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Black Myth: Wukong

Yellowbrow Boss Guide

Matt Chard
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The final battle of Chapter 3 in Black Myth: Wukong is arguably your most difficult challenge yet. With three separate boss fights in one, each one will give you a different obstacle to overcome. Read on to find out how you can defeat "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow and what your reward is for doing so.

Yellowbrow is the final boss of Chapter 3.

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Yellowbrow Location

As stated before, Yellowbrow will be the final boss of the Chapter. This means traveling through the Snowhill Path, the Pagoda Realm, the Bitter Lake, the Valley of Ecstasy, and finally the New Thunderclap Temple, which is where you’ll find Yellowbrow.

Recommended Equipment

The majority of Yellowbrow’s attacks will have a Thunder element to them, so we recommend the following equipment.

Weapon Headgear Armor Curio 1 Curio 2
"Chu-Bai Spear" iconChu-Bai Spear "See No Evil" iconSee No Evil Loongscale Set "Thunderstone" iconThunderstone "Maitreya's Orb" iconMaitreya’s Orb

"See No Evil" iconSee No Evil will help you trigger Perfect Dodge more easily, which you’ll need for the upcoming battle. The Longscale Set (3 pieces) will moderately increase your shock resistance, as will the "Thunderstone" iconThunderstone Curio. The final Curio is up to you, but "Maitreya's Orb" iconMaitreya’s Orb can help you avoid a fatal blow if you meet its requirements, and that is always handy to have. For your weapon, equip the strongest one you have, but if you don’t mind using the "Thrust Stance" iconThrust Stance, the "Chu-Bai Spear" iconChu-Bai Spear is the best one at this moment in time, however, you’ll need to do the Prisoner Quest for it.

Yellowbrow Boss Attacks

As this boss battle is three fights in one, we’ll separate the attacks for each boss.

Yellowbrow First Form Attacks

You’ll fight Yellowbrow in a regular boss battle to begin with. Most of his attacks are some form of Thunder attacks.

Yellowbrow is a three-part boss fight with checkpoints in between.

Attack Description Counter
Thunder Mace Thrust "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will slowly pull back the mace before thrusting it forward, where it’ll let off a small explosion. Dodge either toward or to the sides of the thrust to avoid the attack and stay behind him until it explodes. Great time to attack "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow, as he’ll be in this animation for a few seconds.
Thunder Mace Slam "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will slowly slam down the tip of the mace at your location, releasing a small electric explosion. Dodge either toward or to the sides of the slam to avoid the attack and stay behind him until it explodes. Another good opportunity to attack "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow, as he’ll be in this animation for a second or two. Note that this attack can be used in tandem with the thrust or multiple slams, but they come at you slow enough that you’ll have plenty of time to avoid the follow-up attacks.
Thunder Waves "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will teleport to the corner of the room before he unleashes two thunderous waves at your location. This is preceded by him pointing the mace at you. Simply get some distance and move/dodge side to side to avoid the attack.
Swirling Thunder Wisps "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will twirl his mace in the air to conjure up some thunder wisps (projectiles) before he launches them in your direction. Wait until the wisps/projectiles get close enough to you, and then dodge the direction they come at you from. It can be easier if you walk in one direction until they reach you and then dodge the opposite way.
Shockwave "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will plunge his mace into the ground. After a short delay, he will pull it out, creating a shockwave. The initial attack is easy enough to avoid with a simple dodge or by moving away from it. When he pulls the mace out of the ground, a shockwave will come out from the impact site. Wait for the shockwave to reach you and jump over it to avoid the attack. This can be Perfect Dodged too.
Sweeping Thunder Attack "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will perform two sweeping strikes from right to left and vice versa. These attacks are slow enough that you could consider them separate attacks. Either keep rolling away from "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow to avoid the attacks, or roll toward the attacks as they are about to hit you.
Thunder Bolts "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will conjure three to five bolts of thunder to appear underneath you. Either run to the side or dodge each bolt when it’s about to strike.
Electric Explosion This attack is preceded by "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow teleporting to the back center of the arena. He’ll slowly conjure up a huge explosion of electricity. When you see him teleport to the center, run as far back to the edge of the arena as you can go, and preferably wait in the corner until the explosion is over.
Sweeping Thunder Combo Unlike the two-hit attack earlier, this is quicker, and he’ll swing the mace (which extends) around him. This combo is approximately 5–8 attacks. Arguably the hardest attack to avoid against "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow. If you have good timing, dodging each strike with a Perfect Dodge is doable, but you should get as far away as possible from "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow while he does the attack. If you have "Cloud Step" iconCloud Step (and its upgrades) you can use that so he focuses the attacks on the decoy instead while you get away.

