s Writings |
Rocky Asteroid | Rare Element |
The map for Solcrum.
When you first enter the Armstrong Nebula you’ll get a transmission starting the assignment UNC: Geth Incursions, one of the more involved, time-consuming assignments in the game. You’ll be dealing with it across all five of the systems in the Armstrong Nebula, unlocking the Grissom system only after clearing the other four systems.
You can land on the moon Solcrum in the Grissom system, an inhospitable rock with a Level 1 Heat Hazard. Just east-of-center on the map you’ll find your target on Solcrum - a bunker. Kill the two Geth Colossi and the three Rocket Troopers, then head inside and clear out the bunker, too. The defeat of the geth invasion force will be indicated in a rather melodramatic fashion.
Search a “Geth Terminal” on Solcrum for the data Tali wants.
Be sure to loot the bunker afterwards to find a “Geth Terminal” [Easy], from which you can download data on the Geth’s evolution. This will start the assignment Tali and the Geth, assuming you didn’t start it by talking to Tali on the Normandy over the course of the game. However and whenever you started this assignment, to complete it you need only talk to Tali again on the Normandy.
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