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Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

How to Use Awakenings and Fill the Awakening Gauge

Nathan Garvin
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Information about Awakenings in Fire Emblem Three Hopes, including what is Awakening, how to fill the Awakening Gauge and what bonuses you receive while in an Awakened state.

(1 of 2) When you enter the Awakening state you’ll be granted various boons,

When you enter the Awakening state you’ll be granted various boons, (left), your attacks will always trigger the enemy’s Stun Gauge, and you’ll deplete it faster. (right)

What is Awakening in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?

Back in the days of musou games past, it was sufficient to have a single charging super move meter. Alas, those days are far distant now, and it has become rather standard for many musou games to have the traditional super move bar that unleashes a devastating finisher/desperation attack along with a super mode meter that buffs the character for a duration once activated. Fire Emblem Three Hopes doesn’t deviate from this scheme, with Warrior Specials being the game’s charging “super move” available to all characters, and Awakenings being the charging “super mode”.

When the Awakening Gauge is filled you can press Joy-Con-R + Joy-Con-ButtonA to enter the Awakened state. While Awakened, all your hits will expose an enemy’s Stun Gauge and you’ll deplete it as if you had heavy Advantage over your foe. Additionally, while Awakened your Adjutant Attack Gauge will not deplete, nor can your HP be reduced to 0 while Awakened. All this contributes to defeating enemies faster, and you’ll be rewarded based on the number of enemies you defeat while Awakened.

You can exit the Awakened state by pressing Joy-Con-R + Joy-Con-ButtonA while Awakened, or if you press Joy-Con-ButtonA while Awakened or let the Awakening Gauge deplete fully you’ll finish exit your Awakened state by performing a Warrior Special.

(1 of 2) Dealing damage - especially via Critical Rushes - fills the Awakening Gauge,

Dealing damage - especially via Critical Rushes - fills the Awakening Gauge, (left), as does consuming blue tonics. (right)

How to Fill the Awakening Gauge in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?

There are a few ways to fill up the Awakening Gauge, which is a circular icon found at the bottom right of the screen during battle. First, dealing damage to enemies will fill the Awakening Gauge, especially during Critical Rushes. Second, using Adjutant Follow-Ups, which will occur periodically so long as you have an Adjutant assigned. Finally, you can pick up blue tonics, which can be found when you defeat enemy officers or when you smash blue pots.

Various Class Abilities can also increase the rate at which the Awakening Gauge fills.

Abilities that Boost Warrior Specials in Fire Emblem Three Hopes

There are a variety of Abilities - usually Class Abilities - that can modify how Awakenings function, or how the Awakening Gauge fills. Generally the Awakening Gauge fills slower than the Warrior Gauge, making it significantly less spammable, but boosting its fill rate may be what ensures you can enter the Awakened state during some shorter battles in the first place.

Spamming Warrior Specials is a particular speciality of Shez, as she has Unique Abilities that boost the Warrior Gauge’s fill rate and her unique Master Class, the Asura, also has an ability that contributes.

Below you’ll find a list of Abilities that modify Awakenings or the Awakening Gauge in some way. Keep in mind that the Class Abilities learned by characters isn’t universal - not everybody will learn Darting Blow when leveling as a Pegasus Knight, for example. Heck, male characters can’t even access the Pegasus Knight class!

Adept Flirt - Sylvain Unique Ability

Icon Ability Description
three_hopes Adept Flirt Lv 1 When an ally of the opposite sex is nearby or is the unit’s adjutant: slightly increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate.
three_hopes Adept Flirt Lv 2 When an ally of the opposite sex is nearby or is the unit’s adjutant: moderately increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate.
three_hopes Adept Flirt Lv 3 When an ally of the opposite sex is nearby or is the unit’s adjutant: greatly increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate.

Ashen Demon - Byleth Unique Ability

Icon Ability Description
three_hopes Ashen Demon Lv 1 Slightly increases damage while Awakened.
three_hopes Ashen Demon Lv 2 Moderately increases damage while Awakened.
three_hopes Ashen Demon Lv 3 Greatly increases damage while Awakened.

Distinguished House - Lorenz Unique Ability

Icon Ability Description
three_hopes Distinguished House Lv 1 When a battalion is deployed: slightly increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate.
three_hopes Distinguished House Lv 2 When a battalion is deployed: moderately increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate.
three_hopes Distinguished House Lv 3 When a battalion is deployed: greatly increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate.

Hunter’s Boon - Sylvain Unique Ability

Icon Ability Description
three_hopes Hunter’s Boon Lv 1 Slightly restores the Awakening Gauge with each critical hit.
three_hopes Hunter’s Boon Lv 2 Moderately restores the Awakening Gauge with each critical hit.
three_hopes Hunter’s Boon Lv 3 Greatly restores the Awakening Gauge with each critical hit.

Leader’s Acumen - Claude Unique Ability

Icon Ability Description
three_hopes Leader’s Acumen Lv 1 Slightly increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate when attacking enemies launched into the air.
three_hopes Leader’s Acumen Lv 2 Moderately increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate when attacking enemies launched into the air.
three_hopes Leader’s Acumen Lv 3 Greatly increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate when attacking enemies launched into the air.