(1 of 3) Shockwave: Jump over the incoming shockwave to avoid the attack.

Enhanced Macaque Chief Attacks

You’ll recognize this boss as the one you fought at the beginning of the Chapter, and the one you’ve been chasing throughout it. However, this version has been enhanced by Yellowbrow’s Seed Sack, which is where you’ll fight him. Fortunately, you’ll be assisted by "Zhu Bajie" iconZhu Bajie in this battle.

As you enter the Seed Sack, you’ll find Zhu Bajie battling the Macaque Chief.

Attack Description Counter
Wave Combo The Chief will perform a series of slashes and slams which leave behind red waves before a final attack unleashes all of them at your location. Get away from The Chief while he does this and dodge through the waves when they come at you. "Zhu Bajie" iconZhu Bajie may stun him out of this attack.
Spinning Slam Combo The Chief will perform a swipe attack and follow it up with a stab into the ground. He’ll then jump onto the sword and perform a spinning attack before ending it in a forward slash. Roll away from the first two attacks, run away from the spinning attack, and then roll toward the forward slash. This will give you ample time to get a combo or two of your own.
Leaping Slash The Chief will stab the ground, jump onto the sword, and leap towards you while performing a spinning midair slash. Roll away from the stab and then roll toward the leaping slash.
Bladestorm Similar to the Leaping Slash, but this time The Chief will unleash numerous projectiles at the same time as the leap. Use the same method for the above attack, but perform an additional roll when the projectiles close in on you.
Clones The Chief will leap into the air and unleash two clones who will join him in the battle. These clones stay up until they’re defeated. Fortunately, they don’t have much health. "Zhu Bajie" iconZhu Bajie will have one of the clones on him for the most part, so make it a priority to take out the other.
Slashing Wave Combo The Chief will perform three slashes side to side and then follow it up with a forward slam before unleashing one final slash, unleashing a red wave at your location. Run back to avoid the main combo, and then roll at the last second to dodge through the wave.

(1 of 5) Macaque Chief-Wave Combo: The Chief will perform a series of slashed before one final slash unleashes numerous waves at you.

Reach Yellowbrow

After defeating the "Macaque Chief" iconMacaque Chief, you’ll transform into him due to the Seed Sacks’ power. This is relatively straightforward, where you’ll need to fight your way through hordes of enemies while following the linear path. Upon getting back to the arena, one final boss battle will ensue.

After the second battle, you’ll need to reach Yellowbrow while transformed.

Yellowbrow Final Form

This battle is a lot like the first battle with Yellowbrow, but some of his attacks will change, or they’ll get an added mechanic.

The final fight will begin straight away as soon as you enter the arena.

