Polyatomic skins are the third tier of weapon skins players need to grind through to advance in the game’s weapon mastery process. Players will work through the third tier of mastery camo skins in this long and hazardous grind. While the actual grind remained a mystery for days, one hero that is Reidboy has managed to reach it. So we know how to get polyatomic camos in MW2.
Here is how to get Polyatomic camo in MW2, along with the information about the Polyatomic challenges.
How to Unlock Polyatomic Camo in MW2¶
To get your hands on Polyatomic, you first need to get all guns and weapons golden. This will allow you to unlock platinum challenges for all of those weapons. Once you get 51 platinum camos, you then unlock the criteria to begin chipping away at Polyatomic.
In summary, you need to do the following:
- Complete each gun or weapons base challenges as the gun levels up:
- Then do the gold challenge:
- Get 51 other weapons or guns to gold status to unlock the platinum weapon challenge:
- Complete 51 platinum weapon challenges
Polyatomic Challenges Revealed¶
Once when that’s done, you then unlock the Polyatomic camo challenges. The Polyatomic weapon challenges in MW2 are as follows:
- Guns: Get 25 headshots with the weapon to unlock polyatomic for it.
- Knife: Get 20 kills from behind with the knife
- Shield: 10 kills from behind with the shield
- Launchers: 15 Double kills
Source: The pinned event in Reidboy’s Twitch stream
Once you manage to complete the feats, you will unlock the Polyatomic camo for that gun. The headshot ones don’t feel too bad. But back melee kills, and the launcher double kills are for sure going to be a pain. But once they are all done, you will be on the final part of the grind, unlocking the Orion camo for each gun. Give it a few more days, and Reidboy will have it unlocked. Good luck to everyone on the grind, and thank you, Reidboy, for your graft!
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