Tomorrow Never Knows is one of the new side jobs that’ll become available once you can fully explore Dogtown without any restrictions. This mission will require you to fully explore Dogtown in order to snap a photo of some graffiti. Read below to find out where to find all four tarot cards.
Misty will help you understand the meaning behind the tarot cards.
How to Start The Tomorrow Never Knows Side Job in Cyberpunk 2077¶
Before you can start the Tomorrow Never Knows Side Job you’ll need to progress through the main story until you’ve started the mission Lucretia My Reflection. Here you’ll be tasked with finding four Tarot cards that are scattered around Dogdown and show them to a woman named Misty who will educate you on what they all mean, so track the Tomorrow Never Knows Side Job via the journal to get started!
Tarot Card Locations in Cyberpunk 2077¶
There are a total of four tarot cards to track down and they are the following: King of Pentacles, King of Wands, King of Cups, and King of Swords and these can all be found as soon as you unlock the mission.
Where to Find The King of Pentacles Tarot Card¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), to find the King of Pentacles Tarot Card. (right)
To find the King of Pentacles Tarot Card you’ll want to head to the Kress Street Fast Travel and take the elevator up to the apartments, then you’ll find the graffiti on the wall opposite to your personal apartment.
Where to Find The King of Wands Tarot Card¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), to find the King of Wands Tarot Card. (right)
Head to the Luxor High Wellness Spa Fast Travel and head southwest along the main road, then eventually you’ll stumble across a basketball court and you’ll find the graffiti containing the King of Wands on the wall to the right of the nearby sitting area.
Where to Find The King of Cups Tarot Card¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), to find the King of Cups Tarot Card. (right)
You’ll now want to head over to the Stadium Parking Fast Travel which is located in the easternmost point of the Pacifica Region and walk along to the south and approach the stadium entrance. Here you’ll want to pay close attention to the fences on the right side to find the graffiti containing the King of Cups.
Where to Find The King of Swords Tarot Card¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), to find the King of Swords Tarot Card. (right)
Head to the Longshore Stacks Fast Travel and walk along the alleyway to the right of The Moth Bar to find the graffiti containing the King of Swords sitting on the wall at the end of the path.
Where to Find Misty in Tomorrow Never Knows¶
Once you’ve obtained all four tarot cards you’ll want to meet up with Misty, so head to the Bradbury & Buran Fast Travel and follow the waypoint until you enter Misty’s Esoterica and speak with her to find out what the meaning behind these tarot cards are and the quest will come to a close!
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