Attack Description Counter
Golden Body Throughout the battle, "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will turn gold, deflecting all your attacks, thus taking no damage. Enough light combo attacks will break the shield, but it’s better if you use a fully charged up heavy attack, or a hard-hitting spirit such as the "Wandering Wight" iconWandering Wight, as these will instantly break the shield.
Thunder Sword "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will raise his mace into the air to absorb power, transforming the mace into a temporary thunder sword. Once he’s done this, he’ll unleash a devastating forward slam attack at your location. The easiest way to avoid this is to wait until the sword comes crashing down and use "Cloud Step" iconCloud Step to the sides to avoid it. If "Cloud Step" iconCloud Step is on cooldown, or you don’t have it equipped, dodge to either side just before it makes contact with the ground.
Mace Thrust Similar to the first battle, "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will thrust forward with his mace, letting off a small explosion. Roll toward the attack and attack "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow while staying near his side/back.
Mace Slam Combo "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will thrust forward like the above attack, but he’ll perform two slam attacks afterward. These attacks come at you slowly, so you should have enough time to get away from each attack. These can be dodged with the correct timing.
Thunder Stomp When you’re attacking in melee range, "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow can perform a quick thundery stomp at your location. Don’t get too greedy while attacking him, as the stomp can come at any time, and it happens quickly. A simple roll will avoid the attack, provided you’re quick enough to react.
Thunder Waves Same as the first battle. "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will teleport to the corner of the room before he unleashes two thunderous waves at your location. This is preceded by him pointing the mace at you. Simply get some distance and move/dodge side to side to avoid the attack.
Thunderstorm Similar to Thunder Bolts in the first battle, but this will have numerous bolts across the arena. Keep moving around the arena while avoiding the bolts underneath you. Roll if you have to.
Line Wave Similar to Thunder Waves, but instead it’ll only be a singular wave that goes in a straight line toward you while persisting a bit afterward. The tell for this attack is he’ll plunge the mace into the ground before flicking it up. This attack happens more often when "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow is on his last legs. Roll either side to avoid the attack.
Sweeping Thunder Combo Similar to the attack of the same name in the first battle. This combo is approximately 5–8 attacks. Arguably the hardest attack to avoid against "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow. If you have good timing, dodging each strike with a Perfect Dodge is doable, but you should get as far away as possible from "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow while he does the attack. If you have "Cloud Step" iconCloud Step (and its upgrades) you can use that so he focuses the attacks on the decoy instead while you get away.
Swirling Thunder Wisp Trap Similar Swirling Thunder Wisps, but this time you’ll get trapped in an electric circle. "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will twirl his mace in the air to conjure up some thunder wisps (projectiles) before he launches them in your direction. Wait until the wisps/projectiles get close enough to you, and then dodge the direction they come at you from. If you have "Cloud Step" iconCloud Step, use it as the projectiles start coming your way, and let your decoy eat them. You may be able to jump out of the trap, at least we did, once.
Explosive Shockwave "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow will plunge his mace into the ground, unleashing a seismic shockwave that expands across the arena away from him. Simply run to the back of the arena until the explosion has come and gone.
Teleport Grapple When "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow’s health gets below half, he’ll begin to use this frustrating attack. He’ll disappear before teleporting right next to you, where he’ll perform a devastating attack. You do not want this to hit you, especially if you’re running low on supplies. When you see him disappear, keep backing up while rolling to avoid the grapple.
Electric Explosion Exactly the same as the first battle. This attack is preceded by "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow teleporting to the back center of the arena. He’ll slowly conjure up a huge explosion of electricity. When you see him teleport to the center, run as far back to the edge of the arena as you can go, and preferably wait in the corner until the explosion is over.
Electric Circle of Protection Similar to the trap circle from the Thunder Wisp attack, "Yellowbrow" iconYellowbrow can get one around himself. This will stop you from getting close to him, and thus attacking him. Unfortunately, you’ll need to wait this out until it dissipates.

(1 of 3) Gold Body: When Yellowbrow turns gold, he’ll be impervious to your attacks.

Yellowbrow and Macaque Chief Strategy

Although this is three boss battles in one, unlike other games (looking at you From Software), your Gourd and mana replenish at the start of each battle allowing you to treat each battle individually. Furthermore, you’ll get a checkpoint after the second battle (you may get one after the first battle, but we can’t confirm this as we didn’t die then).

First Battle

The first battle is relatively easy outside a few attacks due to the slow windup of them. However, the sweeping combo is the hardest to avoid as it covers a lot of ground, and he’ll swing the mace around eight or so times. Your best bet is to keep running/rolling as far away from Yellowbrow while he does this, and if you have "Cloud Step" iconCloud Step, use it so he focuses on the decoy instead.

