Money for Nothing is one of the new side jobs that’ll become available once you can fully explore Dogtown without any restrictions. This mission will lead you to a hidden stash for some rewards. Read below to find out where the stash is located.
Spare Katya in the Spy in the Jungle Gig to unlock the Money For Nothing Side Job,
Ex-SavDil agent, stashin’ her goods in D-town… Big cloud. little rain. I say. But don’t let my inner cynic stop ya V. Go find that stash.
How to Start The Money for Nothing Side Job in Cyberpunk 2077¶
Before you can start the Money for Nothing you’ll need to through the main story until you’ve completed the mission Get it Together and then you’ll want to find and complete the gig Spy in the Jungle which you can do by following the steps on our Spy in the Jungle Guide: Give Ana the Biomonitor or Destroy it page. When you get the choice to Kill or Spare Katya you’ll want to let her go to start the Money for Nothing Side Job.
Where to Find Katya’s Stash in Money for Nothing¶
Once you’ve obtained the location of her stash, head over to the Golden Pacific Fast Travel and make your way over to the abandoned parking lot, where you’ll find a random dumpster sitting in the middle of nowhere. Here you’ll want to approach it and press or
to move it out of the way to reveal a gate. Underneath you’ll find Katya’s stash which contains the following, Eddies, For Katya Shard, and Aoi Tora Enhanced BD Wreath which gives you an 8.5% reduction to Quickhack Upload Time.
(1 of 3) Head to this location on the map
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