Now we have our hands on Warzone 2.0 properly we can start to see what effect Strongholds will have on gameplay. So let’s take a look at this new feature, whether storming them is worth the risk, and whether it is actually possible to survive!
Strongholds are one of several new features in Warzone 2.0
What Are Strongholds In Warzone 2?¶
Strongholds are new fortified locations on the Al Mazrah map that can spawn in any of 77 different locations but will only have three active at any one time.
In Battle Royale mode, three strongholds will spawn after the Circle collapses for the first time. In the new DMZ mode, however, the Strongholds are active from the beginning of the game but will need to be unlocked by defusing a bomb in the first instance and then by clearing out the hordes of AI bots protecting them.
If you manage to do that you will get a Black Site Key which will enable you to enter a tougher version of Strongholds.
Note that in DMZ mode you will need to find a key somewhere on the map as the Strongholds are not protected by bombs.
What are Black Site Keys in Warzone 2?¶
Black Site Keys are only awarded to the first squad that clears a stronghold in a game. Anybody who comes along and re-clears it later, will not get this key, which is the real prize.
The Black Site Key will, unsurprisingly, give you access to a nearby Black Site Stronghold, upon which, if you clear that out you will get a Weapon Blueprint for keeps and better loot all around.
Is It Worth Attacking A Stronghold?¶
The rewards are great there is no doubt about that but the risk is also immense. Not just from the dramatically improved AI defenders putting their bodies on the line, but also the fact that you are unlikely to be the only squad with your eyes on the prize. There is nothing to stop another squad from dropping in and killing you all the second you have eradicated the AI threat. To say you will need to be on your toes is an understatement.
How To Find A Stronghold In Warzone 2
Strongholds will be marked on your tactical map from the start in DMZ mode and after the first circle collapses in standard Warzone Battle Royale mode. They absolutely will not spawn in the same location all the time so there is no real chance of second-guessing their location to get an early-game advantage.
What Is The Stronghold UAV?¶
Upon clearing a Stronghold you will get an ultra-useful UAV sweep of the local area that should show you whether any enemy teams are closing in to try and steal your prize - and hopefully, a way out of the backdoor before they even realize it. This UAV will stay active in this location for the duration of the game.
Best Tips For Clearing A Stronghold In Warzone 2¶
It should go without saying that this is not something we would advise going alone on. You are going to need your full squad bringing their A-Game a lot of the time to clear it out and get away with the goods. Once the bomb is disarmed, make a methodical and quick sweep of the site. Use frag grenades where you can to take out multiples. The bots are better than they ever have been but, ultimately, they are still bots so you should still hold a mental advantage - let’s hope so at any rate.
Don’t get split up as the chances are high somebody will need reviving before too long.
The risks in DMZ are even greater, because if you don’t get to the exfil point, you lose everything you have managed to get up to the point.
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