Name Drop - Ferdinand Unique Ability

Icon Ability Description
three_hopes Name Drop Lv 1 Slightly restores the Awakening Gauge with each enemy commander defeated.
three_hopes Name Drop Lv 2 Moderately restores the Awakening Gauge with each enemy commander defeated.
three_hopes Name Drop Lv 3 Greatly restores the Awakening Gauge with each enemy commander defeated.

Power of the Saints - Rhea Unique Ability

Icon Ability Description
three_hopes Power of the Saints Lv 1 Restores the Awakening Gauge a very small amount at a time.
three_hopes Power of the Saints Lv 2 Restores the Awakening Gauge a small amount at a time.
three_hopes Power of the Saints Lv 3 Restores the Awakening Gauge a moderate amount at a time.

Schemer - Yuri Unique Ability

Icon Ability Description
three_hopes Schemer Lv 1 Slightly restores the Awakening Gauge with each successful Perfect Dodge.
three_hopes Schemer Lv 2 Moderately restores the Awakening Gauge with each successful Perfect Dodge.
three_hopes Schemer Lv 3 Greatly restores the Awakening Gauge with each successful Perfect Dodge.

Songstress - Dorothea Unique Ability

Icon Ability Description
three_hopes Songstress Lv 1 Slightly restores surrounding allies’ HP and Awakening Gauges when the unit completes a Warrior Special.
three_hopes Songstress Lv 2 Moderately restores surrounding allies’ HP and Awakening Gauges when the unit completes a Warrior Special.
three_hopes Songstress Lv 3 Greatly restores surrounding allies’ HP and Awakening Gauges when the unit completes a Warrior Special.

Unsought Power - Lysithea Unique Ability

Icon Ability Description
three_hopes Unsought Power Lv 1 Slightly restores the Awakening and Warrior Gauges when activating Crests.
three_hopes Unsought Power Lv 2 Moderately restores the Awakening and Warrior Gauges when activating Crests.
three_hopes Unsought Power Lv 3 Greatly restores the Awakening and Warrior Gauges when activating Crests.

Awakening Assist - Sniper Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
3-star three_hopes Awakening Assist When this unit is an adjutant: increases the fill rate of the active unit’s Awakening Gauge.

Battle Instincts - Bow Knight Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
3-star three_hopes Battle Instincts Increases the fill rate of both the Warrior and Awakening Gauges until one of them is completely full.

Battle Trance - Brawler Combat Art

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
1-star three_hopes Battle Trance Temporarily make it easier to fill the Warrior and Awakening Gauges.

Burst of Resolve - Trickster Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
3-star three_hopes Burst of Resolve Restores the Awakening Gauge with each critical hit.

Covenant - Dark Bishop Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
2-star three_hopes Covenant Greatly increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate, but also increases the damage the unit sustains.

Cyclical Awakening - Holy Knight Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
2-star three_hopes Cyclical Awakening Temporarily increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate after an Awakening has concluded.

Darting Blow - Pegasus Knight Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
2-star three_hopes Darting Blow Increases the amount that successful attacks fill the Awakening Gauge.

Exalted Breath - Holy Knight Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
3-star Icon Exalted Breath When using magic to restore the caster’s or an ally’s HP, the caster’s Awakening Gauge is restored proportionally.

Flyswatter - Falcon Knight Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
3-star Icon Flyswatter Increases both the Awakening and Warrior Gauge fill rates when attacking enemies that have been launched into the air.

Forethought - Trickster Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
2-star three_hopes Forethought Restores the Awakening and Warrior Gauges when using combat arts or magic.

Goddess’s Vessel - Enlightened One Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
3-star three_hopes Goddess’s Vessel Completely prevents knockback if at least 50% of the Awakening Gauge is filled.

Panache - Dark Knight Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
3-star three_hopes Panache Defeating multiple enemies with a single Warrior Special restores the Awakening Gauge in proportion to the number of foes defeated.

Pegasus Knight’s Wisdom - Pegasus Knight Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
1-star three_hopes Pegasus Knight’s Wisdom Increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate when using Pegasus Knight and Falcon Knight class actions.

Piercing Cry - War Master Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
3-star three_hopes Piercing Cry Restores the Awakening Gauge every 800 hits.

Saint’s Power - Enlightened One Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
2-star three_hopes Saint’s Power Gradually restores the Awakening Gauge.
3-star three_hopes Goddess’s Vessel Completely prevents knockback if at least 50% of the Awakening Gauge is filled.

True Awakening - Fluegel/Silverheart Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
3-star three_hopes True Awakening Extends the duration of Awakenings.

Vantage - Mercenary Class Ability

Rank Icon Ability/Art Description
1-star three_hopes Vantage When HP is at 50% or below: Perfect Guards restore a small amount of the Warrior and Awakening Gauges.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Hack-n-slash, RPG
  • Guide Release
    18 June 2022
  • Last Updated
    29 July 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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