The MCPR-300 is an early-level sniper rifle, which offers the player some decent long-range sniping, along with some acceptable quick-scoping to use to your advantage. While you level it up[, you will naturally have to start working your way through the camo challenges. This guide aims to help you work your way through the MCPR-300 Camo Challenges. We will offer tips, tricks, map strategies, and loadout suggestions to get the job done.
Here is a closer look at the MW2 MCPR 300 Camo challenges, offering tips, trick loadouts and map strategies to complete the camos.
MW2 MCPR-300 Camo Challenges Tips¶
Here are all the MCPR-300 camo challenges:
Challenge | Requirement | Camo reward |
Challenge 1 | Get 50 kills with the MCPR-300 | Clay |
Challenge 2 | Get 2 kills within 10 seconds of each other ten times with the MCPR-300 | Snow Grass |
Challenge 3 | Get 30 kills while prone with the MCPR-300 | Nean Shards |
Challenge 4 | Get 10 hip-fire kills with the MCPR-300 | Bloodied |
Gold Challenge | Get three kills without dying ten times | Gold Camo |
Platinum Challenge | 20 longshots with the MCPR-300 | Platinum Camo |
Polyatomic Challenge | 20 headshots with the MCPR-300 | Polyatomic |
Orion Challenge | 51 Polyatomic challenges completed | Orion Camo |
The challenges are not too bad for the MCPR–300. You will naturally complete the first one without realizing it.
As for the second challenge, you ideally need to find areas of the map with players somewhat funneling. The obvious examples map with hotly contested control points, such as map rotation points. the hardpoint or headquarters, or clutch moments at the start of matches. These are the places you’ll like to get your two kills in ten seconds challenge done. We don’t recommend quick scoping as, the scope in speed is slower than other MM rifles that can one shot in closer ranges. So, we recommend watching areas for your kills.
If you’re overwaching, try to get damage, range and bullet velocity on your loadout. You may have to adapt your loadout depending on what you have unlocked so far. The recommeneded attachments include changing your barrel, muzzle, and ammunition to improve those stats as you go.
The third challenge is somewhat of a pain to do. You have a few strategies to do, such as going prone and overwatch areas with your sniper. Some of the spots we used include going prone and covering the market street on Mercados Las Almas. You can also go prone in the stable, or the construction scaffolding on Al Bagra and get a decent overwatch. Alternatively, you can even go prone and crawl your way into firefights. This is good if you need to push an objective with your sniper that has doors you can pop open. Most people expect to see someone standing up and opening the door, never mind a prone sniper. Not to mention this is hilarious and makes the challenge a more enjoyable experience.
The fourth and final base camo challenge requires hip firing. We found the MCPR-300 hip fire experience not too dire. The trick is to use the FTAC Grimline Laser, as that has some great hip fire accuracy and recoil control, along with sprint-to-fire. This makes it easier to get up close to someone as possible and fill their entire body around your hip fire reticle. You should also equip the 5 round mag for better sprint-to-fire speed. Lastly, the 22“ OMX-456 improves hip fire accuracy, shrinking the hope fire reticle for better chances at landing those one-hit close-range kills.
After that, you can either play some really close ranges, such as camping next to doorways, or really tight space corridors with short ranges. You can also hide above people, wait for them to pass and then jump down and hip[ fire. These strategies work on maps like Crown Raceway, Farm 18, Mercados, Las Almas, and El Asilo. You can also push indoor objectives, flash enemies and then get up close to them and no scope them. If you do this strategy, use the extra tacticals perk.
MCPR-300 Gold Camo Challenge and Higher Mastery Level Challenges¶
Now you’re onto the MCPR-300 Gold Camo Challenge, you need to get three kills without dying. You can play as an overwatching sniper, just like the prone and two kills challenge.
At this point, you should have the following attachments to use:
- Ammunition: .300 Mag High Velocity
- Muzzle: FTAC Reaper
- Barrel: 22“ OMX-456
- Boit: Cronen Smooth Bolt
If you would prefer some ADS speed for potential quick scoping, you can use the Orca barrel, and Cronen Cheetah Rear Grip for better ADS speed, and even take an ADS-improving laser.
Once you have your loadout sorted, you can now go and hunt for those three kills without dying with your MCPR-300. Remember to play it smart, as it’s easy to go two kills and then die. Patience and knowing your map angles will make it easier to predict enemy movement, your potential flanks and where you can pick up kills.
No matter which strategy you use, El Asilo, Crown Raceway, Las Almas, Embassy, and Ground War maps offer plenty of opportunities for both playstyles.
MCPR-300 Platinum Camo Challenge¶
Moving onto the MCPR-300 Platinum Camo Challenge, you now need longshots. Snipers require 50-meter ranges to get longshot kills. We once again recommend the long-distance velocity sniping loadout to complete this challenge.
The typical best place to do this is by overwatching very long distant areas of the map. This is best done on maps like Ground War and Invasion, looking for players to pick off from the sniper vantage points. If you’re looking for 6v6 maps, then the following locations work:
- El Asilo’s outdoor area, especially when the headquarters is around the edges of the map. Most of these have spots that look from one end to the other, offering sniper opportunities.
- Mercados Las Almas’ market street.
- Embassy’s Tennis Court Area, no matter what side you’re on and Embassy’s car park area.
- Most angles on Taraq
- Crown Raceway pit lane and paddock lane coverage.
Note that each map has long-distance shot opportunities, but some are more viable than others.
Finally, we have the MCPR-300 Polyatomic Camo Challenge. Now you need to get headshots with this build. You can either opt to do some more close-range ADS and look for heads. Or, you can stay as your long-range playstyle. Either way, you need velocity to make sure you get those swift headshots as easier as possible. We recommend covering those angles that have players funnel, similarly to how you looked for the three kills without dying or 2 kills in a 10-second challenge. However, learn the head height angles and where to position, as that is the key to making headshots much more reliable. You may want to think about changing your scope too, as the base scope is very magnified for a closer range playstyle.
This concludes the MCPR-300 camo challenges guide. Goodluck with your road to Orion!
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