As almost all of his attacks are thunder-based, make sure you have plenty of "Shock-Quelling Powder" iconShock-Quelling Powder on hand, as you don’t want to go into the Shocked State and take more damage. Your best chance to attack Yellowbrow in this battle is when he’s goading you, you stun him via a heavy attack, or when he uses the thrust attack. Once you’ve depleted all his health, a short scene will occur before the next battle begins against the Enhanced Macaque Chief.

(1 of 2) Mace Thrust: When Yellowbrow uses his thrust attack, dodge through it and attack him.

Mace Thrust: When Yellowbrow uses his thrust attack, dodge through it and attack him. (left), Thunder Waves: Yellowbrow will unleash two small waves of thunder at you. (right)

Second Battle

In the Enhanced Macaque Chief battle, you’ll be assisted by the mouthy fox, Zhu Bajie. Although he doesn’t do much if any damage, he will occasionally disrupt The Chief’s attack and stun him, as well as be a target for the clones. The battle isn’t too different from your first battle with him, so expect to see numerous multi-hit combos. Your best chance to attack The Chief is when he performs his Spinning Stab Combo, as the attack is telegraphed and easy to avoid.

Simply roll away from the stab into the ground (and follow-up punch), and get some distance while he’s performing the spinning attack. The final part of this combo is a forward slam, which is used after a short delay. During this attack, roll toward The Chief, who will leave himself open for a couple of seconds.

Leaping Slash: At times, The Chief will leap and perform a spinning slash.

Other good times to attack him are when either you or Zhu Bajie knock him to the ground. Finally, when The Chief summons his two clones, make sure you focus on taking out the clone that isn’t fighting Zhu Bajie, and once that’s defeated, help out the fox. This fight isn’t too difficult as long as you expect each attack to have follow-up attacks, as they will.

Once you’ve defeated the Macaque Chief, you’ll get another scene where you’ll be transported out of the arena while being transformed into the Macaque Chief. Follow the linear path while defeating the hordes of enemies along the way in your new form, and you’ll soon catch up with Yellowbrow.

Final Battle

When you meet him, there will be no scene, and you’ll still be in the transformation for the start of the battle until he takes it from you. The final battle is similar to the first battle, but he’ll gain a few new attacks, some attacks will slightly change, and he’ll attack more often. The first thing you’ll notice is that at times, Yellowbrow will be impervious to your attacks. That is until you break him out of his Gold Body. To do this, either use the "Wandering Wight" iconWandering Wight Spirit or a fully charged-up heavy attack. This will leave him open for a few seconds where you’ll be able to deal significant damage to him.

Another new attack is the Thunder Sword, he’ll raise the mace to the sky, and absorb some power, before slamming it down at your location. You’ll want to roll to either side to avoid the attack, but be aware that although it takes a while to charge, it comes down at you pretty quickly. When his health gets below half, you’ll begin to see his Teleport Grapple attack where he’ll disappear and reappear right next to you, which ends up in a devastating grapple attack. Make sure you run/roll away when you see him disappear to avoid this.

(1 of 3) Electric Circle: When Yellowbrow has the surrounding circle, you won’t be able to get near him.

If that wasn’t enough, he’ll begin to start plunging his mace into the ground before unleashing an earthquake of sorts. This attack covers a large area, so make sure you get as far away as possible to avoid taking damage from it.

When his health reaches the last third, he’ll introduce the Line Wave attack, which unleashes a mini thunderstorm in a line toward you. Fortunately, you can dodge to the side to avoid it. Outside the trap added to the Swirling Thunder Wisp attack and the Electric Circle of Protection skill, that covers it. One thing to note, during the last portion of the battle, his attacks will become a lot quicker, and he’ll begin chaining some together, so make sure you finish him off as quickly as possible.

Yellowbrow Rewards

As this is the end of Chapter Boss, you’ll unlock a new relic, "Hubris Nose" iconHubris Nose as well as gain access to craft the Legendary "Spikeshaft Staff" iconSpikeshaft Staff, although you most likely won’t be able to craft it just yet. Finally, you’ll get a bunch of useful materials.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Game Science
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    19 August 2024
  • Last Updated
    12 March 2025
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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