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Cyberpunk 2077

Pyramid Song

Ben Chard
Nathan Garvin
, &
Shane Williams
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Subdistrict Prerequisite
Santo Domingo Complete the Side Job “Pisces


The fifth and final Side Job in Judy’s questline, Pyramid Song will begin some time after you complete Pisces, provided you did not accept Maiko’s reward at the end of that job after putting her in power. If you refused the reward, or if you fought the Tyger Claw bosses, you’re fine.

Join Judy on a dive and she’ll share details of her past with you.

Diving Into the Past

Wait for a call from Judy and when it arrives, she seems unusually… playful. Accept her invitation, then drive out to the dam southeast of Santo Domingo - the Lake Farm fast travel terminal will also suffice to get you close.

However you get there, find Judy (you’ll get the option to pass the time if necessary), talk to her, and accept her offer to go diving. Put on the wetsuit provided and dive in when directed, then follow Judy and when she stops, follow her instructions to calibrate your gear.

When you’re calibrated, descend into the depths and Judy will share some personal information about the dive site, after which you can scan various objects to get Judy’s commentary on them. None of these have a major impact on how this quest plays out, however. When you’re done snooping around, talk to Judy and follow her to a gas station, where you can optionally snoop for more clues, which prompt more commentary. The next stop is the church, which is closed. After the chatter stops, swim around to the right side of the church to find an opening, then swim inside and talk to Judy.

(1 of 2) After turning on the generator, talk to Judy and you’ll get to make a timed choice that determines the course of your relationship going forward.

After turning on the generator, talk to Judy and you’ll get to make a timed choice that determines the course of your relationship going forward. (left), If you friend-zone Judy, talk to Johnny when she goes to sleep and he’ll give you the choice to stay, or ditch Judy. (right)

Romancing Judy

After you recover from the relic’s latest malfunction, Judy will ask you to stay the night. Accept her offer and when the power goes out you’ll volunteer to start the generator, then go outside and make good on your offer. Head back into the bungalow and knock on the bathroom door to check up on Judy, then head inside, sit down, and talk to her. When a timed dialogue check pops up you’ll get a chance to determine where your relationship with Judy goes:

  • [Touch] “It is ours.”
  • [Lean away] “Bad idea.”
  • [Comfort] “Why didn’t you wanna tell me?”
    • [Kiss] Stop thinking about it.“

Pick options [Touch] “It is ours.” or [Kiss] Stop thinking about it.“ to have sex with Judy, which you’ll want to do if you intend to romance her. Picking the option [Lean away] “Bad idea.” or [Comfort] “Why didn’t you wanna tell me?” without then following up with [Kiss] Stop thinking about it.“ will effectively friend-zone Judy.

(1 of 2) If you end up on friendly terms - or more - with Judy, she’ll give you access to her apartment.

If you end up on friendly terms - or more - with Judy, she’ll give you access to her apartment. (left), If you slept with Judy earlier, you’ll get a chance to confirm your relationship - playing it off as a mere fling won’t go over well. (right)

If you friend-zone Judy, she’ll go sleep on the couch, and Johnny will appear and complain about her. If you respond with “Fine. Let’s go.” you’ll ditch Judy, in which case you’ll need to grab your clothes from the deck and the quest will end. If you end up ignoring Johnny’s whining and staying the night (pick the option “Not about to leave her here alone.” when talking to Johnny), go sleep in the bed and in the morning grab your clothes from the floor and head outside to talk to Judy, who will make a decision about her future in Night City, and give you access to her apartment.

If you slept with Judy, you’ll wake up in the bedroom the next morning. Grab your clothes and go talk to her outside. You’re still not locked-in to a romance with Judy - if you say “A pleasant distraction” you’ll end up less than friend-zoned (no apartment access, no romance, etc.), while if you say “The beginning of something amazing.” you’ll end up in a relationship with Judy.

Should Judy have granted you access to her apartment, you’ll find it marked on your map west of the Charter St. fast travel terminal, in Kabuki, Watson. It’s got a stash and… not much else. As for the romance with Judy, that’ll mostly just influence the ending of the game, so don’t expect too much to change, otherwise.

Romance, friend-zoned or worse, when this quest ends so does Judy’s questline.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    CD Projekt
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    12 December 2020
  • Last Updated
    8 January 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in night city, a megalopolis obsessed with power, Glamour and body modification. As V, choose one of three backgrounds and take on the dangers of night city with the aid of this guide.

The Guide for Cyberpunk 2077 will include:

  • 100% Walkthrough - Covering all three backgrounds; Corpo, Nomad and Street Kid.
  • Character Development - An In-depth section on how to create your ideal V with expert analysis and strategies.
  • Side Jobs - Details on where to find every sidequest, challenge and mini-game along with all possible outcomes.
  • All Endings - How to achieve every ending in Cyberpunk 2077.
  • Full coverage of all Items - Every weapon, item and more laid bare
  • Trophy Guide & Roadmap - Earn the Platinum Trophy in the fastest and easiest way possible!

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